_ H w - �..,.,�y, •gym,.. °ice
<br />{,.. (��( — - �_r
<br />JknO1 1 ti7+a Am � 9rb"t Pmentc, That. li hereas, In an adion in tW Dir6id Corm of the
<br />E Iowan Llt.......__...Judktal District of the Slate R(NaBraria, miWin and for the County of......... ... x1111. ... _
<br />Cns..risal.. F.edetal..Sminga... and.. loan." Aasoc. iition .._ ........................
<br />- -- - .Plaintiff and
<br />St�en._��...?'raseh,.._Darbara L. Prassh etai..._ ............. - ............
<br />................ -...................... .............._....... .._..defwmWd.b
<br />—• a£UAa[y.. MLTerm, A. D. t9..85., q midooart,Co erical Federal• _Savin &s.. anc!__Loan Assoc.
<br />j did o8isin as dernee fadiry that there is due d.. Si.rbara1 L.#..._Pill....
<br />Cowaerical Federal Savin s and Loan Association
<br />Ia••__° ..__...._......._ ........... .............. ...........$........._......... ............................................... i
<br />u! ....... ._..._.................._...... ............ the rum
<br />Forty_ ThousarM. Nike, HunrireA- ,TwentT...arui._00�,100._.. . -(_ 40,920..00)-- ...._.
<br />doRdrr,
<br />t, ..._._._._..... - .....
<br />j, ............ _.................
<br />.....
<br />e-� .... ............. _................
<br />z�� .. ..
<br />................ ......... ..._.._ -
<br />jl and cods of roil fared at ...- .. -... - dollars, and, whereat, it was then and there
<br />fasiher ordered in the said action that in default of the payment al the stun so found due by the raid._ -_S- Leven -_C. - _PrasCh .and
<br />__- _Harkasa..b.....1'raach. ............
<br />.. _ _. shat .___ ------------- ...Charleo..F.a.1.rbankQ .._ - - --_
<br />Sher
<br />tff of said County of - ... .......... xa l l ;imdd cause the land, and tenements hereinafter drwrib d la be
<br />advertised and cold aomrding to late to pay the mme, and, whereas, defaull having been made therein, the said..........
<br />.Charles.. I' irbank a Sheriff of said counly, under and by virtue of the said decree and
<br />the order ojsak to him duly directed, did on the -..- ...... _17th . -. - day .f
<br />_...__.Juge ..... ...... ...._A. D. f98
<br />at rhe..lower... lobby._ f%B7(Y,$r of the County court house in Ilse City of.. Grand Island.
<br />................
<br />in said County of... _. ... ........ . _.,...__ -- Hall- .. , having fvst given dur and legal notice tJthe time and place of said sale
<br />by pahlimtion nnre in eoeh nark (or (nur.crvmseirr nvr6•.r in the - C- r- F.anrt_ Islan D l Independent
<br />... .. .............�..- .- �I_- X- .....- a netrepaprr pnnlyd and in grneml
<br />eireutation in raid County of - - -- Hall Coa and in wn l
<br />. - . _.. sell said premises at public auction ro.... .- .- " .
<br />Federal. Savin 8A and Loan Aeaaciation F
<br />for thv sum of-_ortp._Thousanrl .Nine .Hundred
<br />and Twenty and 00 /100 ($L0,920 00)
<br />___dollars. which sale was afterward al rte.... _Jan. lot
<br />..._. ... .. . ... .. ............Term of said cowl,
<br />A. D., 19.85., uamined andvsafrmed and the said Charles Fairbanks
<br />.... ..... -_ - .......tu such Sheriff, ordered
<br />l000nwythe midpremi,erinf «simpktol)w aidCo�rerical Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br />Obl 9butter[
<br />r I, the acid _ Charier_ Fa.Lrbank.4 _. Sheriff of the County of
<br />... ".Hall_.. _._.... ..._ m afareaaid, in c(nuidnalion o the __ ..
<br />f prrmaes and by virtue of Uu powers tra4d in me bylaw and the
<br />decree of said court, do hereby Gist. Gmnl and Conr y to the said ComuerieaI Federal Savings and Loan
<br />--- _._.
<br />ot, _E Ctee ...._... - _.heirs and assigns, the premises so as aforesaid sold, to wit;
<br />Lo[_ "Eightern (18) in Block Two (2) in Dickey Third Subdivision,a Resubdivision of
<br />ALL-of Blocks Two..(2) and Three (3).- Dick .ey_SubA -iviainn._and.all..Af
<br />,end.Twrl (2) Dickey Second Sublivini.4n,_.of the City of- Grand _.Island tHall- _ County,
<br />_
<br />Nebraska
<br />€ 8arsakd and drtisrred in the pretence of
<br />A.L. Williams
<br />ihrrrpaf.... . Hof ...- _.._... . .___ County, Nrbnasha.
<br />GYvavgq/.f. ...._............_.H!!1
<br />Jet.
<br />grrtha...._.1tth dayof." July
<br />_.
<br />19 -.83 . before re, Vv urukraigned.. _.....- Aodger..L— W111liatM.._..
<br />-,`
<br />in and jw said county, personally appeared the mid.....
<br />. -...
<br />A me perrwralCy krwu:n to be the i�n/ux( ....
<br />be the i1.l tit r' amjonfWho s .. Sheriff V/ refit Coun4r,
<br />he W*nowkd r y ad and signed fAe Joregotng uu4umcnl es
<br />gat !Ar rwre !o be Air volu+dary ad and deai, as roch aAerr. and
<br />Mwria nlJant,. 1/. Jor the env and pyrpty«
<br />often my hand and c&iad SO rte• � " q
<br />LIP
<br />M
<br />ME
<br />i VIN,
<br />