<br />L
<br />-no . w'hnut come- ".li Oe ,mmepldten duP an Paya[np b. T
<br />Mar mtereal .t the monmum 8110wab,e leas: „-: 1FC n u
<br />Option of Ber ,"` OF Tv lee sucn sums r ; _
<br />Of any 'nftlt6ln.Sf snc.r.0 here0r ,, 5 5
<br />Indebtedness and .•tall De pavaDlP ratan , r c t F e!e 1 a ,,,
<br />10. Asolgn"W of Rerrla. 8e I r sna n nnP: fh' duhng tha COntmUanM lot lnr 7 st D'Na I tip t. r'•y
<br />the ISrppsrty and Of any person., P'OMr1y n - sou ¢ , ! 15 01
<br />Possession r CefeO tnefeOr. Wlln o W,In JU! ;ailing
<br />ury0pildittone rY Olsirn, ar}s VCt.tl hevEOY end T r ne•ebr IDSJIn "IY sna
<br />B"ru"ery, "waver hereby . n-nis 10 Ile Tr�usrO en..n p,. tits 'n B,_e Cl." n
<br />such rents. Issues ano PfOhts 85 They acting a C bed pmFt•. ar and r tentiJn of
<br />Trust., is nor, at 'uo, IImeB rn del.il l akin r v'd0ie SC rig a5
<br />Ino —odde.s seL.w herEDY Or m The pBrtpeman;.P CSe ridgcPempn!PharPUnOCy
<br />U any such default. Beheric'arr may at any II!nP CithP, In ",son try agent, or DY
<br />a rOce -, to be appointed by . court w,tnnut non^ and wWOu, regard tp the
<br />adeouaCy Of eny sECUray 10, ins ,nde0lPdneS. heretr F5e[urPd :aI FntFf u no
<br />tetra Dosses.; -n of the Prdo,,ty Or dny part ihPrPOI And :.n. iI5 J
<br />ofhenvlN collect s Ch rants +ssL and OrOnis ua.na India ands!5dB fOdntl
<br />unp.IC, sna mpply the sartM !ass , is and ex per se•s oI npera;,nn One conect,nn
<br />including no My attorney lees uFJn an mOeOtF:fness harety and .n
<br />DUM Ofd., so B:neucwry mar d- Is"ine1 I.,, Odle O reParr Jr
<br />PIOIQCtron as may be necE8.8rr ,1 proper in c,111C f !tie :n.: p prnpP,ty ,
<br />INN tha same , any part merso' "" q
<br />as 4- j..' -dr tit may dice le Umess f ind" to .18e ah 71.11 a rPe Dine rwl se r
<br />w:.'ri any Sop 'r t.on of rents Issues or nr t Inaeb;e0ness SPCUreC
<br />hereby shell not exiena or postpone the due ant Ferments a
<br />p,DVided In Sold Dr.m rS y I, Or _.no, �inP ^'nsl .
<br />anteing uPon end (akin 'Ill
<br />.mnstaumenrs Tne
<br />BaUea and g DOS56.5'On JI ThP r' O;.t.� Ipcnor n, sucn :'tile
<br />profits. and the DO II mere ^+ dr ,r'..rt ..... rf; nan nO; waive Or cure
<br />any default of notice of default hereunae, O , n, ,C none pursuant :D
<br />Such notice Trust", also _,lgns :O al • ,
<br />pertorresnc@ of Ine obligations seL UreC n rep, a .fw scan cos' r
<br />which may Mvc Daen Or may hereafter OP 0-11. 11 r !r sn�c Tru n, I� �'nlFs
<br />of the ProMrtr to secure the Payment r or
<br />Mr101m.nCe Of sit OI to
<br />v e Provsions 'Bled•
<br />sna Oappmts 1. the Behar c dry Ge .s
<br />e >arou. of the „ghis grantee tie I0 an, !,. -
<br />be sU11'Clem 1D I.Q. re said IPnanl p P Pm.5P5 Snd :
<br />Puce fiat >a .: re'-.: a.,ner,..,ary unit'. r,rtne,
<br />iT t*-" PISRMbaa, Within TO Care suer demand Tru9lor bhal, furnish 10 Tull-
<br />- schedule certified to be true. frettmp Florin al! IDeses OI space m the T col
<br />Prepaty then in riptio of the tip, in aeon Case me name Of the tenants inC
<br />,..tw ay a aeacriptldn of the space -UP-all by such Tenant and occupant, Ine
<br />reatai PI. .b10 for Such apace antl Such -the, Information and 0ocumant9 win
<br />respect to sucn INNa and tenancies a. the Trustee may rS U.,,
<br />Without the prior written consent of Trustee. Trugtp, snau not. Clre Tly pr
<br />Such hotly, with roapect t0 any lease of apace In the Oe9CriMd prbm,9e5. ." em.,
<br />auctr IsaM Ie now -1 herNlte, In :.'stance.:.) swept or perm' any pr.P.v 11
<br />d4count or.ovSMO- rant payable thsreuna.r.'D) can.., or Ts,mrn.t. ins same o
<br />,wept any conca"tron, tarminst'" Or Surrender thivacf, or permit any .rent to
<br />OCCUr wRICh MOl soffit* the lessee thereunasr to term mate or cancel the Same: Ia
<br />adterq a rlwdlfy the same SO as to mduc* the term thereof, the ,enta; parable
<br />111oTagrwer, M to Change any renewal prOViS'ons inerem con Ml hold. 101 waive on,
<br />CW"it thereunder, Or br*ach therel (e) give any consent, wa q, Or appvova,
<br />BlNeynder' which III have Ihe effect Of Impaling INC r elu"n O1 i@590n 5 IF
<br />,ntBra9� any other lotc, 11 d.nn.clion
<br />thereunder ' On iM Prop*r1fY sub lsCt thereto. or .1 ,mps tin Ine posrtlDn or mt.res!
