B=qb f�rim mrW fimm ED&
<br />Sao, 632,. Lien For Taxes.
<br />v an, person liable is oat any tax negians Ot muses m
<br />Day this mine after uemund, the amiluji rrsiud,ryl a,, to,
<br />stit eillanonel arniturn. Motion *,n lax. or assiftssautb 11"Rilh
<br />I"febw wrm pv con the.. may accrue 'r• abortion tneratDl
<br />sthas be " late in IBM of in !hated States upon Ei prommv
<br />and IV= to VOWTV, Whaft too! or PeIhBL, belonging
<br />is such Dersisr,
<br />Sec. 6322. Period tit Lien.
<br />Unless anome, dole fixed aw.
<br />"posed t E3ri shr vise W, M- 1,,ra 1-fit esAsimll"t
<br />Is norac art, arju
<br />tri! T-
<br />she! ._amt arrinue-1mv !he hati.ir,
<br />assessell 'ga:-s- -.tlz thcave, In'IT,
<br />such
<br />01 lapse Ol lime
<br />Sec. 63223. 'Validity and Finomzy AgaIrlst
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />•a, PWCWW 1, Wm Of SMAY I mwm,
<br />gxkm's Liam, And J*W Lim WM —
<br />N ital Imliasec ,,, sector 6� shell rot x Va
<br />at
<br />an, Du'cnasa• eDioptr D, 5- flIV
<br />TiRres* ME—',
<br />enur D' !"OT—_n. js. jIM..
<br />,M a :71 eals lite I QtiMMEM� W SItlISe7TI I: "as RUF
<br />the "aillemni
<br />lb. Pri ii FF cwtlin k" Evim
<br />Two Nplice pht - rv-f thout;r n e -! I
<br />millostad by section 612' as hal" fil"ir suet i,e, sn,,� run Ft
<br />valid
<br />if; Pim Fr RM Nuticir, Few —
<br />Inp 11211"e litle'711 Sjt.
<br />section la, sindi. be N-E
<br />A Unties I Silvia Law
<br />If Pmpirrry I, fit
<br />ritaV, s' he�i pfrf,. r., T' ❑%i
<br />0. .0sn the State to, the manty. D. ult;er
<br />S'llorylson, as dest:Fatud h, the laws it, Fij
<br />_
<br />wnilsr the D in;" ,I,
<br />property, ifuntInit' tati 3' Inliltigibit, I!, uni, cttlre
<br />within Ina Stale lot the Oully. I" OT!101 93vi`111m-Ila
<br />as limpaled D, the taws o' srh State.
<br />in which the D,nv-,Iy a v! 15 souaM
<br />M) Wet! Dart, 01 DialtIVI
<br />Lhi, 11 life otilLe if thr -�;e" of
<br />me Untied States 6sittv Chun ID, the luolisal alsiml !" whiCt
<br />the properly 3411 to mr; v, SAWLIX whenevel th2 Stave nd,
<br />'a, by low anwalao orw niece vyhic' ml.!r IIF !"q
<br />EnWed as D=Lrr-e.m Nb-
<br />Z
<br />0
<br />0 Q.`3 7 8 6
<br />O Grantee
<br />Num a)
<br />eirit
<br />IISTATE 0
<br />7
<br />X SS
<br />I 0 U, N T
<br />7
<br />I With Retarget 0' Deed, 0 "4e 01 Columbib j'.
<br />the �11[:E 01 the ReCiflieT ci Ditabs ol ME ISIMI 91, ' OlUMD12, 11
<br />me
<br />DODP-y subjen In TI.E lien m situated in The DrstTv U!
<br />Columbia
<br />Mnus Di PIDDErly, Sult:ec To Lisp I-Dr DurDom
<br />Da-graohs it r and 14 , p7merN shali be deemed 'C' be "%alti'
<br />A Fetal Property. - In the om or feet PrWilrty, li•
<br />physim; iocinign, or
<br />R Personai PTopery. - In the ilesil of pais"FaL propertV.
<br />whether tangbe III tirtlanalble, a. The reside"T of the
<br />,
<br />ZaXD8VET at ThE ME the noiril 10. fe _
<br />'Fr purposes of paragraph 12.1 0, the resmence of a tortimallon
<br />or zarnsems she# be .deemed bi be the M if' will the
<br />Drjnsfpa: exazwlie office of the business !s Qilal8dr and the
<br />-ettldrile, at elfribillig' W92SP TESIdeME !S WITIO• I& 'J"1W
<br />F:?ms sail be leembs Ir, of I, 'rtp District
<br />, 1 Cnium
<br />, 0 "a
<br />-Omi 'nt I'l- JIT F0112F. 't , i-
<br />'
<br />-t
<br />plC IF stiostfr:.Cr ;-3� , ':'
<br />'esz DV
<br />r a
<br />F&fbq Of Noce. —
<br />Gsmng RA. — tjf-lps:I nn �-, 's r_tueD In
<br />rrlaqrer presmtifflill Ir. utagmmr 2i ditim; vh�' tnvev.
<br />liels)dr SUt'!, fit lan shall be ilea'K as fi[Ev. or lnf
<br />dal p which Int is filed tin acrortance wit surisecilor M , aver
<br />-'q mralsr rif - m Der'll"
<br />sunt, rep f
<br />PWm Fv PW — A I P F; ta, rebw
<br />during TFLI reqWImd Ififlilinn semc, mal. bf, tIi`v!rVe nil, •
<br />sict, "JI!u of ile" i� -h;90 c n
<br />Pic, nul;--e of Ilan was hied, and
<br />" vv resr "A 'Pa' —D-')
<br />al.6' tj:,O'j; ", F dF
<br />"tr, P� 31 (!$� 1116
<br />le ,, at" ".afte tti nall
<br />of a !aA lit 01 ItInIL-1 0, teen JIR s&m'iavap'
<br />SECetary reeei'ed inh-61M! hr l"l-
<br />` "U'lialli'm� Imam In' _;Elan
<br />oil cf� I I" !: t, " 0 ",1], , I,, taro C.. ,
<br />-r;l 'Wer
<br />01 %NOW kft hfilit -"H- iles"
<br />ar;V hnilre ,I I'?" the no- t Mae"
<br />A low GReteat ballot e-fxhZ K' My' fro" the
<br />Yom aver the off D4 thi. - =M T a and
<br />RF,.
<br />F the DIR Viter PgnnC- ending -11' -' V"a"'
<br />filter the nusif -,' ?nv vte,:M„ Mz,trti rfIhc DEnad it,!
<br />succ 'ump it !Ier
<br />Sec. 6325. Release 01; Den 0, DSCnarne
<br />pi Property.
<br />,a,Rehmr Of Lin. — Burr
<br />:irms as the S .-eia'v -av ithal
<br />MSOE a
<br />. " , U1011 TOMW
<br />"eira, rellanup -,a, '.F. ialli. "ar :tAv-, 8*W' m as, '-f7
<br />VyF:—r
<br />-T;es' IF lesliBill
<br />Sec. �i 103 Con4ider
<br />of Returns and RPIUM "'r—P!fFI71
<br />Docium Di CWW %"
<br />If
<br />'be
<br />,v � er, filitV. Djj7S1j8F* it' se. 7tn' f
<br />"..'s'artiq abioaatril Se "pi ni sli" ii:7 •'tw, be
<br />DF!sv imm
<br />has F :,In! i, litf wiptim, wtar.
<br />1117,ti , "uh! 11 Stir,
<br />m
<br />