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ADDITIONAL TERMS <br />85.003516 <br />PREPAY.MLNTA*QDACCRUA1.OF THE FIN kNCF.CHAR4;E: Even ,_h,,L_--t 1 a,, riot hay ezop;i, <br />nl,Au to towing to ym irfuF a,. any time or in pan from n 1i) Tirrw� If the irmiang '11slautrou (IT nani, that tiuvs rii? contract cocci putes tow tin ancir <br />charge chair will he less if I make an earn payn-u-ni, and it will he higher if I jw% We. I ais�) recognize that ativ rieces&aIN adlusunm W Mv I" <br />finab=. a*PTMe=,1"W in my final hill. I also kno% *w bit ir&-_�unts shown on the reverse side loi the Finaner Charge, ToW of Paymentis. aridthe Total Sale Price <br />art esunuftsbawdsus the assumption that you will receive each ofthe pay-ments exactiN on as due date: aW I know than there will be Tw. refund if] because them <br />prepaN A YOU <br />is nodung to rofund if I am charged on a dail% basis. If the lenduig inst t or hank awes rat a 7oriipuw the finance cfiaTyt daih_ mid it thi w+ Ac amumt, <br />au ion <br />will refund to me the unearned portion of thi finitrice charge (interest i by the accounting procediur krown as the actuarial me the iniixiat of my rabiar will he <br />=im the sclied0ed dates and amounts of my momhJ% payment area on the actual date* and amounis of the prepaymients that I pay to you. I knc;w that arefund <br />ldiian $1 .00*-Ii not he made. <br />(4) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAW ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF NIERCHANTA- <br />8NJTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AMD SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />POSHES 13UYF-R W!TH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL - <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />f I have mad, in deviii), the sicipwate "LIMIT W <br />ED ARRANTY" w ,: <br />hich accompanies tfn�ontraci 1, explains the conditions und circumstances in which the man- <br />tl <br />= products will be. rqmired or reptlwr(. I take notice of the. limitations on the warrants . and I particularl" recognize that any implied warranty which applies to the <br />I;Ocds lam only as long as the warranty or %cntce contract <br />SPECtA1,00MER GOODS: I know that ym have measured my house and its openings so that sou can make the products it) fit my particular house. I take notice that the <br />peds dua are nianufactured for my specific house prcthablN will not fit arry other houses, and under such conditions, I know that I cannot cancel this contract at any tim <br />after6eperiodof throe given to me., by law, in which to cancel. After that legal period of time, I know that I have the obligation to pay you in full the araountowed- <br />OBLIGATIONS PFRTAINING TO PROPERTN' INSURANCE AND N41 REAI. ESTATE: i I promise io keep m% house in good repair awi to keep <br />it insured for at least sol of its repiacemeni �ajue h.-, ht iii,, <, lire anti c�;iendoci coverapc insurance ,w)hct. The insurance �-ctrnp4ny must he approve'a <br />by vou, and the policy must hay ,- :., herieficiar, clausc sxvs Mar you :ire To "It paid it !here is ii loss. The insurance company must agree that <br />Ii w; -,n% rtoli­N without firs, ie-H-71-C \()Ll. I wthor;.7c -in-, msumri-t: : ornpan% To pa-, %,iu directi-, for .4nx ios� You can Choose io_us�e this <br />a W1 <br />insurance payment to either repay any cmouni, i owe VOLI 1)! to FeD.Ur 7,1\ hou,,. i have the option of DTO%Idini�, nmnerv, insurance through an existing <br />polic% or through a policy indefvridentk and P*ind lor ht nio 2 1 .6—) nroymse that I 'uill not aiio" anxorte else to place am !irn., (in rnN real <br />CSE31C without your "rimp ;vri-russion to p, ie a"L.,srnenlN anci other charge, -mi rrix real estate wh-n due. S. 1 oromise to zirnrk <br />make all payments on rn% p ter <br />t prior loans ecurcL; 1,% nn-� T-La� z -lit, 1 ;0"-, 'flat I �kili no7 extent{. reneu or change prior loan,, without your written <br />permission. 