<br />a r 85-.�" ,00010*
<br />Deq/�11tBAa�` It iinufil all6 jple1eley alurate d pars Me DY 7ruslor gptl snail
<br />ophOn Of taenalicigry or Trustee such sumsgmaY be wdetl Bdine waver, that at Ina Iles and Obltgallona et TNatN. !al The duties and o011pel1on6 at Trust"
<br />OI any IndeDledMSS socured hereby and shag Dear the same tared as such snail M de'*rminBd solely by the ea Press provisio0a of Ina Trust D "d 8l{rr TNei"
<br />principal balsuch snail not be liable except for the pArrormAnce of s -cry dunes and ODIIQaall as AS
<br />indebtedness and snail DB oaYaDID ratably over IM remd�.nin, Iarml"Arab, .petinc811
<br />Y Set forth herein, and no im II
<br />10. ttoatghmerit a Renis. Beneficiary, shall nave Ina ngnt. Gower antl eutnority
<br />the Pr theconliruancaColIsisTrustDeedtocalledtherants .Issuesandprofile01
<br />the Property and Of any persona ptoWny located thereon with or wItryOut taking
<br />p06rlesa)On of the woWrry affected Mrboy and Trustor hereby absolutely and
<br />uwtindiary. h y or, he ell ouch rents, 155-05 and Dtollla 10 . Ilc lary.
<br />IieMfiClery, hOWever, MreDy consents to IM Truslw'S coli'CIiOn and retentl0n of
<br />Such rants, IsiueS and profits as Illy accrue antl Datome Wybole rI Mlo as
<br />f
<br />I Upon any uc aedww hereby o� m the pfer'noy", me of any agrearnen [hereunder
<br />Upon any win default, fed by & y may wt any time, eith in person, by spent, Or by
<br />A rboelwr to ny appointed by a spun wrinwt notice and wltnoul re Age t0 the
<br />rtdeituwy of any security for IM indepledness MreDy secured, (al enter upon and
<br />take otMnyl" col'*c1 suC11� an s, I sue$ andl profit5,f�irnc udmts peso name 8w for Or
<br />unpaltl. and aRD1Y ill "me. ides coats and expenses of B o" Da et due and
<br />Including reawNDl. attorney lss Costs en Operation ant, collection,
<br />auto wider, as 1teMfiClsry may detxminaY Indebtedness secured hereby, antl ,n
<br />Protection 45 may be We, ary or proper to torus epthe venue of fhb Properly; or
<br />N.N the Nme Or anY Pan ihersof 1-1 such rental, term. antl upon sucn c. Own,
<br />wr Ito )- dpement may wwate. Unless Truslor and Senel -ary agree otherwise in
<br />wnhnQ, any appllMlon of rents, issues or profits to any mwMwMSe secured
<br />herby she not extend Or PwipoM the des data or the installment Payments as
<br />Provided in a.itl promissory note or ChOnQ! Ind amount of such in91811mBntS. The
<br />enterlllp Upon and taking Possession will PrODerty, IM collection 01 men foie.
<br />Issues and pto,ns, and the application i theol as eny file c Shall no; f Such or cure
<br />any default w notice 01 Wisult MreunOer. o: rave lidale any act done pursuant to
<br />sucn NtICw Trustor also assigns W Beneficiary, as further security for Ine
<br />rYA Cf A may have bOBn primatY�e<e11f(er b! tleposYlld wpitn 5B 0 iru5tor by anlyrless«
<br />of the Property. to astute the payment of an' rent, and upon tletault in ins
<br />DeriOrmawe of any of the DrOYi$I -. nere0l, Trustor agrrae to deliver such rents 'ehl It
<br />all deposes r ill Bona /it,, Via Dllrve" Of wnhen nnhce or the Beneficiary's
<br />Q.NCI« O) Ine riQMS gran led ht,•.,n, Io any Ienani Oc',upy.n. Said p.emi.es shall
<br />n. sulrklent to red u, to sold tenant to Pay Bald 'en t Io the Sent, tici.ry until lu nner
<br />notice.
