<br />'f1m; . made this q#h ay ,of p#
<br />i�7 f�soafY.`•as>aor `� ,.maiilme.Ettktal �nos�t+Oiffd`'iierd .
<br />:a s"essi'vidstirs .under, :she : laws of the United-Smtes,ofAmenmwith its sprincipal- 'Offim- Mid>�c:of; :mot ihafdaitlitl. "lkbetlYe.sts
<br />iWITl TM: Thataaidmorttptgor t foratietinconsimaisonof the suettof FIFV£N {Fii]IF tlif] _M" 41UMMIED
<br />PINY DOUARS AND 'KV101D -------------- -- - --- 110112 �.
<br />the. ofwhidtisherehy:sclmowiedped.Ao bYthawWc mtsnwrtpgemWwartm
<br />forever, all she fnVowe do=bafreal estate, situated in the.Cotmtyof jiAll
<br />awd State of Nebraska,. to -wit:
<br />'Together, with all: hosting. air conditioning. '.lighting, :and plumbing: equipment and fixtures, including screens, awmnP. storm windows and
<br />doers. And window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with property.' whether the same am now located on said property or ixrm #ter
<br />'Plaeed:.thereatt.
<br />TO HAVES AND:TO:HOLD THE .SAME, togetherwith.all And :singular. the tenements. hereditaments:aml: appurtenances :.theeettnto' ee-
<br />,yampM,_or „in seywese.:appertaining, forever and warrant the title to :the -same. Said morftagor. ; -hetehy':covenant :with - Said
<br />mV"pqW�tb&t ate. ji __. -- .112 -, at the delivery: hereof. the lawful owner? of the premiss above conveyed and described,
<br />hod_; -'E -- - -_ oeized of:e- goad - and - indefensible -estate of inheritance: therein, free. and clear .of..11 enwmbtam m, and thet tht —Ywill
<br />vearramwend siond the table thereto forever- aigainst. that claims -:and - demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PWVMED ALWA-YE, wid thismstrument, isawscuted and delivered to secure the payment of the surn of --- F1 FVFN THi111CYkND
<br />!SEEN ALMORE[) �_Y_�I�.���_�%�D.__NQ�7Q� -- — -. Dollars
<br />t aMt+st:thstoon, tallatierwith mtehehatgesAnd advance as maybe due and payable to. said mortgafree. under ,the, te. s ami:cmahtams
<br />ot the promissory .now Woven date hsrowithseed• secured hereby, .executed 'by -said mor4Wor5 —_ to said : mortgagee. ,payableas - expressed
<br />sR'AWW_m aa,4Mdeo:meme*he :paimmaa,*e of-All .tlae: term and conditions contained.theram The terms of -said rote am Awreby issorponated
<br />arse hrythisaefsteaoe.
<br />. tileAbbiUbMijsaaodage awsntdf :tba..pakVW bfmlto.tbst. this : marts gagesiWiaheisswreany- fnWreadv made - toswilmortgow4—.
<br />A� srdarssL�lae,,aadaeymrd.dl.' imadditim,to.theamount:ebove stated whict. said inortasgars, or wny.of than, =MY now W
<br />aaidasrtt�gae. orwverevid . whother by sae. book account or otherwise. This between
<br />,p ''s`thvir bars,,:I- dl: tstivft. successors and assigns, until all Amounts eaazmd haourder. tuluduW future
<br />adreeoeas,aa #aid :iii wiktiMaeat.
<br />%. par4Mer„ ,_. :b aby,aathn rid :more safroe all; me” and income wiring,at,-any.,awiaif : :t ae! :from aid;prepert. and
<br />hassry aotirxiae •maid awrtiagae -.err its agent, at ire.optim. _upoo- default, :tor take. ti�fre, of said, properW sud collect all .1� —and came
<br />arwkmn :aod4"iy she sswe :to,ihs;peyssat of interest. ptvte.pal..utatto lose Praniume. saxes,_ amusements, mlisms ormsprovements
<br />rte- 'r•-- �.. -- -•• _ _ _
<br />aKaridlteoatiweia+ fmmMt3l; tieunPidoohmrty +ot maid note is fully :.paid. The of mas>manner
<br />prevaatrar d,are7 aserigagse :at dso :collection of said•sum+ by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />'pley a sei a toerm tmsy,of its jWbts_hemuadenat any time iaii not be ametrisd us a waiver of tsc Ott m;asseet�' :Lire
<br />aewteaCasy�<YMriime. = =•awtt :w. rdb ll aernsd roviewnO sad notc..aaf uses: pponud,erdorce- strict Timma p oF.tlas asorttget{c.
<br />Ff -oaid 6aalF gOr "S shall awaato he Pahl maid moms -the ut4m mmnt due it r, �1 time reran :cal prmaiats
<br />elf, add- methsksedhy`4awtad, ineisafto EnWto,oderaaeaa. :mud :any 4irlsa ,ions -w raossids tht.•eof :it acemclatce^wAh 0* terms•sati p►ov+iians
<br />alisresf: wrfHOasidmalfffft�ar-- S--' 4YdY :wspiy•soar :d1`dte_pWViaiwaofaud note and of. this,mortgage,:.tium theseAwments $hall be.,vmdi
<br />sWsasrisesrtsatitisidNsHsaawmd rNeN. datidm a aLdl bewistiMed to the pmaasbnOfall et anl;.P<operty. d saV, at: eptwn.
<br />of{L,yj aprestnsttl : thereby, to'be inwtadirsely due - and .pay". tied maylamoloseMer, DrorfFW
<br />srssiaarq;Mlisr :Iflgaliiaafa Pwaaat ti�tt t wurrad.
<br />f ntorf s ssiti obisdrfgup m °NW.SWIawe to : the 'benefit of,thk Via, executors. ednanitratan:.- rroamf maigrr ,of:ti",
<br />s�3ire�lr�s•;Yawt "t.
<br />fN W'rIWM WtMKROt'. said $_. be Yd: hcmunul W -..:th ir, ._ _. ham+t -ra__. if "- day earl yaar"firm, chow
<br />/a cs.� ;�
<br />,�s
<br />EDWIN .: J.- 1_5
<br />M
<br />