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UU3557 <br />Lenjer ma\ aj,_ a7r1!L_ahJC ;L11A T-le -,-r, !is L ender T,� make su,:b a _l, <br />er IT, A�, arz_ <br />ne '1­1c17 "haii ne na e Funds- L'nless an <br />requires Interest 10 he Paid, Lenoer �,hall nL 91- Id made o r a T) p, 1 <br />)E he- required to pay Bo_ Icabir <br />rower la <br />any interest j-,)r earnings <br />Shall give to &)rrower, without charge, an annual accounting on the Funds. Lender <br />ounting of the Funds showing credits and debits lo the Funds and e <br />Purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional <br />this Security Instrument. MIMI Security for the sums secured bthy <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly payments of Fu ya <br />the due dates <br />of the escrc)w items, shall exceed the amount rids payable prior to <br />at Borrower's option, either required tO pay the escrow Items when due, the excess shall be, <br />Promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credItW 10 Borrower on monthly payments of Funds. If The <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not <br />amount necessary to make u' StiCient to Pay the escrow terns when due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any <br />r the deficiencv in one or more payments'l', 1 - <br />Upon Payment in full of all sums ' i equired by Lender. <br />Is Security In­,,trLTTient_ Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br />iacr, If under paragraph 1, 9 the Pr0PertY is sold "T acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later <br />any Funds held by Le secured by this <br />than immediately prior to the sale of the pro <br />TX-rty or its acquisItIOn Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of <br />application as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument, <br />3. Apoication Of P2YInents. Unless applicabie law . provides othe-Nk., <br />Paragraphs I and 2shall he applied. first. tO late char Ise, all payments received by Lender under <br />Note. third, to amountspavanic charges due under the Nore� second, to prepayment charges due under the <br />4. Char . - andeT Paragraph 2; fourth, to interest due: and last. to principal due. <br />ges, Liens. B�-)r-,riw-,-t- <br />ProPe,rtv which ma% artain -ri(,' -shall pa, all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the <br />shaft pay t'. __N - Borrower s, rl'�Y over this Security Instrume�nj, and leasehold payments or <br />)t)ijL1a1f0M, in 'he manner provided in paragraph ground rents, ill anv. <br />Pay them on Time directiv to 'Or IT not paid in that manner. Borrower shall <br />�he nerson owed payment. Borrower sha-11 prom-flY furnish to Lender all notices of amounts <br />paid under this paragrapn. I �' Borrower mak es these <br />pav <br />receipts evidencm-Z'nenavrrients. ments directly. Borrower shall,, PrOmpth furnish to Lender <br />Borrower Sha!] <br />priori ptl\, discharge any lien which has priorix er <br />agrees in winnng,0. the _�javment is SeCUI 1! v It istrument unless Borrower: f3) <br />_)hftgation secured �-)v <br />ial,th [be lien by, or defends a I The lien in a manor �v- acceptable to Lender: ib 1 contests in good gainst mforcement of the lien I <br />in. legs; proceecjinzs <br />present the enforcement Of the lien or forfeiture of any part of - P-ncrlerry which in the Lender's opinion operate to <br />I . : Or (c) sea °°s :Tom 'he holder of thit lien an <br />ent sarist2c'Or% :o Lender sub, <br />agreern ordinating the lien to, t <br />'he Proper b1sSecul"N Instrument I Cler L-1—Lrm.ines, that any pa , f <br />IV IS subiect, ! I f Len <br />to a lien WhIL:h M3% attain pnor -1 rt 0 <br />'t"' Instrument, Lender may zive Borrower a <br />notice idennfYmiz the Borrower Snail Sa, f <br />of The ZIv!n lien or <br />g Of notice, 'a-ke `n-, Or more Of the actions set for-th abc_)v_e within 10 days <br />Hazard Insurance. Is Keer the imprcvernerits nc-, <br />Insured against t, ba,i lS ;nE hereafter erected on the PropCrY <br />ire. hazards in,:11.1ded within the Term emended ­Ipt­ ;n MherhaZarjs*4 -or wh <br />reQuIres insurance This insuranCe shai' ich Lender <br />I �)t Maintained in ?he amc,,Ljp.. In r insurance �,arrjer <br />he r`erlods !!