<br />tT la.eM Hel.isea, wo"hln ID deye attar demand, Trusror anal) furnish to Trust"
<br />a sCMOUH csnllNd to G true, ]ailing form all leases sh apace In Ins Trust
<br />Property than In effect, intlutllnQ, In AS ca ". fns name of the tenants and
<br />occupants, A description Of the space occupies Dp aucn tenant antl occupant, at
<br />menial Payable fed wen agate and such other Informallon and Oo do mL a wltn
<br />,"pact to aucn Wass and teMncles as the True," may request.
<br />Witnwt the Prior written consent of Trustee, Truster wall not, direCfiy or
<br />Such ty, with rati to any 1 *a« Of Space In the described ph,_.AA ,whether
<br />StreD tease la now or her "Itar In existence; (A) accept or Wrmnit any Drspeymenl,
<br />dhcount w ladvaws nnl DayboN thefwnOer; (D) cancel o+ telminats IM same, w
<br />accept any CAM Hon, iMminatlon Or surrender tZrsol, w permit any swot to
<br />Oetur wmm� would «title lM leas" thereunder to to event Cancel lM acme; to ,
<br />artlslt0 Or modify the same w " to reduce the term l n to 0, an rental DayaMe
<br />tMnurtlfel, or to clung$ any renewal provhions fer, tpnunad 0
<br />dMsuR thenwnoar Or breach the'""; _ I I waled any
<br />therSympar w take any other -., or I, connection iMrSvilih, or with wale,
<br />th �dor, writhe worm hew the effect of ImpalnnQ the value of leaii Inlsuat
<br />ttterwnder, en ill PropMy suDlscl iMrato, or p1 imPairinp the pp]IIiOn a Interest
<br />at the eanaliclary; -U Pledge. mortgage or of Mrwl"
<br />ttnpge w, w ewumper, Its Inter "t In any scn 1 " «or any yenta, rasusa or profit.
<br />Issuing Or srlelnp thereunder.
<br />12. Cowrie Mta ®eR 11 tit'*to any Parlor IM PmpertY snslt t» taken In condemnation
<br />tar "i pfi t or emment domain w slmuar anon, Or wan o "Id unur
<br />tdndelnnatiOn, ail awards, damages and p10Ceede are'Ib !s]IQn ,
<br />ten shall W Wm to eenNlNary wM sMU apply such awsrtls, damages and
<br />Drocoo" to the sums s=' by the Trust Deed, whh the excess. It any, pale loathe
<br />Trw1Or. TNStOr will promptly, and wish des ollipente, r"811 c shat and r aid l the
<br />Asset, rip Wn of the Trust Property to its torn», Condition substantial,, r a rt to the
<br />Nisnl that the Nine may pt, i"sfWe and bo a6 to constitute a complete all usable
<br />unit.
<br />71 FvMeS A1Sarle", Upon raga«, of Trustor. 6eMllcla at eeM11Ua e
<br />pant to tu,. Such future the Property to IM Trustor, may make future aaYarlMcy fp
<br />the Trust Dood Such tutors edvences, wlln Inteiest IMrbon, snail he sedates by this
<br />a.CUrwD"d when evm ad by promissory it slating Ina, Said notes are
<br />ebY� provided that et no Ilene shall the secures principal, future
<br />15aNwes, rpt tnClutllnp slums advanced to protest the $ecuriry. oxceed oM
<br />nlmdrw OMCent It001h1 of the ongiNl principal amounts socurw hereby.
<br />14. Relaxs.l" C.Sessesse, MIremedI" Provided eurfkeistM to arty Ohher oche w r D Oed In IMS Trust Oeed an d'*Ilnct ale
<br />nth, and rap bea.ernsw concurrently. YlutWer tole Trutt D«d w alfOrded DY law w
<br />Y ^d*W .Oenlly or successively.
