<br />7w
<br />85- 008695
<br />This Mortgage entered into between Donald A.
<br />Rasmussen and Mabel I. Rasmussen, husband and wife, as joint
<br />tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in
<br />COM100n, fherein iiiortgagor) and The State Bank of Cairo, A
<br />Nebraska Banking Corporation (herein :T-sort.gagee I )
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the pr-Incipal n-t
<br />o-)' $70, 000. oo, _tfr,
<br />evidenced by mortgagor=, n(-ite dated
<br />1\10te) payment-, D-f
<br />PrinciPal. and -interest, with the -IF - -
<br />Of t! -, inde! ted,-es-E-,
<br />if not sooner paid, dUe and payable 0 n July 30,'198s
<br />TO 5eCUre the pa-.f-
<br />E. r, t 0
<br />I the Note, with irite.rest
<br />;Dro,/,ded f Yein, the Payment o+ all lither sL-15ls, a-4ith
<br />interest advar,cecj b,�� mortg�,�3ee Ef ft c.t
<br />F- e -ri L,1
<br />thi5 McrtgEjg'E- th
<br />arid thc- o the covenants and
<br />agreenients of r Mor+,,Q,,:for cir.Di -i'Lained her-eirr, Morto�:go--
<br />dcE-E hereby fficF -% 9E'ye ai-�.d zonvev to Mor tgagee Lhe fo' lowing
<br />p
<br />P o' e r `_v Hall County, rieL-2rzst.-.
<br />Southeast quarter (SEI/4) Of Section Five (5), Township
<br />Eleven (11) North, Range Twelve (12), West Of the 6th P.M. as
<br />surveyed, platted and recorded in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />ec e s
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<br />-rld appurtenance�= thE -r
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<br />Note sec'ured tier -feeby,
<br />jcj-, E,(VIUUrit. susl ic.ient J-Q
<br />en- ble thL- Not-Ligagee to fja j, t or c , t n c�2- r
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