5. if I do not insure in,k . tioust, o- tz;1f0i in.V 01L­i ohli.Iini. . iii, i�' n�i_\ ical then You .an dil 11 10! 11 XoL Aant :hilt . ',Oil jj) nol <br />have tole If voL do Pak alik of these iol n1c _tea i< pay tou )71 •viliand a! the highest iziwtul contract rate of interest <br />Until I pay you back. these drnount, Ai!i 'k, jalled To Tin h-tlt 1,1 ­'Ll estate and house, I 1hal If you decide huv <br />insurance for me that vou Jo not . na%e do Ohtlilf! UM h0q)VO'Anel 1 ihilirs M­1X.11)L!' <br />SALE OF MV HOUS, : I promise nol w seil. W T11' .!m -'rlv .rot , <br />ct� y to <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contrac-, !iF. <br />I I dcm*t make a payment when due: oi- <br />2, l break any promise I made to you in this contract, or <br />I Something else happens wrhich causes you i o he, j ic ve in Lix id faith that I Jo not intent io pay you as promised: or <br />A. 1 default an any obligations for which I am using my hoTfic as Collateral, or <br />$. Soncthing har ur rights- if- am. in it <br />.ipensto my house which threaten.,, v� <br />EFIAM M DEFALI-T: I understand that you have the rich, ti—oreclose the Mortgage I have riven to vou and have T-,,. hc?u sold i <) r:pa1 shy nos i awe you if I <br />am in default under this contract. Before my house is sold, vou will io rven-thins" 6hai the ',au relquires. If you hire an attorrwv to assist you to sell my house, or. to sue me, <br />or, to protect your rights. I agree to pay you for your-reaminable attorneys Tt�e-, and 4:0-1 other related expenses such as court costs, title searches and money you expended <br />toproftct my house. if you we allowed to collect sulch amounts by law - <br />OT OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce am of the rights under this contract as olten as we want without losing them. Or. %kT can dcla.{ enforcing any oaf the rights <br />without wing them. We can also use any rights nou or in the future invt n to us by tau <br />DELAYS: I know that voti will use your best efforts to iristal i tie. products ) and purchasing on rrry . house. but I also understand that in some situations vou mav encounter <br />delays *Aa are caused In srikes. weather conditronit, delav, vou have in obtaining rnaternals, on for other reasons that are tbeyonl your control I undeistand that you will <br />not <br />be liable for such deliys, <br />ARXrFRA77ON: If I have a dispute or claim with vou com=inp Lire cluantitv, quality or perfor-Trianceof the products. I understand that my dispute may be submittedto <br />and wuW according to the nwdiation-arbitration program that mad hate deve-10pVd in ni;, community. I also know that aris clecisicm made by An arbittwWits) would be en- <br />tered in the court having jurisdiction over me atici you <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I knovv that the windows, woodwork, and other materials that have in he removed t,% vou for this installation have NO salvage value. VAM you it- <br />move thern, you can have them for whatever purpose you want <br />SrECL4*L SMAMNS.: Due to the uniqueness fill canoe of the prodiica that you sell. I understand that in special situations that vi -Yfficr may have to review <br />� F Regional k <br />and accept this contract. I also understand that thissaic occuird in rm honie end that Voij and I MaNr <br />- not have had all the Correct intorrnat mn important to this transaction <br />at ourfinjertips: I give you nn, consent iocorrec! any obvious error= that rria,, gate m cu red when the blanks in this contract were completed, <br />LWAIM FROV11RONS: If any pTovtsum of this contract violates the law and is unenforceable- the rest of tbr contract will he valid. h any pan of this contract Trqwmll <br />payment of more interest dm the law permits, then .% (IV Will onk have the right to collect from tote the amount of interest which the law allows you tocolloct. <br />CONPL01prp""ns. CON"MACT: Thi, coniraciwi i)nl,% toe ::hanged if both you and I agree in writing <br />_j <br />J� <br />