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85--- 0040 "05 XXXX <br />1 (a) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due• plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies ill tire and other ha/aid insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next .tile <br />on the mortgaged property tall as csrimared Lt' rite ;lfor {zagee) Iess Al mums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date yyhen such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such stints to be held by Mortgagee In IIIISI to ilae said ground tents, pre- <br />miums, taxes and special ass9ssment5::un] <br />(b)' It)j All payments mentioned in the two preceding ,uhsrctions of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />tire mole secured hereby shall he added togelhe,. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mottgagoi <br />each nimith in a single payment Itr be applied by the Mortgagee to the folirn\ulg hems m the order set forth <br />ground rents, taxes, assessments. tore and other haiard insurance pienwnns: <br />(II) ( interest on the note secured herchyl and <br />(T I I) ( anxrti/at!or; of the pnnupal of said note. <br />Any deh,!ency if. the :unnunl of any xuch aggregate munthh payntcnt shall, unicss made good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the clue date of the next such pavolc,,t, c,,n,urllte an event 01 dc't.Wlt 1111,1121 this molteage. The <br />Mortgagee may chllect a °Ian' ch ogc° not t„ cxcccd t:,.;: from, 141) for o;i,h dollar lSl l n! each pjvIlteul 11101e <br />than litteen ( I S ).+;r\s n arrears to covet the extra expense involved in handling delinquent paynlcnts. <br />That if [hr• total of the parml-nl- made b\ (ill- 1hrleagMr under lxS id Para, rupil Y prrrrdine hall exceed <br />the amount of payment- actually made by the• Mortgagee fur _round n'rlt- tare- and a-- l-- -ml-nt- or in= uraneo pre• - <br />mium -, a- the ca -e may hl-, -uch exec+~. If the loan Is ,tirccm, •et (flu option of the .11origagor, shall be ercdilc•el hr <br />the Mortgagee on - uh�equent payment- to he made by till, 11ort- ,aL!or, or refunded It, (tilt 11urtgagor If, h(mv\vr, tilt, <br />^tonthly paymenf- made by file .Mortgagor under .'!xa)f pm,lgrrph ' preceding shall nor he sufficient to par ground <br />rent, taxes and a- o.- -moot- or in -tjran 'e premium -. a- the ca -l- mar hr. l0ten the -amt• -hall become due mol par- <br />able then the Mortgagor -hall pay to the llurt_,arct• an\ amount rluuf -an or makl- up tit,- J,•fic•iencIt. on nr hefemre <br />the dal-, %town payment of -uch ground rents. taxe-, :r-- e--ml-nl- or in -urn t a pmnuum- -hall be due• If at Line <br />time the Mortgagor -hall tender to the Mortgagee, to :w(ordant - "fill the prod -ion- of the note i-cured hereby. <br />full payment of the entire indebte•dro- repro• -tinted thereby, the 11ur,gagec -hall. tit computing till- :amount of . -uch <br />indehte Mess, credit to (he account of the Mortgagor .I <br />NMI am halant'e remaining in the