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F <br />CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT <br />For and in consideration of Five Hundred A Ten Dollars ($510 00) and <br />and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby <br />acknowledged, Grace I. Taylor, Mary E. Taylor Buechler and Dorothy Taylor Smnha, <br />of Hall County, Nebraska, Grantors, do hereby grant, convey and release unto the <br />CENTRAL PLATTE NATURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT, 215 NORTH KAUFMAN AVENUE, GRAND <br />ISLAND, NEBRASKA, Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement in, <br />over and upon the following described land situated in the County of Hall <br />State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />A strip of land approximately 32 feet wide running in an east northeasterly <br />direction for a distance of 1,260 feet more or less containing .93 acre more or <br />less as described on attached plat. <br />for the purpose of or in connection with construction, operation, maintenance, <br />and inspection of Prairie /Silver Flood _Control Project <br />for the flowage of any waters in, over upon, or through such easement area. <br />The rights and privileges herein granted shall be subject to the <br />following terms and conditions. <br />1. The consideration recited herein shall constitute payment in full <br />for all damages sustained or to be sustained by the Grantors and their successors <br />by reason of the construction, operation, maintenance and inspection of the works <br />of improvement described above. <br />2. The Grantors shall provide the Grantee with ingress and egress as <br />required to carry out the provisions of this easement as part of the <br />consideration recited herein. <br />3. There is reserved to the Grantors, their heirs and assigns, the <br />right and privilege to use the above described land of the Grantors at any time, <br />in any manner and for any purpose not inconsistent with the full use and <br />enjoyment by the Grantee, its successors and assigns, of the rights and <br />privileges herein granted, <br />4. The Grantee is granted the right to clear out the sediment or <br />otherwise maintain as it sees fit such easement area. <br />5. This easement shall not pass, nor shall the same be construed to <br />pass to the Grantee any fee simple interest or title to the above described <br />lands. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid easement, in, over and upon the above <br />described land of the Grantors with all the rights, privileges and appurtenances <br />thereto belonging or in any wise appurtaining, unto the Grantee, its suc <br />and assigns, forever, cessors <br />IN WITNES WHEREOF the Grantors, have executed this instrument on the <br />_., day of 19.s�• <br />�e <br />,e51gnpture f:,"ntor <br />9 Social Security Number STATE OF <br />