<br />Of the IT on or Beneflclary; or (h Set, eo.on. Dieppe. mortgage Jr OmBrw:ae
<br />Ctappea of, Or errcUmber, its My....I In any such Lass or.ny fB S. Issues Or p�011Is
<br />fad ,g pa rising th.re its
<br />12. Canners w"m If ntt* to any wit of the ProMrtY shall be taken in Condamine
<br />IsfOOaadinpa. Dy rlpnl of omment domain or similar action, d, sna' be Sold undo'
<br />TnrNl Di cOrtdelithelIon. all awards, damages and pracee0s are nereDy ass+pnea
<br />antl aheb be paid to lbneuowry who 'hell aP; scan' awards. l amapas ono
<br />Tnestoea to the sums lacuna by the T,u9t Dead_ wlih the -[Cass. If any, paid iC the
<br />T maim TruatM will prOMDtly, sna with due dlligenCe. rape'. slier and reel Ore the
<br />samamthp part of the Trust S Oda 1, to Its former cdno,h sUp,l.nbally t0 The
<br />unit. Ihef the samo M O:INable one So as 10 COrt91 :Hite a COmpo a and usable
<br />13 uhf[.
<br />Pri Fusee AenneN U r ; r*QUSSI o Trust.,, Ba,,I at BeneLclary's option
<br />Dflpr IC recpflWyenCe pf fhe PI -party Ice IM Tu.,.f may make fulu,e apv -ncea IO
<br />the Tryafor Such future advance.. wrin Inten....S,eon, sna,l M >eC oo by _s
<br />TMi Dead when evidenced by prOm,SSOry _I&S stating in -I 1-10 n01OS 8rE
<br />a""Md heraDy, pr"n"I'd that al no time final' the secured principal, future
<br />adaan"I not including eume advanced to D,d,Sp, the security ."te
<br />. ed one
<br />' Brandperuntf100 '.IOftheOIIgln.lprincl",amountsS UleahSfeby
<br />11. AeRMeNN CYeRdagN. All fOmsolN provided in In,. Trust Deed are distinct and
<br />cuntulatM to any Ottler ngM or refr!eay --do' this Trust Desd -r afforded by raw or
<br />equity. and they be eserct.w Concurrently, hooponpsntly pr luccelS'vely.
<br />13. Aaaa4/aYa1C teellleMeea; gets, Upon default by Trusts in the payment of any
<br />IrldeptedrMeee secured nappy m rn the I »AOrmado. el eny Sgr*SyMSn1 hereunder,
<br />gerNhCNry rrMS' d*Clen all sums secured 1Mrepy Imrlr"atoMly au* and D.Y.Dla Dy
<br />dOW07 10 TruaSN of wrlttan declaration of default TM TnI snau nays the
<br />MM� of Mla 01 the Property and If B:.Mllclery oes.e9 the Property to M .010, II
<br />r�rr1Is�.LN.Ip+�wR with Treat" this Trust Do" and ell oOM,SSOry notes ant abe Old. it
<br />"I'deso "e "00"t"M$ Secured hereby. SIM anal) denier t0 Ss Ono , a manta
<br />na4NM Of delault and election to COU" the Property Ice M gold and the T written
<br />In
<br />"NO fW r., and ry TI.o N t NO11Ce In the IOrm rpuusd by law, WhI. an." be ouq
<br />W
<br />NO either the WPM Of Such time ae may be rpuirsa by law foliOwinp Ine record. having
<br />=given Sold nonce o1 default. and notice car delauli and notice Of sale record
<br />elan giver, N r.Q.i,w try law, Trust*@, without demand on T,uat O,ale 1 aell
<br />the Property pit the date sod at the tlm0 and Olace dealgnAl*0 In .am notice of
<br />�N pub) C auction to fhe highest bidder the purcnaN Drlce ReyeDla m
<br />The So. me, fOV ahe m cones he tdeamD a 1odls , postpone ,, O.,e ndu time
<br />to time until N {Mil he *'aa her* end, in every such cam, notice of postpone.
