<br />Lenoer n rat �>T, —
<br />Lendle M slid applic
<br />-at't 12% _,c_
<br />3� azi-ee m WnT;ng . Mi1sLendef,orna1e�,U-h ii I
<br />he Funis. L:rlesi, an agree_-nent 3 i:haT-C B1.ir70%Cr !nj
<br />tle paid cm
<br />requires z"'Ic-est 10 be rtaidi, Lend
<br />made or applicable 7aw,
<br />er s�lall nz�i tX required To pay showing
<br />LIT earnings On the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give o Borrower, w-t charge, an annu i accounting of the Funds Showing credits and debt Is to the Funds and the
<br />et st
<br />purpose for which eachcieNt To the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addizionai
<br />F This Sccurtvy Instrurritnt. A
<br />security for the sums secured by
<br />If the amount of the Filters held by Lender, together with the future monthiy Payments of Funds payable r; i
<br />the due dales of the escrow items, shall' exceed the amount requ, . nor to
<br />ired to pay The escrow items when due, the excess shall b_
<br />at Borrower's jption. I either promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credited to Bo wer on monthly P ym its of Fu r
<br />am, aunt of I he Funds field by Lender is not sufficient to pay the escrow rro a ier rids. If the
<br />amount necessary , -11 - items when due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any
<br />- 40 make up the deficiency in one or more payments as required by Lender.
<br />Upon payment in full Of all Sums secured by this Security
<br />'j 5v Lender. If under paragraph 19 & Property is Sold or acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later
<br />Lender shall Prom Ptiv ref�ind to Borrower
<br />anv Funds he, rty Instrument.
<br />than Immediately- prior to the sale of the Propertv or its
<br />application as a credit against The sums secured by - this acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />rat the time of
<br />3. Application . is Security Instrument-
<br />of PaymentL Unless appitcable law_provjdcs -)the, received by
<br />era ride
<br />k -w1se- 3,11 payments r eived r
<br />Paragraphs I and -7 shall be applied: ilrst- to late charges due under the Note. second, to prepayment
<br />Note, third, to amounts payable under paragraph 2, fourth, to interest due; and -last, to principal due. charges due under the
<br />4. Charges: L'ens. . BDr7�,we'r shall pay all Taxes. assessments, charges,
<br />Pro ray which m tines and impositions attributable to the
<br />ray attain pnonj� over this Securtv Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any.
<br />Borrower shall �3bligatio*SS the manner provided in paragr
<br />a-ph 2. or not paid in that manner, Borrower shall
<br />pay them oil nrrie,�'Tez'!!; !t) Zhe person owed payment. Borrower slaii PrOmptly furnish to Lender allno
<br />to
<br />tv- Paid under this paragraph, If 13- r-ro notices of amounts
<br />wer makes Tn
<br />receipts eviden rh �csc payments "",-Ccliv. Borrower shall prompliv furnish to Lender
<br />c.TiL epaymen
<br />ls.
<br />Rorrowershali any
<br />agrees In writin g ,C rhe paym ert of I he ob! "en which nas T"OT"N Over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)
<br />faith the 11 IgallOn -secured b% ,.he a manner acceptable to Lender; tb),-Ontests in good
<br />gs 'A' �-
<br />Jen bN.,:)r defends against enforcement of i"Ic!le- In. regal -Lroceedin lich in the Lender's opinion operate To
<br />al2reement ,ansf3ctloryto Lender subordinating -�Pcrl 1% � or (c) secures from The heftier of the lien an
<br />prevent The enforcement Of the Ile"! or *_Orf�lture of any part Of The Pro
<br />inaling the hen tot Securi
<br />ltv Instrument. If Lender Jetermines that any Paz•. Of
<br />Inc Prorieriv is subiec, -,o a lien �Ivhlch may attain priority
<br />r I-ver this Security Instrument, Lender ma,. give Boa-rower a
<br />notice Identifying :he lien. 'a
<br />si-la-11 satisfy the 'hen 0* Y9
<br />Ofthir giving of notice. r take one or of 'he actions set for-,h above with
<br />5. H2zard Insurance. Borrower shall keer the ITTI in 10 days
<br />I I -Provements now existingor hereafter erected on the Property
<br />Insured against lossin% 19re, hazards included w ih n
<br />require$ Insurance. Tnis ,he term "extended col erage" and any other hazards for which Lender
<br />msurance carrier 7,ro insurance shall De maintained in the amounts and 'or
<br />If the iods !,at Lender requires. The
<br />in rise per
<br />9 ,nsurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject a
<br />unreasonably withheld. Lender's approval which shall not be
<br />All insurance Policies and renewals shall be acceptable to
<br />Lerider sh h right - L-ender arid shall include 3 standard mor-, gage clause.
