<br />003904
<br />h -� % 7ritten �or.lent s,Iie�iciarv,
<br />w*hi z t. e _—Tes� �T
<br />.3
<br />is Sold transferred or io-tner
<br />t ec�red t, is 7 �tc i=ediatelv Dee
<br />-dare 11
<br />may, at its of cult j- _,j n, c n
<br />ac, e �sfa�lt D. t aj ned
<br />Beneficiary
<br />5val
<br />due and payable and Droceed to
<br />herein, event of df,,It hereunder:
<br />n
<br />be deemed a.
<br />,aj'i
<br />Events of Default. In ng, eve s,
<br />to make pal7ment Of ativ installment of interest,
<br />(a) Trustor shat;
<br />sums secured herebv when due;
<br />principal or principal ant int-I'Test ;T anv other
<br />an.,* term- covenant,
<br />"cc h of or default under
<br />(b) There has urre�t a "reaz o ned in this Deed
<br />agreement, condition, PTOvlsi"n. representation Or Warranty contal
<br />othT instrument secured hereby;
<br />of Trust, the note or an, _oaf.
<br />`tieez by the 1rustor in the pa-�ment of any prior or
<br />(c) There has a default
<br />Tespect to all or ary part or the property;
<br />subsequent lien or encUMhT&Tlc&
<br />or shall be adjudi-
<br />hall a vo-uhtary petition in bankruptcy
<br />Trustor s I
<br />for the benefit of creditors
<br />assignment
<br />insolvent', cared bankruptt or in , t, or shall 1 make an ass or encumbrance or judg-
<br />cated 'ten L
<br />�n ac_,r, to enforce any
<br />respect to the ?rMj)eT:t;; Or a
<br />ments against the pr petty is
<br />defau"t, 'tenefic'ar` �z declare! all -Inde'-Iticdness
<br />ent of ariv
<br />an-,: w. Acceleration Lj,n a: cult. in the ev
<br />`1re due w�,
<br />. le, anc oe same snal-- the.
<br />secilred to be due and vavan_
<br />Thereafter, =zv:
<br />demand, rrcleS'. or notice of an, kind..
<br />(a) either 17 1�7`SL71 Or '�`v a�lentl wit n or without t;rin,�,itc an- act'o- o- t'o
<br />Of
<br />ho.ut regard to the adequazl-
<br />appointed "I a court and with
<br />ceeding, or b• rect`ver
<br />7 P y, or ar heTec:
<br />take possessIc Of the P, o ert. "aTt T
<br />a,I itv, enter pon aiia
<br />secu-- Trustee. and do any acts which it deems necessaTv
<br />in tots cum name or in the name ot t -1,e I or
<br />marketabili-tv or rentability of -he �'rc?ert`,
<br />and desirable to preserve �he value,
<br />ill-LIme therE:Tom zy protect the secur,
<br />increase the
<br />part thereof of interest therein, .'..]lest mile
<br />sue for or otherwise cc
<br />hereo� and, without 1,Mrg possession of the 7ropeTt',
<br />due. and unpaid, and a7,T,eY. the
<br />Including those past
<br />rents, issues and profits thereof, `ij it 'TTI, • es, upon
<br />Inc" art,
<br />same, less costs an 4 �s,,.enses of operatian and c,21ectiOn,
<br />it. such order as Beolefiriar mav determine. 'he
<br />d
<br />a,, indebtedness se cure - ,erecv, all
<br />the col'v,�ilri oi such rents,
<br />a,,np, possession ate,
<br />entering unan and t i _ � of the trust est or de-
<br />`c` ,ore
<br />ues and profits and application thereof as aforesaid 'hall
<br />issues in to -'uc:n de-
<br />default iu nd
<br />CT notice of d .- it hereunder or invalidate at,, act a:
<br />the ntlnuamce in
<br />4� default and, nctw4thzttanding
<br />iault or Pursuant to such notice
<br />J 70ntzt� issues
<br /> application
<br />I ectiori, receint and
<br />,cssession of the Property Or the CO.