--a' �-ndcr Tequ!res. The <br />idling ,he irlsu-�anct: S-all be cbi )sen <br />unreasonabiv withheld. Lenders approval 'At ch shall not be <br />All Insurance Poilcies aria: 7enewais shall t)e acceptable Lencle- ano snall a ,%,ndarci <br />I have the right to hold The poi 110r.zage clause. <br />Lender shall f I 1 1 <br />Icies and renewals In"ver 7t!Quillts, <br />a"' receipts Cli paid premiums and renewal noticLs owc, shail Z:IVe !C1 Lender <br />In the everl I IOSS, BornOWe7 :. all 9 F nrolmpl 19011ce I) the insurance <br />.1 jt- 1, <br />L3rrler and Lender Lender may make proof,.)f j()ss if not made promp,,ii, <br />Unless Lender and Bion-ower Otherwise agree in w - n BorrOwer <br />of the Proper,-% �Iarnaged, if The restoration ar re IrIng, insuraTf- r`r`)ceecl� s a 1 aT' le lc! tion or repair <br />resToratior, or 1S n0i -,conomicalll, 14* pair Is ecOnornle easill c and I crider <br />eas�bie or lessened if The <br />I -- rider'-, %4j)uj�j *.,c: , 11 <br />ar,r) h I v T w - C�!. <br />!led () 'he this Seourit heiber proCerds "h. all )e <br />j <br />B�,rrclwer ananooris he prc)perry� or (2")es noi an"'wer within 30 �a� jue, A_I� '� t!XccSs pa i d *,() Borrower, ji�, <br />iffered c) i a n, <br />Ll , �Nce !Tom ttla,, ?he risL:ranL�e L!arrer <br />e a her-] Lender 7,rias the msurance proc" <br />i lass <br />?rCjTV_—,,,, ra" eed!; Lender TnL�;, u,,e !P,,- -)'t <br />'�Utn�'� "t-CUrtdI 71� "n," t to repair "It restk-Iry <br />,, SeCurjti, Ins: U ! n tpl. .knethc not jiue 7,11C <br />')-da, rriod AIN twz!n 4hen " he not en, <br />Unless Lender and Borr-)wer .,)t b vr'wlse agree, in wriitirI17. atv� <br />) - I ot "hall not extend or <br />Postpone Inc JurLlate -)fhe monthi,, Y aYrnerits refer-ed to in --paragrapt, <br />under parag%jph ,4 Itle proper <br />is :ant h.ankt "tie amoun, o 'he rid 'ITIents if <br />is aLqUired Lender, Borr Aer's nght To aj� :rIsL.FallL�e <br />from damage to the Proper-,y prior TO the acqu, sitIonshall noilcies and ri-,"L-ercis <br />4. pricer to the acqujSjjI(,)n boy .its �eeunra <br />Instrument immediate'% pr pass to Lender TO The extent of the surn,� se Prescrvatma and Maintenance of Property: Leawholds. BorrOwer shijil no,, je- <br />change the Property ailo jamag <br />-A :he Properzy to dcterjoraic -)r commit waste. if this Secu- e,)r 'uhslantia, <br />,11% In-sirurnell, a �ea�_ho, <br />Ro,yrrower shail z()m*pjv with "he A se I <br />� erge unjess L es fee "Itir to the prorwv% , ,,be jeaschoid aric <br />fee title shall no! M nsofthc lease, and if Borrouer acquires <br />Crider agrees to the merger in %riting. <br />7• ProtectJOR of Lender's Rigks in the Property, Mortgage Insurance. If Borro%er f' pe- <br />f,orm 'tic <br />Cc'vertants and agreements contained in instrument. of !here is a legal Proceeding <br />Lender's rights in the proper tizil rna� significanfly atfec- <br />_rTY (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, <br />regulations), then Lender may jO and T)a% for whale%,C, fOT L'ondemnanon, j)T <br />Is necessary <br />in the Prope v L,,e%jcT , dc' ,Ary zlo protect the riforce iav%ls :)r <br />1`1 1 %aiueof thc I-crider'S <br />Instrumcni, ar' t"Ons macs include Paying any surns secured by alien Ahhn has <br />Tcarine in court, Pa.%. irIP rcallonable artornev.s' <br />Lencirru-ja% ,ake AL-t;�- ces, and entering 0711 th C P 7 P r1c 1-1 % <br />"'T)de7 "n` rag-aPh LendCT doe's not have do <br />An' arn�pUnTS d!SbUT.WCI by Lender under this par. <br />h �had ")CLOTTIC JLJ�Jjiii )rja; �C6; h <br />insn-urnen'! t nicss <br />TOwer and Lender agree tc) )t CU <br />her 'erm's -f <br />hr date Of 31 'he Note rate and shall <br />rer4ucst Ing pa y nnen i ' be POahlC, %lTh Upon rat iIorn <br />If Lender reuuted mortgage insurance as a condition of rnak"ng "It Loan secured 6a ihi,, 1wcurj <br />Pay *'he pretrijun!" requilred to main-"in the insurance in -ffCCI until <br />such 'mic, w, The "equiremen., fOr <br />Borr,,)WeT'S d I-cridc, S A'rl"Cn agrCCMCTI* OT jpp <br />an <br />Its dF.C111 may make reasonabie entrees Upon And inspcc'wns "'I !hC <br />shall g.,vr B41r7-1)%ri, rl. . <br />'r1SPeCtiOn '�PCVI!Vlng icasonahic o;jusrc ?"It. ln%pe: <br />WkK,eeds ut An% ate and ov S :Jajrjj c <br />aril) d4 <br />or aamage%, direvi Or :T1 COMICLAiirl <br />'p" _ZhCl lAking ()fArIv pgi�rj q qr py(ol ri <br />Assigned And i be ra "we in 71iru i)f <br />P`P" N OiAH ,w ip, <br />j Lif" �A <br />`w <br />iq, '!j, j <br />P, <br />Af <br />_j <br />