<br />all ?cave The - ght 10hoid the policies and renewals. If Lender requires. Borrower s,'-.al , 1 , n
<br />Df paid - rem-urrisand renewal notices. In the e, entc)floss. Bor rom pti-, gl%e io Lender
<br />sal e-,vVTS L V
<br />Cal-Tier and Lender- Leather ;'tray make proof of loss if not made pr rower shall gib e Prompt notice Tc) the msurance
<br />Unless Lender and &-)r' promptly Borrower-
<br />rower otherwise agree In writing, Insurance Proceeds shall -he arpilled!o r-
<br />01 f he P Dr)ertv darnag 1- -0 1 , torano
<br />ed, The rstOralrl or repair �s economicajiv t-easible arid Lender's ' � I S n or repair
<br />Secur—, s iii -it lessened. If The
<br />Lender's secunj% wouid
<br />.1 M�hed -4c, !.he j 7m', �,ecuied es,;.e_ a. ',hemsurarice j-7roceeds shall be
<br />B _Secur,,!,� Iris!-umcni, whether 0, i. r not "hen due- with anti excess paid To If
<br />'D" dc_ n,'O' answer within 30 days a 'notice from Lender lhj,
<br />offered T` lhcn L;:,ridtr ma� The insuran -amer has
<br />T he F'70PCTTI ce Proceeds Lender mav use I �-e proceeds T,)
<br />j
<br />I r
<br />repair 01 I-sior"
<br />'"is Secant% whether or nor th-endue. T.he �0-da�
<br />he no, i :s 1 n.
<br />Z11 Period %lil begin
<br />Unless Lci:dcr and
<br />Tvs1par
<br />-e the jue jare -:�f, ling, an', aPpilcation
<br />pa%,Me,
<br />nIs reerred !C; of Procecds'o principal ShZIll not extend or
<br />n
<br />under Paragraph T,�e ;s a agraphs I and 2 or,:hange the amount of zhe paymenis If
<br />aquIred by Lender, Borrower's right
<br />oa
<br />from "amaze To n.. insurance policies arid preed_
<br />r s resullinz
<br />?70ICTIb Prior to -theacquissition snail pass To Lender 1OThe extent of the' Suits secured t�% ,his Secur,j,,_�
<br />Instrument `mmcdlalel�, nrior To the acquismon.
<br />6. Preservation and Nlz'nten&we Of Property; LeaseWds. Borrower s,�ajj not destro,. . damage or substantially
<br />change Ige the Pr_k:TPerlb- allV, the P70Pcrly to deteriorate or commit waste If this Security In-,,I'
<br />aorro-*cr Shall 0-m---M_Vl� with the, provIsIo, f the lease, and Borrower acquir' rument Is On �; Jeaschol
<br />fee " It L- shall - ns 0 es fee 111"e? ,
<br />1 nOT merge .mess L`1 To 'he PrOPerlN - The leasehoid arid
<br />Protect' - - finder ag recs " (I site merger I n
<br />MR of Under's Rights in the property: writing'
<br />cc�v cats and agreements contained in this Security Ins Mortgage Insuranct. If Fk)rro%%ei f3:ls to perform --ne
<br />Lender's rights in ,he properiv trument. or there is a ;'egaJ Proceeding Thai significantly affec.,
<br />res . (such as 3 Proceeding in bank-rupicy
<br />-ulations), "her LCTIlarr -1 . icy. Probate, for condemnarIon or to enforce laws or
<br />In The PrOP-e-rTy Lender's "" Antl PaYl'Or AhaleAer is neccnssar-� TO protect the ajlue of the p7t)per?.; aric', Lender•�- ngh!s
<br />ac may` 11`)Cludc paying ariv sums *secured by a Which has pr,
<br />lns�;rumcnl, apm,31'Ing 11%, �Iourl. 11"laying, _'ea"nab;e attorneys" fees and enterl-
<br />Lendc, mma�, * -ne on The Pr,�,
<br />"F1 LM pt- (3m3ktre
<br />der par Rr,3ph -. Lender doe.
<br />,a%e
<br />An,b af`-s uilsdsDursted b% Lender under this Paragraph - shal
<br />SccunTN less ,ate j, Uq ,c�
<br />i _,s RorrOwci and Lender agree to tither terrns,-
<br />Tht dale rf djShu_ ra, ment, he�
<br />nen I st 3murlis �dhafl hear mtrlesl
<br />at The Note rate and shall h
<br />requesting pa�rrkcnl %%I!h interest. Upon notl�:e frorn, [,Crider
<br />If Lender required morigage insurance as a condition rq mBklng tine loan secured by This Securiv* In.si7lurncni,
<br />Borrower `h`" Pa!i the Premiums required !o mainlain The insurance in eiTeci u,111] such Tlm'
<br />1
<br />e as !.he requlremrn� "llf ?
<br />`nsuTar`cr'crTTUnAI0s In accordance with B'M'Dwer's anid Lender's wm!en agreement (7wr appli"ahic law
<br />IftsPWi0m. Lender or im agent may make reasusable entries upon and fans pecnon.% of, he prfprr,,
<br />,, Jl give Tl, ')tCt III The 71mc of of pnor 10 an InTeclim specifying reasonable cause 'for their %pection
<br />9. condemnaticM. Thic nrcvreds an) a-*ard or claim for d'
<br />,tm, condvirmvion !jkIng of arnANM direct or con-equrriliaj, in �: sir ne,:non -A 0� t-,
<br />ogned ind, �,h4ill 1_-�Cna3d part the properly, I C`nve%3nc,- In );cu of ,:onjt-rnan,-n,
<br />ill
<br />4 'hc Prr,VC",V, 'he rr-K:er
<br />j: Ut, AT , - -Z% Nha" aPPhed !1) 'he ti tat
<br />'A id h<, r 7 �A t7,
<br />: =e ,- % r n 1
<br />77-, T
<br />"r 'j, f A ",0! P- ,mot �j
<br />A.
<br />01
<br />