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<br />9£B(� l for
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<br />Fns boaW kwo Cgh of sodperegra k iAl at
<br />Of Daatft Of N co,,gos In � 1 ;:�� —. to t� Case of
<br />Sec. 6321. lien For Taxes. the off The Recorder of Deeds of the District of Cofutntaa, d � r�a� da "term + � �
<br />t the pis rty to tiro d sttated in f ° of UU tfa + yeK a1 days aft the �
<br />d My + to pay m ref to c of 5 r�rs afro � td the
<br />P" the same atfs>ra , theaarnow lmcl rig env maw f21 Sdus Of PrOpetry S P of !Hl the or>e Aar er rvtdr the Of ft tax, and
<br />l l For a Of 6 Years
<br />tofattt� wkft t ttat Mm ty Paragraphs lfi and i41, property shall ite deemed to tM situated after the cktse Of tfre prsaxt V Mww r g wa w for
<br />Sfaa be a ! die �' eta m �A1 Real Pra party. - in tttc wse of r.i Property, at such namcp of . LWW Suces + pr on - ; or
<br />j to to wned+x real °r Oessanal, a In rho case of personal prope," Sec. 6325. Hleese Of Lien Or Discharge
<br />whether tx mom, et the r of �
<br />Ste• . Period Of Lien. t ver at the tin du! notice of lean is filed let PAbw Of Li — S Of Property.
<br />€ Far Of fa , (21 181, the residence of a corporation t. ry may + m to r®gA
<br />to fotw by bw, the ar be m the place at wturh ens as rfre Secretary
<br />€' arse st the tine tt� a of ft btu s iocelad. �d dp a tatetificue of r of atq r inter With raa to
<br />m � ww fro for the amt to of a naiAertce is Wyfthntll the United 8f brtartal re "we IN "M Uw,t n 30 ays after ere dry on
<br />i kx a Srota3 be to be m � Dstrict of Colurnin timpaw m or out of ;31 Form T eta or le The
<br />by reason fa form acid aorttamt of the notice finds mat the
<br />Of of Wine referred to !n safctia5n ia) shaN � reSCtitrad by t'te fur rise arnpunr , t wdtt ail
<br />Secretary. Such notice shell be valid 10TW"AndfN anp � m a tharaOf, has 'tufty snow pr far
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priori A airier Other prov�on of few regarding the farm or content of a f or
<br />ty g mice of 1um 2l BwW Ttrore 3 fumWW to the Secretary and
<br />Certain Persons. accaPted by Nfn a bO,d ft a candswW Won the Mment of
<br />Ndhf tiro ampium , t vita all ,merest in respect
<br />Ml� t Ww Ar JWpw'Lim' 'he WO' the tune p by law l . "
<br />eWt an of cud time), and #0 a m accordance Witt! such
<br />'fro by ww 632' rot be w require raettts raietmg to term. and form of the bond
<br />of a tfttareSt c's and sent ihereOn, may, be by such r
<br />�t valktae notce f a fi .
<br />rowwwo
<br />Of �, �" feed by Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Disclosure
<br />[p1 k#Fwq Of Maio. _ Fa, i , of Returns and Return Information.
<br />Tbo Nita %t ltN lI'f� For Eqf ,n,^.fe{yr; oases n .h,s icl pubm If CNN FAME Amn
<br />— :Ww ttrougt notice of a lien '' GW&d OWL — Unless notice of iten is ref,ied in Fu Ta All' * b 6,.....~
<br />by nctw 6321 has trier fwd, such Iran sWj no, be he matttror prey d* in W99V 0) during the required -
<br />refihng pfriatt, sect notice at ken shelf be, reated as filed on to ;2i s of Of Vin. ff
<br />date on Wvt�sh rt � filed kn a tatrve a
<br />Fx 94 � Fria ° accordance cirri subsactioa iH ! after liar t fi� to Sect! 63231,f°, ttro amount of the
<br />the exvgtron of sudi ref4rig period O as by cud! � may be to
<br />SOMW lti�e � , � The r�rtesf is in sub the
<br />SW be fat . '21 MW Fff F.. — A notroe of lien .efiad env WW' Who fu Satisfactory wrMM ttrot he
<br />urwer Sane In" OarN the nIQUIrsd refer' Pricid SW be effe ws only � e r4't in lire itr Y , to Wch or intends tc
<br />a In diet of nil w ;f +fain a ripltt m Suitt
<br />fiv a lot ffit1 prey, m one iii a of * a T*Ad in the office in which Ii
<br />gawri.t o actor rtat" of hr. w" , and
<br />by 1t'a Ift" Of Such Seta, in M1 in the CM of I* . the fait of
<br />ft to tfa sari a vim; and a
<br />` "� c7• � tiro of W
<br />hww W* &'toad man ink to Nra BtfTMt regtrttad by
<br />O 111, rlA Ow WWW or snw9ft in Vera Ofka :
<br />in any? Ri ,
<br />tAe SM for ilia 4y, Or attar pww4ft Of a Of Ma of bon _'tom to tfa data
<br />W + by dx *0 of emit S rm"d !� 1*q
<br />et tfa lien � maw
<br />w by the senteryt
<br />Ort of Dwa Gait. In ga offm of as de It ®f , e in da 's , if a intica
<br />tiro ktr the Wierf a . f4ed it, *," if1 1n
<br />?w vowtv MOW to hr WhenavK ttia S ha Seta sr YYttad stCh r ettdta0,
<br />na by law dwo, I wis life
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