<br />Ev&r-,"
<br />r Beneficiar', t,,, ,,,a entitled to exeTcise
<br />�r profits. Trustee o. ,1 any event Of
<br />it. an, of the loan instr-Liment, or -o law `P", occurrence:
<br />cl,iding -he right to exercise the • power v. sale,
<br />- a77cint
<br />to -,IT ec I se this neen c� ir,st as a mortgage,
<br />(b) commence an action
<br />eq:orce an'. of the "I'Verlants hereof;
<br />a receiver, or specifically
<br />jC at 4 or �,f _-;efa�jit and fcr sale,
<br />_ ,en
<br />:o
<br />T
<br />and a written notice or defau't and election ,a-s, 7u�tz,7 the official - .
<br />-,e -� filed ri,cc-d in
<br />to be scid4, whiLh notice i7ustee s:la;l ca,o`v c u` �_,r
<br />ne -ropert, is ;Ccatcd .
<br />records of the co=tv in il :
<br />-i -ise
<br />by Power Sale. S" rne f 4 c ary e: et foro o � c �v exer wet
<br />Dee�
<br />1i Foreclosure posit 4:,_ :his
<br />notifl Trustee and sari de- . - .
<br />sale 'herein contained- Bare ,1c a shal:
<br />J_it, "Tes mad �� d �e cure er.- as
<br />x—, er.
<br />7r -t and the jo:e and such arse evideri e cI � d, in zne Register
<br />1 he T-1.,tee cthal: file �or recOr
<br />st of e g forth e
<br />=a-., recuire, arld upor, toques th
<br />j, a notice Of defa -L"t,
<br />P ,ert,
<br />I Trust as saic
<br />of Deeds office in the -cunt `q�cr"' 'r;t- 7
<br />:leed
<br />nd Pat, or Document N�)- c: this
<br />c: the �,rusjor. the Book ai estate and _a, a -rac
<br />--tescrined 'ea,
<br />.lame
<br />er of Deeds �,ff`ce, the lep e�crjptlon c,t above
<br />Reg 't 't" 1'. a s Occurred, and 'e ti forth
<br />a ed as secur-�
<br />for wh4c'" a- re "st te. v �; - -1 i sf.� the ol"'!
<br />sat-
<br />Of an obliga-2011, estate tzc
<br />breach and the 7r"tee,iw, elezi.jjr, o sei . the rea-
<br />or he time
<br />the nature of such
<br />jess than one cive -ri t en notice
<br />-
<br />If not Trustee Courthouse In
<br />and after the :apse ne
<br />be Q:o(i a.m. and -1 p.m. at the premises, or at
<br />and ?lace _f sale which may
<br />- ` to 1)e sold Its legal
<br />-ated. describinZ the 7rcPelz
<br />is lc`
<br />tne wherein such t-ropert-t7
<br />I - J in -he.
<br />general , irculat -on nt, ,:nerein suc-
<br />'cast
<br />tion. said nctic� to nL PuD h e(j I-) a :-,,,aper
<br />the last nut,.icat4on to be at
<br />v is located, once a wej• �or five �'5) consecutiVe weeks,
<br />orcpert the .hall then sell
<br />ten (ln) days, out not more that. thirty (Y)) dais, prior to sane and �rustee
<br />in manner provided htt law in effect
<br />red in the n the
<br />said property at the time and rjr7e �esigtia oti-e,
<br />Ij, a der "or c , , and halt deliver
<br />a-
<br />actice, at put �jc auction to the
<br />at the time of filing said law i effect at zhe time.
<br />sold, consistent with the n c
<br />so
<br />to such purchaser a deed to the ,
<br />the
<br />t* r,
<br />aft the price the
<br />c' - old. Trustee shall deliver to
<br />e -TL'th of tile star"-
<br />Upon receipt
<br />Recitals in tne Trustee's deed shall be Prima facie ev"i3ence of
<br />a
<br />(a) to 13
<br />property sold. e, proceeds oi the sale in thic. foll
<br />apply t. he orde-2:
<br />ments made therein. Trustee shall all fees of not more
<br />o* the sale, incluiing but not limited to,
<br />reasonable costs and expenses (b) to a"
<br />f"� and costs 01 title evidence;
<br />than 3.0 Z of the gross sale price, reasonable attorney
<br />:,r persons -egall, en
<br />if to the P,,on I en-
<br />sums secured by this Deed Trust. and (c) the excess, �v.
