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F <br />L <br />MORTGAGE 85-- 004043 <br />THIS INDENTURE. made thin_ 21St day of__ August 19 85 by and between <br />THEODORE GEORGE AND RAMONA JEAN GEORGE, husband and wife <br />of ._ Ha I __ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor S__ , and Horne Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corparatioii <br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />mortgages: <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor$... TWELVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED <br />... _..__... (or and in consideration of the sum o(_____— __...____..._.___.�. -- - - - -- <br />EIETY LLARS AND- .84(1J0----- _--- - " -_:_ _-- _---- __-------- Dollars($ 12,250_84----- -_._l. <br />the receipt of which is herehv acknowledged, do __ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgages, its successors and assigns, <br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the C'ouniv of <br />and State of Nebraska, to -wit: - - -- -- -- -- --� - - -- ' - --- -- --- <br />LOT THIRTY -TWO (32)•IN LE HEIGHTS FOURTH SUBDIVISION IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with ail heating air ronda,oning, lighting anti plurnhmK ryuepno -to and hxtury 11tht, uy_ -;arts -r.4,, awnings, .storm windows and <br />doors. and win&)w shades or blinds. used nn or m runn,rtu,n wu h slid pnqeny whet her the sarnr an- now lix'ateal on said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO H01,1) I'11F; sSAME. together w«.h ail and si ngufnr the tenements her. fitamentn and appurte•nann•s then•urno he <br />longing. or in anywise appertammg, ton•vrt . nnf warrant 1114, titb• t4,, the rime >aaf tnorgngor S hereby rove•nant with raid <br />mortgagee that the y are at tar edrhvern heneif. the ia%ful ownrrS of the pmmisys above convevad and descriho-d. <br />and are %,tied of a good and ind4easlble saute of inhentance thrn•ut, freer and clear of all encumhranet•e, and that t he•y waif <br />warrant and defend the, title t.herrto forever ago—t 1h,, chasms end dt'n—du d all ; ••sauna whumwever <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. and the+ instrunent es rxtruirsi And deli—re-f to serun• i hr payment of the aim of TWELVE THOUSAND TWO <br />HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS AND 84/ 100 ------------------------ adhrs,$ 12,250.84 1. <br />With interest tiwreeo, together with such chatge,s and urvunrv' as may hr der and paynhlr to said mortgagtr under the trans and ceenditiruis <br />of the pmmi%sex, now of even date herewith and wee un-il hen•hv..•ssvtA -d ha seed mortgagor S to raid mortgages, paytihle ns .-slo—se•d <br />in said dote, and to secure the performam* of all the teens and ronditame contained tGrnan The terms tit said note are herehv incorporated <br />harem by this reference <br />It in the intention and agrernwnl of the parties htrrt�v [lint this mortgage shall nice, secure arty future advances made Lu said mortgagors <br />by sad mortgagee, and sny and nil tndebledna +a in addition to the amount ala,re stated which said murtgagurs, or any of them, may owe In <br />sad mortgagee., however evidenced, whaler by note hook at count or inhere - 1 Ms inrrtgagr• ,hall remain tit full farm and rlfect letwecn <br />the parties hereto and their heirs, personal repwsenuiuv. ,, successors and as >i9o,. until all ameonts secunsl hereundw, including future <br />advances, are paid in fu' with mteresl <br />The mortgagor S hvr0* ansign to said neortgaget, all nmta and uteome arising at any and nil tune from said property and <br />hereby authorize said nartgag it or its agent. at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and I'Mitrt all writs anti in'ome <br />therefrom And apply the name to the payment of Interest, principal, Insurance premiums, taxes. asst,"nerits. n•palr% 4,,r on provenentr <br />tiraaseery to keep angl property m ternntahle coralition, or to other charges tar payments provided for harem or in the tote hembv secured, This <br />r«nt sassgnment shall cnnunue in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully {raid The taking of possessuna hereumfer shall in no manner <br />prevame or retard said mortgagvie in the collection of sad sums by forew.losure eat oAherwiw <br />The failure of the mortgagee to assert tiny of Its rights hereunder at any time thnil not he ronstrvesi ns a waiver of its right set nssert the <br />%titew at any later tine, anti to insist upo amt rnfone =tract comphtince with all the terms sail provirioas of said notes• and of this nortgagr <br />11 said mortgagor S afsall causer to to, pail u, and mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder, and under IM• !arms and pro,iseanr <br />of said tats hereby secured, including future advances. and any extensions tit n•oewnts thensd fn arcunlamv with the terms and pm0000ns <br />thereof, said dead mtrrtXWw S shelf comply with ail the provtsona of nsd rote and of this mortgage. then these pwwmts shall Ia• wed, <br />otlrerwisr to ransm in fall fotae and effect, and sad mortgagee nhrall he entitled tea the po,-w —on of all of said pneprty, awl may, at it_s old inn . <br />darinre the wltlowof sail note and all fat k"Pihnnvs represented thereby to Ire itnnW atrly due• and itsvxbh•, seat may foni-ket- this iortgagr <br />or tilts any other, kagal actum tti pnrinct its right Appnshwmenl weiveel <br />'f tta erwrtgage %bets M ftmding upeo and shall enum to lh• heoeht of 1 hr heirs . rxev utor Ad trot"". smxerw,n and assigns ..1 r h, <br />respoetive parties bx.•t.i <br />IA �41'fNF;.'+.S'1111. R FA.) F' anal lvlo"ago, S no Ve hrreeunta •-I 4helr has.b lhr tiny and t.•sr hr`s .l —'. <br />y� t ,,,r'.� _ 6 e ,�F j� r.rpse �• • s;_ serf , *�r ' .; .. <br />T EF,DO'�cF }O�RGE' fdA,1�lNA ,)�11N GFORGI' . <br />8«. i`Rd'r4'3W Cm� ?neea @N:Pi�td'S6'k r�eS'r:4u`•CAptlRa°,M€^- S6 C'J. \:.`a".e.?.L \CSS: +:.\ eS.`�` ®_.`r`.>ta ^:: r:.`:: C1^.+•.`.KA:::.o -w <br />If <br />R <br />