00 *3752
<br />--€-1ca"L TERMS
<br />P7t£PA11 ►F \7 .A'v17.4ft RI .41.OF 9111. f'lA AtiC F C FF AR1 F r i h u. h I J h.:.: n nt i m uu h : n tram ,cr
<br />r a - finance chance w ill he less ii i n�ak_ :m earl} paL inert and n wail he hi ,,he; is I (• : 1 u , al n- _ nit In n an ttlu. lino n t m t e' nature
<br />«: imrepe} the whole amount ow mg it, ,ou m ui. a un time tit to pan .rum time I" urn t to cn n :t nuu i h m'tt p
<br />dauy.lken m} , - 1- -.n.u. ar :th 7 a�Kel :f r errrin-
<br />rharge will ire retlecFCd in MN ttinal help laisn knc w trial the amounts alma n nn the r• v •rsr sale tin the 1 rase; t 1 a . he
<br />mutes h:neJ on the assumption tea` h ;x ill :rihr tlen tsih in.. utinnme ftuni. d'rc's tHiir'. manor, me [finance charime deit+w ennc nl p- epa+jthc urn ? \ mnuR \hew will refunc
<br />cause ur rotund if F am charged nn a datl a
<br />to me the unearned portion of the finance charge ' into t: t+y the accounting proredur, r;nnu n a the actuarial rnr�trnd; and the amoun i r,:\ :e air v ill R cured nn fate
<br />scheduled dates untl amount.. of me munihly payment and not nn the sctual dates anti amount. o I tau. prepuvrn_n., that i pat to you. I } n ,w that a reitmd ut 4»sttsar: S 1.00
<br />will not he made.
<br />OR sifivicE CONTRACT MADE BY
<br />CONTRACT).
<br />1TS [7�A1 BEHALF (WNlCCH IiIA�
<br />ter 1 have rcaJ, m J t.ul, tnestrarat Ill 1 Att 1. iiviiTF'D U 4RN 4191 uhr 1 �,ut I +.remnant hr con ut tt ^spla,ns tic conditions edwarcumstances
<br />in which the manufactured products w:Il he renal eJ e rime nla I. urran snit ? Pit! 1 le� -\ ..: nrni7e that unm cntpheri warranty w Mrh
<br />applies a +relit get i� ravt� ooh as Iona a• the uarr:mt\ nr.c:+ i�c .nntre..:.
<br />:ri 1 niter read. n J [ail, the p c m 'I 1atiTF.D I1aT �i 1 4TItJ1 U' 4RRA19 wtn.n. ;f made a' r nmpnm t7is unurtrt tt eanlairs the alit warran soil rcr
<br />rumstat cI I in vetch the imtalta my a ndn e wall he redone, Ltake inn of the bmd.n.rn:. nr the u a -ran 'm t .arty alit I roc nip nit *. to implied warranty which
<br />applies to the matallation tsh, nn } u r n as thz uav:mn ,a. r r _ Luntr t.
<br />SPF,C:lAI.- ORDERG)OD1,,T ensµ thaticouhavetmhaured ll notrt•n antir,rih hmu�.. antcFu nJu u;1h }:roc io -n ,i�n<+`..ticsni annrtU'enh lubtr?nn�a:.t al anh�.ittne
<br />,trials that arm manufactured - p _
<br />ufterthrtxnoJnttimrgivcntomr .htlaw•. :n.thii ,,citric ancrtttati' an.'nu:- unu Ito tita!Ih h h: tt r c \ unnitlth- amntntnwed.