<br />mint Shelf be glina DY P.Ple asclowuin thereof by sucn hereon at the came
<br />end Place reel .ppotnta0 for the Nla, pyorWed, N the safe IN Postponed for
<br />long*r then Ill der DeyonO the day tie- ipne.N m the 'duce o, Sal*, nonce
<br />this tel ►Hall l. plvon'n the same manna, as he o'g,n., nonce o, Sala
<br />Trust" shed seecuto and deliver ro the purcnaN, Me Dead conveYing the
<br />Pvdpatty sold, but wltnoul any to a orf Or werraniY. "o'cla, 0' Impllod TM
<br />racB.li In the Ds*a Of any matters or faCis stuff w cuncluewe Drool pl tiro
<br />Nle fuldeN thereof Any poison, Including "hall ery may purcnaN .t IM
<br />tit When Trust- "Ifs pursuant In Me PuwerS herein. Five Trust" shell apply Ine
<br />pfpceWf of rho Nle to payment Of the CDSIS antl espennea 01 9yar c!Bing t!w
<br />actually 1��Y ar!0 of fM Sets. Inch 60 the D -V—hl Ov the Tru>Iee's Fa0>
<br />y lard, not t0 sFLaao V pl IM Sol. once. and Ine,. 1„
<br />MM ft" in fafbparagfoph (c) In IM order Thar. Stated
<br />:) After paying the Item, spec,lleg In Subparpgwpn (bill tit. Bela ,a UY Trus:N n'
<br />IDs P,oPW 1"I and other 4,918 01 IOreC!o0un Otis Bale if,l sale iS pu+.uar;,
<br />l.diclel IOr- LIO-ure. IM Riots -dD Or a.I. .MII the epp'.iflO In In. ",C., 41alaO
<br />arnrom of
<br />-.- ...d.". -,I G'tr.urall ,n cOrnB�.nO+I won s�,h .e,a .n(!_•
<br />e v ova ve bl.nlpy
<br />.- a� 4a`. - +r cad rlu:aDy
<br />® 003693
<br />`h Duties IMI Obligations of Trustee
<br />o. r J 'e n
<br />5ha not M V'F t -1 %,,Iw
<br />SDacl, ca 1, , ,r nP "':C J 1 OS no O y¢ti0n5 d9 drC
<br />ntpODed .+. C. rY- ep B'ent5 0! DD,:gdtlDns Snell to
<br />^ Ho p... •sl;.r , -,� finis vs1 Deed snau red U, U51 B- tL
<br />. Vend Or A f n . 5e , any nnanc el o0ripat 011
<br />pBrtOrman t h 1 pPr nr n the .'erC 50 01 dnY OI
<br />Dowbr B. 'f 'T sna, na.e gro„ ^.5 r g tna: Inc !.Derma l of 5 h f_d' 0�
<br />dnedu -1" InaBmmry aga,nsl s�Kr. nFul,"I raDl;Hr Is 101 ...... D1y 89surBd IO II, IC;
<br />TDustN may ronsur ,Yllh CO ",501 Of 11,5 Own chdo8,ng end the advlCB Of SuLn
<br />Counsel Sn81i be Inca Wu %cmpICIP a�!n Jr+Zet :i ^n sna p,.Z ion m the reaped:
<br />any ta,s sn it 01 Ors able d DY +t herBUnae! ,n good fall' and roll l an CB the,e
<br />barley B snail not , ibe if ,Or any aC!,on fakBn Dy hln: , do
<br />IMIIBYed Dy him Iv M darnGi lleO (:r wrTnin m. a,5crs +p�Oti'rrignl9 O1 DOwBtg
<br />cJn Tell u00n +I Dy In, T, DNetl
<br />17 Additional S -.,IIY lnathmMtta 7 „,s!or at 'Is expense, w,l! e. acute and
<br />lu Ine Try Siae. D,Jmpt!y _., demand. _h aBCu!lty ,n5truments a y far
<br />Mauled a b, Trustee ,n —. antl sUJSt.... ... :.Acid.. to T uslBe. CJVergng an OI
<br />a ""Pe,ty O Ino Dy 1n,i T, Sr DeeO wh+Ln 9BCUr'r mbtlumenl9 9neIfYM
<br />OndlCOndII4a ^S r:!v !Or Trus!U: 5 lal int.,; variorm,ands of all .1 The taints. C.'1 vBhDn18
<br />G' !11,4 1ru51 Geetl pfOmi980ry notes sec., -p hereby and any
<br />OTDB1 9e.J• St rmhpn 1bd eCtlnn wrrn this Ira s n Ufh
<br />nblf�mPr,'n r
<br />expense _ . d - recn•aoC Ono far ad, el 7-r'e
<br />IB Miscellaneous.