<br />T, at sale.
<br />titled -11tereto'. Anv persc,n, nc]uding beneficiary', may nurclzlase said lTC`Pe
<br />titled
<br />I ov
<br />the sale may, fo - stportc �alc fr,
<br />r Lnv cause he ��r she deems ex.,,vdiet'll ,
<br />bt
<br />TitE person conducting given
<br />5e, notice Of postponeTaent Shall
<br />it and, in every sucn Ca A ��:ir
<br />time to time until the sale; pro-
<br />- and place last @l"Pointed
<br />,on at the time p.,
<br />such per
<br />by Public declaration- thereof bevond the date drslgnatr6 ill 'lie 'notice' of
<br />c a
<br />for longeT than one (1) d v
<br />vided, if the sale is postpaned
<br />the notice of 'ale.
<br />sale, notice therel!f Ilia], he given in the same manner as
<br />a hall be entitled It, en-
<br />_Iusive. Trustee and Belleficiarv, and each of
<br />IIV,' all rigt'tt%
<br />------ ----- - secured to e"T"'"
<br />f :ce pavuleant and per ormaln .1, j,,jettednc,, or oblivation SeC and o
<br />f( ce of a,
<br />n1be7 agreement MIN i' IaW now r
<br />OT
<br />and powers under this Deed of Trust or :under anv loan instrument. pr
<br />lij?,at lon, *ccllrp.d herebv
<br />notwithstanding qome D r all of the indebtedness and o'
<br />at,IAR71-
<br />hereafter enforced. jo,C,g,,
<br />_ri, e_ .�,eth,r 1,
<br />Which may new "I hkTeAII�T _e whether h, court
<br />of ttils Deed of Trust nor its enforcement.
<br />meat or otherwise. Neither the acceptance
<br />he rein contaILE'd- shalt, P"elud'" or 111 any
<br />action or pursuant to the POwer of sale or other powers
<br />enft,rce any other tecurilv n0W 07 here-
<br />mg-nner affect 1rubtee's or Beneficiary's Tight to realize upon or
<br />I
<br />"at 'TrusIee and Benefl(IaTv, and vach of them,
<br />after huld by Trustee OT Noneflclarv, It bejnF' agreed
<br />';ru"t her securit'; In,., Or hereafter held t," the Betic
<br />a
<br />shall be, entitled to VnfDTCe rids Deed "f and 'tl'� ct' 1 11) their ai,sjute discreticIl
<br />of t1wm, nay
<br />!1,,,Lary c,r Trustee In %W h order and manner as they. (,r vither
<br />* st ,
<br />N4, rvm�.d,, lhtr , In C.IT),cerred upon or reserved tI) e I.r,• I.. Intended tP be ex
<br />determine.
<br />b, law or iiernitted. but ea,'h -111611 1'e cum"lat've �Ind
<br />dv ,r i,r(,vldvd
<br />clusive t,f ant, otber renle , "er"'Itt,r exli,tin�� at In- or In
<br />r1`w "T
<br />shall. he jj) mdriftion to ever„ Other remedv given hereunder or
<br />equity vr is atat.ute. Every ji,rwer c,r Tew.dv Rived b
<br />ficlar, T It, VIOICT rIf OW111 may otlierwii'v rit 111cid n'Ai'
<br />or it,nefiiiar,, ti-id 1"wr
<br />otII m,, I al,d as ten v be dt, -xiltd I '-"III
<br />dent),, Iia vrmw6
<br />I I I,,. con'. 'u, �i I, !at
<br />_wtt, ma, ;rw.� tent ri•wcdles NM1,111F, iIVTc'i-,I "I'a
<br />'TuII, set,KjoK 6e] iIldRni,,,nt atihlll,;t t
<br />01
<br />