<br />ORldf>ATION'S.PFRTAI'. TNC, 7.0 PROPF R'T) TNSI Rn lui•Eri�.^ra)r % g l<uri 4F pokc, The. n wain - c tmpum mu,; lirrapprc. � 1ch+ nu and me 11-ho it mull have IF
<br />at feast 8(f`, a rte replacement value h
<br />a beneti.ian clause which save that w arm t: by t�ortarntlhnrs, l nu can Th, ,te :ruin c tie �n s�u an� c p'\n}cn hr anh r'r riot+ \,n'L latn�rum rl narcu nrtr. reparmn hose
<br />thari7t the insuran•r;:mm�anc tonal to drre_
<br />1 have the option o, pnrcidon' propcnt ur�uratu }rate without \ou,tmmt'n \�crrnsan in - n� Iprc rnr Ic`x nti+nPc "Nan n J u'r1mem tanfi other c n rim rug "statcra'h r
<br />allow anvone else ur place am hensun me real .
<br />s rr mt hoot• or rulfihl n , oleo: nhh uwn> u n v . ti -.at h m I n I + m r cr.. -'+uf , i . nn: tu.'. e m:. avow do
<br />tine. 4 1 prnmisr to timelc male all pavement, tit nrt prior In m .v.0 h\ mt rrva! t u I I c pr m : i I u Ili n n Ie n r ntu u hang n inn kan w')Af , tour
<br />wntu:r, nrrmt glom.. �. -ii I do not insure "hies am' hom oamr-t i-or to 11, ntlt��niIn +�\c h.r- 1.theti..atnuritxili
<br />orliuhilitr nsu ancc
<br />SAl OFA7l HOUS%: l promise not to soil. ! ar cave m\ hnus a an\ rmr un[i c'vi! n.ud m, I •h! u, <,•1:
<br />DEFAULTA will he in default under this contract if:
<br />1. i don't snake a payment when due: or
<br />2 1 break any promise I trade to you in this contract: or
<br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised: m
<br />4. 1 default on any obligations for which I am using my home as rolhateraL nr
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens yurnghts, if ary, in It _ d have in, house sold U,
<br />win in AM default u under this contract Before m house is sold. Outwillmdn even'thin th tihrilaw- mqutres� If Y u hire an attorney to Itssis! v u tin es my' honey sou sue ed
<br />m, to prima your rights, l agree in {ray you for yur reasonable attorneys' fees and fm. other related expenses such a court cods. title searcles and money you expended
<br />mpramct my houso.
<br />If you um allowed mcollect such amounts by Ina'.
<br />OTHER SWj;TS: We can choose not to enforce any of the rights under this contract us (Awn as we want without losing them. th, we can delay enforcin any of the rights
<br />withut losing them. We can also use any rights now or in the fuiure given to us by law. _ _ __
<br />DEL YS: ate o� that by striiill useevour conditions. lde "}tall the have n 'obtaining r uuienul �n rime #another but
<br />eas�ns that are ynn> vour control. I understand Etta[ vow -will
<br />rat be liablefm such days.
<br />ARJUTRATION': If I have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantin . qualip or p r curna, of the products. 1 understand tftat my duopstutnar' be submitted to
<br />and settled according to the mediation - arbitration program that ma} have developed in my community. I also know, that any decision made by an arbittai irtsi wtw3d ffi err
<br />tend in the court havmgiunsdtetion ever me and you .
<br />S!II.A .4G£ :41 :T.' : I know that the u tnJc.0 s. woodwork, :odor;. noel. and nihrs m :ucnal, that huty to he remotrd ht Lou fn: this installation have sairage velum.
<br />When you remove them. you can have them ion whale %er purpose you wan'
<br />TAi �7ti A730NS:'lhe to the uniqueness of some of the products that ynu sell. I understandythat in stecial situations that yntu Aegienal Office n "have taTev affeminsulto
<br />rind acca¢ Wrs �lon ra yua� t_ this sale � by us odors tom tit} havvee occurred whentfe b ads in th onuaciwere
<br />at o urfu4millips; g' t�vinflo ceun e. -the aest of xhe contract will.he valid. If :Df his CONS= =queres
<br />') a :If.>utvpff}YIliimIof this conlMiCt vm14litill + a,........_�..L_,_ ..r;_.,,�_._.�a..... _... _.r�... _.. „.._.
<br />i
<br />I
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