<br />is) In oho even' any one Or more of the Provisions In this Trust Goad Or
<br />me DtOmisScry note Or any other e9CUrlty m.trumont given in C.nnacll Ott wlrn
<br />IDs Irana@cllon shall for any r",On be held 10 be miens. Inegal O
<br />u enl erceable Ir Hny respect, such invalidity, 10-9 -illy, or un.nf- rceabrnty
<br />shall, 1 the CptlOn OI Be.elrC,dry, nor of” I any Other pfOV!Bipn Of !his Trust
<br />Deed, Out In+s Trust Deed @hall be construed ab !! sucn rnvalla ! :,.gal, or
<br />1r,nfdm abf- P1 5b MO never been con to nBa If O h II'll"
<br />till T,uS' :)Bed SRdi' OFF :.0n5IrUDd
<br />""asks `11`9 to the laws C, tna Stilt@ �f
<br />ic, :ms Trust Deed sown ,nu•e r0 and band ins 1.115, legatees devisees.
<br />adm,nlslre;c,. F, e. �,p s. successors and ass,pn5 m the par,,es hnfela
<br />ia, �,1.510f 5 v,BO uP r rn15 ?
<br />er.cy axasF :tier IexBS - rust Deaf OF the DbCt y@cur.o
<br />an^ asNh.1c,r ! wmm� v the es MQ
<br />age its; m ^r BP .PI+Uar> y, Ine bge, h01o.r O! said prCm.!9>G , 'ITS
<br />re mtleDfedness Frlden;ed me,ebr
<br />s. rvneni vex uses Re•mc T.B 4 r -ciar n mf Site!! .cluae !.nB p:ura!
<br />!n ar 11 a ;; nos, erS!' he ado :`BapiP 'o a :, genCerg fin,
<br />ihe 'O
<br />da. el:ca P ysa.e!: vde stir Pevee Of n
<br />stir "a :arew,a.a :.•.n t e.ndebleorasD
<br />v,'.e :tier Oy 0M /HhOr : f taw Dr o1nP'w,4e Cr
<br />;p Saecaeaor Tyafes 6eran[,arr may from, Itme t:. I'M- fiubslltute a 9uCCea90r o'
<br />auccaeson To eny 7""'as named he In or sting nersunae: to execute tni. Trust
<br />Dead Upon sucn appC,ntment and wltnout ..niayanp. to the DuposI Trust",
<br />T,.. ate rhall,, M vB5'ec wr,n all ntla, pnWa, and IJUNGS conforrsd upon any
<br />named m actmp nmeunQer Eacn sucn appointment and
<br />auOStitutiOn soon t>!• merle Dy w"tl.n in.fhmant by 9-h liciary, containing
<br />r.l.,enre tO mis Li .l De One !:9 place OI :atom. wmcn when tecordea to IM
<br />office .1 the F.glataf 01 DNds �,! !tie ,- -OUnrr Or CO.,!, a9 In wMCh NIC prppa, I le
<br />slTUeteO .nan M COn Cl OF proof O1 proper apDOminbnl Of the.u-Cob.Or i ruatsa.
<br />The .O. -p -1ng pOwBr pr g.�Dgill uflOn
<br />and The proc.dure therefore .Mil not be
<br />exclu.'ve of I", Dow "! and
<br />71 atee Or T• p.JpOdurB D'ovlQep !-r by Mw fp Iha DuDatltuLlOn of a
<br />uufii Na :^ ms p Ce ' Th
<br />Ce Trull -
<br />2C Fortl"Mhoa by Beneficiary a 7h.laa Not • Wa1Nr. Any t- rsbearsnce DY
<br />BBheriClary Or TrUfitea . exerC, "+rig any nghl pr remedy hereunder, or otheMlee
<br />"on'" r app ' he"o - :ls' Llf,e net Off D w Or preclude in....... So C• ar_.
