85--- 004001
<br />MORTGAGE. — -
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Howard J. Chiarbos and Marcia K. Chiarbos, each in his and
<br />Mort r, whether one or more, in consideration of the mm of
<br />her os"Rt right and as spouse of each other, ___-- -- - - -- _ DOLLARS
<br />van assn . -- ---- -- — --- —�
<br />- - -� —�-- Tholisand_a>�_no11Q4- -- - - -_'- -- - -. - -- - - --- . _ -------- - - - - --
<br />loaned to said rtloApagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Asanciation of (;rand Island. Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 170 shares of stock of
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 24,395 , do beach) giant, convey and nwrtpage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />desuibed real estate, situated in Hall County. Nebraska:
<br />The East Seventy (70) feet of Lot One (1) in Block Eight (8) in
<br />Hann's Third Rdditicn to the city of Grand Island, Hall
<br />Ccunty, Nebraska.
<br />tclge[!er with all the tenements. hrredltatrlents and appur!enaraces thereunto heiongmg, e)ctuding attached thwr arverrrtgs. all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm widows, swings. and ip, ur and mon,ng, and plianih rag and water equipment and accessories theretta,pumps,stoves,
<br />refrrgenuns, and otber fixlules and equtlmxnr now air hereafter attached h., alt uud ;n annectwn with vd real estate.
<br />And whereas the sad mortgagor has agreed an does hereby agree that the rixal!tpgor hall and will pay ail toes and lisletranents ksied or
<br />assessed upon sad premises and ufxen this mortgage and the turd secured theirby twforc the carne shall become dclmquent: to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated In The sum of S 17 , UOU . UU payable to wed ASS(WIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASS(x'IATION the pedieies fold vud Insurance, and not h) arnm-t or permit any waste un or about said ptemrses.
<br />In case of default in the pcilorilunce of any of the terms and camht in1% of 11n mk)flgagc or the bond secured laerehy, the mortgagee shall,
<br />un demand, be entitled to immediate p )xWlpsxn of the nwrigagcd PFCITI a:•S and the awrtgagor Tfere-hy assigns, transfers and sets liver to the
<br />mortgage, all lite rents, revenues and in")rne to he ckrived from the motMIgcd pfemtses doctor stuh time as the mortgage iridebtednem shall remain
<br />unpaid. and the mortgagee shall have the power so appennT ally agent car agrnts it may slrsmc for the putfx)iA: of ieparrteg said {remises and renting
<br />the carne and collecting the cents, revenues aril uiarnic, and rt may pay out + -I vld moume all rxprIlses of repairing said piemixs and necessary
<br />aammosrcros and expenses mculTed in renting and nmanAgmg the sane and +1 olliecnmg jentais tberetl-oann: the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward life almhaage of sad mwrtgAge indebtedness. These fight i „I thr nwrlr,;aKc, may he exercised at any time during the existence of stach
<br />default, usespechve of any lemixuary wane, of life same
<br />'I'her Presents, however, a +r. upon The Coodilo", That It !tic ofd Morigagi'r sf,.li repay w:d loan f "n IT before the maturity of said shares in
<br />payrncnt, pay monthly to said ASSOCIAl1ON alt the ion, specifted m The tlentit x.wed herc!ry as interest and principal on sad loan, on or before
<br />IN Twentieth day of each and every numth, until said loan as Tully paid, pay Al saxes and assessrnrnls levied against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and file Bond secured thrieby, tKfoar dclinqucney, furnish approved utsavAnx alt—, the hwhhngs theretn in the sum of S 17 ,UOU . UO payable"
<br />to said AS"SOCI.AVION, racially to said ASS(K'IAIlON upon derrTand ill money by 11 paid fo+ uctl taxrs. assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />the maxlmlnn legal rate thrreon tiom date of paynrcnt all of which Morigait- hereby agrees u, pay. peamn na waste un said premises; keep and comply
<br />with sit the agreements and :anduwus of the &end lot S 17, ODU.UU this day pwra fry The said Mortpgur to said ASS(XAATifN', and damply
<br />with all the regurernrnis of the Constttntron and By-Laws of said ASSOL iA FION. limn thew presents shall become null and valid, otherwise they
<br />Shall lemain in full force and n:uy be tuteckmsed At the oplin all the sent ,LSSO('IAfION after failure lair Three uxinfhs to matte any of said
<br />payments or he three rrxrdits in arrests in t•dktng sad nxinthly payneals. tic to keep and con plv wait, the agreements and condition%of said Bond.
<br />And MarlWil agrus to have a receraact app if -ed fufthwnh fn such foreckrsure piosredmgs
<br />If there is any ciartpe in crosershipof the frill estate rnor19"Fd heietn, by sale of otherwtse. Cher, the entire rem urging indebtedness hereby
<br />aecitrcd shad, at the rtpttetn of The I4yuitable Building and loan Asxx ialwn of ( ;rand Island, Nebraska, become immediately due aril payable without
<br />ftmthet muior, and the artmmnit Termiu tf, dire under said bond, and any other blind for any additional advances crude therewxkr, shall, from the
<br />date of exercise of SAKI "Pla"n. heal inlclest At the irtAximum legal late, and this nwitgagc rimy then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said
<br />hond,and any other chisel for additional advances, together will' All sums paid by said The fgmtahk Building and l.aran Association of (;rand Island.
<br />Nebraska feat maWance, taxis and asscuamxnts, and abstracting extension charges, watt, mtcrest thereon, from date of payment at the i axmium
<br />legal! rate.
<br />As pforided In the docnl ircaoed hereby, while chi nforigsgc rcmans in eflect the nwelgagee flu) hnral[er advance addnnrul wills to the
<br />,takers of cud &aid. the'$ Astegims.ar stxce!laexa in interest, wtlwh sums shall bat --thin It"' secunty of this mortgage Ihr urre as the funds orpinully
<br />Occulted tiKreby, the total anwum of piltn:rpal debt nit fa rx red at any itine the -titmaf anwual W film nxrtgage
<br />led this 20th it Y dif Aligdst
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