<br />15. A.ssyaNtaac AIM:':: Upon:. -
<br />nd*atSOMM secured D)' i malted In IM WYment of an
<br />�kf aW�w in the pMwmanu or anY agraertunf MrwMer
<br />ms s "peed hotel Imm Y.I d" and paybola by
<br />�=17= te. a written dociarstron w dNwit. The T= atoll Mw the
<br />Ol a.N a Rle Progeny all 1/ eenMrCl.ry dMmrM ilia P,CpenY to M sum. It
<br />ds}ds/t with TrueNe this Trust GW all aft womiseory this «all dMUfMnt*
<br />as NPSM1lur" secured MreDy, all shah deliver to Trust e, a written
<br />d fwR all eiectlOn EO cwN ill Pro"Uj; f0 M DOW, and the Trent« in
<br />tlwn shbo PnParea elrrNlu leaks in the form rsgulrso try law, whlch *hall be duly
<br />nNd ten,asoM pY TNS140
<br />fM Afgr the fepN of aucn h".."s y W repaired by isw IWbwlnp the rocwo
<br />= Of sera mike Or dersuit. ale n0tke of Mhu y all Mtlu w NN having
<br />_►t a r M l�fuuld N� ai the VIDIP And Oe N19 on « In *Nlfl nor flu of
<br />ulna Public awflpn t0' M9Mat DNder, the purcM" Wke peYaDN In
<br />mOhey w the United Stot" a1 the tnM of se, Tne Wra etmgwlltlp
<br />the sale may. ten anY uu" M drums "WOhmt, g, The 1M "N from time
<br />t0 tMN until 11 eMtl W Compieied ale. In every awn G ". hefty 01 pwtpone.
<br />Giseetlastpl M PuIhe hecfarslNn tMrwf W swh Wrenn et 1M time
<br />len9ex than (t) •MPWlnted Ind the NN; plorldsC, If the NN It, Postponed Ind
<br />1Mrwf shalt pt, DsYOnd the day OeSIpN1ed In the Mttlde of "to nO11"
<br />Qhhe fn the name manna, as the Original notice of Sale.
<br />Tru She,, "aculs and deliver 10 the purchaaw hja
<br />MOperty aoa, Dal without any cdwMnt w welrenl , aq DOed conwpnp the
<br />r "hats In the Dead
<br />of anY matters Or fuels shall W to Iusiw ImpII". The
<br />fNihfWrlps 1Mrso1.
<br />Any Peisw, including esnSfl0ls,Y, may purchase at 1M
<br />9 W1Nrr TrusNS delis cluuuem to the Powers herein, the Trual «wan apply the
<br />Pf" of 00 ill s.N to Wymenl of 'he '0011 and "pena6e of exerclalnp the
<br />L, " Nh .r1A 01 the NN. IMledrtE WYment of the Trustee's F«9
<br />ry n'Currw, het t0 a.ww .. L(n .Hr of fM sale a Tr and inert to
<br />Item* In aubp.raprapn Ic) in the Ordei /Mrs eleled.
<br />1 lhtei PS1•IfW the Items *peChlw In fubpenpr.ph IDI 11 /he vale Is br True!". or
<br />1M WOW(Cwn end Other cOSis Of I0!:1..we and NI! it Intl at, Isis Dur ",of
<br />Ipprtfidel 1`011iuro, the proc"de of sale U and appuw m she atlw stated
<br />to the Poynwf of:
<br />(n CoSf of eny eYldente of lift' P'OG-red In cUn `0010n with nu A
<br />arty reY "U'llampa, C aalR and OI
<br />flit All Sums then "cured Meteor.
<br />Intl 1M rsmllnder, II any, tO fhb,ro ,_ 1.Gaily wmliw Ilvi•al;,
<br />Imposed upon Trunl«; (D) No P ed covenant. a ODhgations shall M
<br />expend or risk Tie own funds OOf OINMISe incur atny flume 11 equine TN I"10
<br />WrtohNnca of any Of Its duties hereunder, .1 In IM....tile of any o1 ds right e
<br />Powers. 11 It aAall have rounds for M1leving IN, IM rope Yment of .och fulls w
<br />•dsquato Indemnity agaiMt such ask or IhOlnty h not reasonably assures iod it; (e)
<br />That« rMy rbe lull, nd counsel of file own choosing and ill awlu of swA
<br />couMel atoll he full all complete wth orization and prwectlon In 1M reaped w
<br />TNatNlsennal�nol De alsole for any action n t°Y� 1f^ih end W bce therypn; (tl)
<br />beilevso DY Alm tp be sulnwized w within the tliscra,lon or trlghis of powers
<br />conferred upon It by this Trust Dead.