fund- accunnrlatt•d under the pruyi -ion- of $6elrf IMMuraph 2 hen-of If there <br />-hall be a default under any of the pruyi -ion- ill Ihi- morl¢rl;;e• re- uilini in a public -ale of the premi -ems cmerctl <br />fierehy. or if the Murtgagee at the propertt othvrxi-v aft,•r default, the -hall apply- ill the time of <br />rho commencement ill such prmveding— or at the time the prupvm i- othl- n\i e m quirl-d, the halance then rvirmin- <br />Ingt In the fund- accumulated under -;W,( paragraph :t pr,•redin ;:..I- I crodil again -r rill• amount of principal Then <br />remaining; unpaid under ,aid More. XKCk sdre7fij XP_k GC <br />7 lhal the Morliz,rgm \,I{i r.r, groom! rent,. �.,xc,. .1 „c „men!.! :ail,,. .m,i „filer _o,:r::me•nt:d or murnilpa <br />,hares,, tine,. or nnpovfiom. f;o „hleh pr + i,nm h.,, ml,, help made I,:!, hen: :rr.. :::d n. ,irf ;cult 1thereof the \loltg:,lgce• 171.1\ <br />pay the same. and Thar the Atorlgagor t,r1! pl;nmpllt dch,c•I the ;,Pi, I.:! ; :111,'. rherc•i-n Ir Ihc AlofiL!;j_ee <br />` Ihc \lorigagr•I ',,lit r.,, .dl I,oc, xhL, . h nl,l\ I,-- k "icd u1,11: the \L;ngagee uuc•ic,l In ,:nd !e.. c,t❑Ic' .,nd I :npn;tr. <br />men(,. and which nl,iy he le,led Upon till, mony:.,gr i•I 1111 , ,hl •.e,urc,i nelcht O,ul ,Milt r, Ihc event Ih,d ,ueh I, n„I pn,hlt,rt <br />cd hr law and only 111 fhc• \ie•I'If Ili•:! '111 11 full nr,I :n.,ke !hl' ;'bees u,urtous; !,tII e\,ludrtic ..n\ I III omc 1.1... ]L1ic of Ic•dc1 :11. <br />Imposed .,n Sfoog,lg:c•c. ,Ind '.kill Mir file otl:cLd n•, clpt ,ho,.r.0 ,u, !t p.., ol, w „ML, the \!urig. :gce I Ion , I„ Lmolt of tilt, under <br />1.11,111g. or If the liof :g,Ick.,r I, rrl410•11cd ht em no\t .,I nelc.dllr cxl,ring fr. m p.Iting fit,- uholc -I rlt ptinort Mt the Ootc <br />,ald rate,. or upon the tenJet ulg of ,tm couri deuce III ,luhthrle [tic pat enrol I••, the Moflptg,n of .rot ,Mats tau,. ;,r if ,uch !at, <br />or decrcc riot rdc, that en•, .'111„11111 „ ,,.,Ili ht the Mo1lg.igol ,h:1!I he ,IC,hled on the mortgage dchf. Ihc 'tf„rlg.agce ,11.111 h,!,c <br />the right to gl,e inner" d,n, t,rnler) not,te n; the ot,ner fit the ru0rrgeged rrrm"c, Icyulring the payment of tilt• rn0rig „g1 <br />debt. If ,ueh nolrcc he gt,cn, the ,.ltd def,l ,lm!l hc, omv .111.•. r,Ieli4e •,nd u;tle, Ilt,lr .,f the r,pm,tll•n of ,:alt inch J;n, <br />h fhal should he Lill I,' pav :lily „tin or keep ant ...n t•n.e. :: prodded hM m Ihl, Alortg.+pe. Ihcn file Mortgagee. ;If 11, <br />lien. may pa% ill perform Ihc ,nmc...In,l .11! r\pe•ndtinre, ,o lm de .h.:il he' ,Iddcd mil Ihc pnncmp:d ,uM, o\\ulg on the A""v nogg. <br />,hall he,ecured hereby , and ,hall hear nnerc,t it the rein ,ct lot- th m the ,alai nalc until p,od <br />that he herehv :I „lgn, Ir:m,fer, and ,cl, ,tcr h' the MolIg.Igec. In ht' .ipphed lnu,ud the riiNnicnf of the moc Lint ail <br />,unr, secured hcic•hy ill 1a,c 1•I a default In Ihc per for 111' mce ,10 :01, of the 111 m, and ,ondltloo, of fill, Moll g.Igc It the ,md <br />nuie..111 the rents. Tc%crlele, aI16 1111 Onit' 1,; hr d,'llted (ruin !lie 111„1lg ;tg!e•,l pfcrni,c, dllrmll}: ,11ah Ilmc i, the moll!!ap.c Ind: hlc'd <br />nv,s ,hall remain unpaid. mid file 1l otig.tgec' ,fi.,;l hate• Iu,\e'r In .ippoifll all, .g2ciil ;,I dgclu, 11 tit..