<br />Oe B r Jf 7' O e C., ! , L,A.w,N me walear DY B "naficary " TruelN of any
<br />Olheror !,mile IOe!au�ts s�uDeepuenf�y OLCUaI! I be doemea ID ea a welvBr o1 0rr-
<br />21 Trugtp Not Released. Eslen9lon OF the time for payment or modification or
<br />e monl.pal*n of the Bums secured
<br />by this Trust Dead granted by Beneficent, to any
<br />sucC 'o, In in tore"! Of 'rust -r snsfl Hal operate t0 Ie""I In any manner, !"
<br />liability of the original Trustor or Trusts', au..sS., In interest. SISM i.ry anal,
<br />1-1 be ra0ulre0 10 Commence proce.d,ngs against Such su-coal ., refuse tC
<br />ovteno time fp, D"yment Or Olhori , mOCIfY amort., at., o! the eume fiOCU,Ba Cv
<br />This Trusi GBeO by reason 0f any demand made by the or,gmei Tfu.ICr and T ,rotor g
<br />9uLC0 ".Ord m !mO,D91
<br />22 Default If Mae, he a default under till. Do" OI Trust or under, any p,,Of
<br />mortpepe, the Beneucnry may cure sucn d1laur. sna the amounts aavancea by,
<br />and Dihe, Costs and "'Mnses Of IM bodell Clary ,n curing such default, With
<br />Inlare.l *I the default rate contained In the Note secured "rally from the time of
<br />the aOvsnCea Or psYm "tits atoll M so0ed Ice IM tlra*ptedrMe. a*cursd by this That
<br />Deed end may be colfaclea hereunder at any time .!Is, the time of Such adrNrCas
<br />or payments Ono "hen be 0eeme) 10 M aeoureo nolsDy
<br />1 001110 t to FerOGo s. Upon the occurencB of any defaull her.unde+. Beneficiary
<br />an -" have the OOrion Ice 10FOCIOS: This Trust Deed In IM Mannar provided by taw for
<br />'he f- recluaure of mortgaga6 on real propeRY
<br />1a TrNtefe RllpMy, aeaeryt pyautt. Until on, default In the ReYr,Mrtt of
<br />InNDla lo, it "reply fed , or until the breach of any covenant neigh Containso
<br />the TlUelpr its OuccaaDO1D and assigns, shelf pOaeaao am enjoy IM pl.porty, and,
<br />receive the 1 "tits one prClhe I , MI UPOn payment of all eume secured by infer
<br />Trust Deed, B *nBhCIBry Dnell ra0-ye TrualN t0 roponvey the Dfopenv Ono "hall
<br />Trust der this Trust DNO and all holes OvlOSncing indarbt*Ortess aepu,ed by IMP
<br />Trust Deea ID Trust" �ru61So "n." "'0" IM DI
<br />w,1000i CM1g. ID IM par IS I Y Ol O. This Grant"
<br />warnn(y sna
<br />r- WnraYOnae Me, the deeChheo a9pajre enhlMC IM(si0 TIM DnhIN In any
<br />me recitals inerem of Person or p -reon. entlltoo Fm,, ,' an,
<br />trUlntulheaa IMreDf SucnnY mailers o' 'acts .hell M iuIdclu.lva proof -T the
<br />Mr9on Or pare... anon pay ace Costa of recording, B any
<br />25 AOOOWIMM In the Event of TlaMier. fn the oven, the 1,110 Ice aa+d real .state is
<br />t,.nslsr,Sd, Or LOnllact -d to t.. I_.l."ad I'dm the underelphed To, any r"$on p,
<br />by any method wn.lsoavar t' C enure Vrn¢u Va' "can, one acu ue0 mtera.t snail at
<br />once rrei: -mB due and DeYebr et t,b slat bon Of the B *hel,c wry Fail.,. TO e'bl<:IN
<br />this ODIIUn tMGause 01 ifen.f.r c,f title as le a w
<br />cOnaillu at"" -I -I-0 in Dr. ,n 51.11- .hell not
<br />ave' 01 Ina non! ro euer;+N the "Me In fhee ouent
<br />ven' of any subae
<br />Iran a fe,
<br />2e Thlo Used of trust Oats,
<br />T rVafN,
<br />securing • Dnnt lea not" , n.
<br />Dollar' and rite' 111, r rifh me Rag „ISr u! Deed
<br />Dann ,den bns<i N k,uow0
<br />