<br />to IMT « IMNUnt«h. Trustor, at Its expsnN, will execute all ONtwr
<br />DroIn for upon demand, such swurltY irlatNmenta as may be
<br />the P, by Trust". In form and substance "tlalactory v Trust«, e
<br />the Property convoYes by thla Trust =. which seanity InatturMtlf IM a7be
<br />Andlcondi ions Ofy for Trustw'a lanh /ul Per/orrrrance of all of the terthe, covenants of
<br />all conditlonII o1 loin Trust Dew, the P,Omla$Ory not" aesufw
<br />other "curity ort be ro or executed In connection with this tra im. S h
<br />*XP61mems snsn De redooed or filed, and re -iscOrdw and raffled, at Trwlor•s
<br />sx W rise
<br />7B. Mle«BSMeua.
<br />(a) In the event any oM or more of the Pro,,.lons conteirled In CMS Trust Deed Or
<br />the promiswry note or any other security InatNment plwn In tOnn«ilefl with
<br />Inge iranNCtlon .hall fed any rN *oft W held to wo In corn Ilion Or
<br />uhenlorc "bte In any raepect, aucn Invalmlfy, IlNpaity Or uflentwt"p}Int,
<br />ansii, at the option of Benehclary, Nt affect arty other PrO0, of this TNel
<br />Dew, but CAN Trust Dew $hall be COnetru. f N 11 such Imalm. this Tr st
<br />MnforcNwe Drovlsl0n hed never papa cch I: hr5rein Or 1hsMn.
<br />(D) This Twat Deed Shah be construed according to the )awe of the Stab w
<br />Nwraaka.
<br />(c) This Trust Deed shall Inure to all bind the Min, lep.tep, Osy1sS ",
<br />admnlatratore, executors, aucce$sws end assigns of the "Sts s, chn
<br />101 TrwtOr shall pay all taxsa lovled upon this Trust
<br />harolly. together whh any other taxes or is Trust Dead of
<br />s, which dWg secured
<br />so ainat the Trust« or asneliciary or the 1 really be leyisd
<br />on account of the Indebtedness evidenced INtsby�r of NN promissory note
<br />fa) Whenever used heroin, the singular number $hall 7ncru" the plural, the
<br />eBGn8fJ . the use of any psndBr shall be -PPilcable to elf Bowers, all ill term
<br />"Benaflclary" shall include anY pay« of the IwebledMSS Mr «Y Neurw or
<br />any iran.ler Ihersol, whether DY OP.ranon or law w OtMnvIN.
<br />19. ettcOeoear Trust«. Ef.N`fcnry may Irpm I- to time flubatltute a suCCeaeOr or
<br />SUCCe"ors to any Trust" named her.ln w sing A=n_d fo execute Coe to Tags
<br />Deed. Upon Such aPDOlntmont and wIthe-t tenvayahu to the exee"w True,«,
<br />the fetter shad W Orated won an lIIN, DOwM, and tluti« I:Orlferfw upon
<br />Trust" heroin names or sclln9 MrOundw. Each t" appOlnihNnl .lid
<br />subsfltunon $Mil be ma« by written IMtrument by 9ehN
<br />ryfeience to this TNet Dssd and 115 plSee of record, which eattNnlrlp
<br />office of the Repisisr of beetle of 1M county w c0untl" In soh In the
<br />1 situated M is's led Orwf of prpper alxPwntm h, of [he 1 DOCp spr jai
<br />Guswp tMpewer of euWtltutl n ono 1M Procedure tMnfDM shalt not bs
<br />Trust" or TNSt min the prate o_M Tr y}s 1w by law fed the substitution W .