% dc,Ire' for the I'M 1 \­1 of <br />repairing said prenn,c, and of renting the ,.,rue .Ind "olle,mig fhc IcnM1., rctenlle•, ;loll Inaonlc..:nd II slay p ;rt out ,•f ,al,l In <br />come, all expense, of repairing ,al,! prcoo,c, .fill! noel- „an , : till) ill „ton, aide! c\pen,c, Mil uncd 111 Ienllng and managlug 1111 <br />same and of cullechng rental, therefrom. [tic !,.lame renm.nnmg. It .inv to he afy,heJ tint ..ill Ihc dluhalpe of ,;nd molly :act <br />glide f itedne, c <br />N. 'ihal he rill keep the nrq,ro,efnc•nf, nMU ev,rng r hcrc.dlel errricd „n Ihc mortgaged plope•tty, insured a, 111,'\ he <br />required from trnmc to hnrr t+> the Mrrlgag.rc .iga m,t I,+„ I,t fire .:nd o!he! h,,i.,h!,. 1.,,uaitle, and „nungrnelc, ill ,u111 <br />amounts :teed for such period, .” cal::\ he rt•qunrd ht the \tnrlg•,grc .:n,! m'1! rot pnnupih. t, lx•n due. ant p101111lnl, nn ,tit h <br />in,rlr.ince prolusion for p,lymenl of which h;,, not hcen rn.,dc hcre,nl',efm, \ii ll,Mrnm:e ,halt he ,'armed In solltl,enlc, .111 <br />prayed ht. Ihc Mortgagee and the p,dic!e, :u;d renc"al, Ihcicol 'hail hr hcfd h\ tilt- Mortgagee .Ind hate ,eta, bed thcf,lo Ir,, <br />pavablc ctauscs Ill fa„Of of :Ind Ill form a.,ci.lah ;c In the )iorig,tgcc fn'+1111 If lo„ Vou! :ag;or „lit f:ltc Immc'11.dc n,•u,c I+\ <br />mall to Ihc Morlgagle. u'ho nmay rt.1ke prt,of r,f lo„ it not m.nit' plomptl, I,% Moric.,gof.. :nd c'."h unul.mcl,oml• ant ,�,n <br />.eared Is herchV :tufhorvcd and directed to stake p;'\mcfll for ,rch lo„ dtre,l!t !1, Its,: \f',tigagll m,ic :e,l ill I:1 Ihc \lo'Iga o' <br />and the MuttkeKcc fololfy. and Ihc uhur•um, e pru,ecJ, .a .,fit Intl Nlr :r ;d. In,'t Ile h\ the lhnt ace ,Il !I, n: u,vr rnhr' <br />IM the rr:Juctiun u( Ihc ualchdeilne„ hefrh: u•,wrJ "r ,o rh, 11 •iota W,ti ,•r to If Ihc pr,•peftt d."ll"e •d hl e,cnt of 1011, h ' <br />L ufe of Ihi, romig,igc or ,ther ir,nl,ter title to file ,twrlg 1 {,id pi,Ipcnt of < tnm:ul,hmc w 10 Ihc md"Hodnc„ ”" out; heir'•v <br />al! right. title end Interest of the Mortgagor In and I, : n, 1111111,111,V putsch. Ihcn m 1,111, ,h.111 p:"•, to the I'm, h• ,,! ; :ill„ <br />- 111.1! a '1d,htl Mill arill „dl ,let t.1 tilt - Ill, ! IcMI e Its, n I t •. rll t 1. !n,l ,flit, i I •me I.' n,, lc' Its” <br />rl1, :rfj4' q'1'. fit” tl{ li: I flee l 1 1 Ikil the M rig ,/ l ,.'I f t -I f, I, It III(, ''00, "l,' I, fit lwv 1 Its, <br />VIc rig;,got tin Ice , , an 1 .l ,1. n I y v , I 1 u, ts ,i, „ t n i -i t "T <br />ncCn, It. ,noa aal,h,u Ili r. •,c!I t, -f fir n ,In.I J, f -iwi In the , ,Milt, I -, I.,. <br />f,,; .sod ir.• ;yet ,wt ,'.y.t p:"nuut,',thrn'h1, Ind p.l,nf :lr hill .I...r,, :n,;; .. ''.`n.. .,.1't : n, t 11 111'1 .I. �`.. <br />.:1111•• :fit '.'mil ,1,.! ,ol,i ill +, � ;� t, ,. , ;�I rlu, n ;�•n,�_'yr . <br />