<br />20. Ferbear.aOa tyy
<br />1lsrtsllCisry er Trtw1" Net • Welted. Arty for.p..ranpa DY
<br />ar�oow +cl try w TNet" n exsrNSinp anY rlpnt w remedy MrwrrdN w otMtwlN
<br />npnt Orr mW�IMreurmsr. ttlkiwl "DfM waver ofwprstluosthe""C of .try
<br />default OI "Ty hereunder. -no* this Trust Dew shall not W ilenefkisry w Trust« of any
<br />other or aim, let defaults aubsollutMly occurnne. dettmw l0a a walwr of any
<br />21. T= Net RsNasw, ExtVb,7 of the time for Payrttent w rttodlflGt1011 w
<br />smort!zsuon or the sums socurw DY tIf 7NS1 Deed prenled DY r motif pry to any
<br />sent "sue In inlN"t of TNatOr aht. not dPeiais to reieaN, In any Tanrlsr, ill
<br />(lability of IM Original Trustor or TruelOr's sucCe.*p, In IMSf"t. er511NkMy SMII
<br />Mt he rsgulrod to commence D +oc«dInga aQalnst swh swe"bor Or nfuN to
<br />extend time red Wyrllent w otMrwl" modify smOrtlzatiw of the win. seCUfw by
<br />this ess D«d bweet. Of anY demand more by ill OrlglrNi Trustor and TrwtOr's
<br />fuCCeawq m IntH ",.
<br />22. OOMWt_ 0 there Shell be • delaull under IAh Mw of Tn»t w undM any prior
<br />+^orlpaW, the BaMfkhry may curs sucn deiwit, and ill amounts adyan y
<br />and other coals and «pen "a w the beru'Clary In Curing such Oasuit, wi�ttl
<br />mter"t el the default nN contallles in the Not. secured Mropy from the tkn. of
<br />=the edYent« w W Ymenis $Mil be woad to Ihe Indebtwnees ssourw by tea oo of
<br />Yam-"I. I..Y W 1111es her d to' rat any tlrhe sftw the If"* of swh from "
<br />and sMn W ONmeo to tle setund MreDy.
<br />MIICPMM N farasNM. Upon the OcauranCe of any (W Ulf hsrsuwp, Dow,"
<br />w IM apiiw t0 fOrSCIWS this Trust DNA In ill mennor Wormed by lees for
<br />1M fwetloaurs of mon949" on r "I property,
<br />W*dnene"s MElfta, Attsertt pefatdt. unur any dehult In the peYment or
<br />IN TNator. na such sainted w unth the breath of dy.Gm nt 4:%l MM '
<br />receive the renla •� a 1N ,t:' om •U MII possess and enjoy the WI)petty, and
<br />Trwl De W, 9enefklary shall r Ppn WYment of all wIM seCUled by Mh
<br />eurnrlur IMS Trust pried and Wu "t TNSt" to recorny the Woperty all anon
<br />Trent Dew to Trust ". TNeiN sMitt" daotlflp I�NDlftdne" *seared br this
<br />wlthouI charge to IM Persona recon isy the property withevt wanaMy ale
<br />rewrtwyanu mar be M legally "filled UNrefo. TM 6renq. do SRy
<br />the retheia ,Mrein of 1A fled os "ill Damson Or pw="Mies thereto,•• arm
<br />INtMUIn ".eh red, Suen Y atfare w fuels shall be cwrClwyYa prppf o} ill
<br />Wrson or carbons well pay ell couple a reCOMIN, 11 any. IS
<br />hen.lsrrw pr epntra»IEEv Ole francs a red, from Mn un«reN to "10 r") "NN h
<br />by any memed whahgvor, ;N entire principal Sum and occlued iin arty,"bon or
<br />once "cortle des and paYab s al the eNCUOn or IM fAM11Nary. Failut*M *hall a
<br />inn constitute D all& of /arts•er cl t111e a$ .bb.- staled In OM Inatanq aMli ndl
<br />frontier 1 weiwr of ill ape to exorcise ill Nma In the awn, of any subsegwn,
<br />fraMlel.
<br />0. This deep or trust IS junior to oft dales
<br />61SCU100 by Trustor lu
<br />_._. _._.. Trent"
<br />"curing a principal note Ipr
<br />Dollar$ and fllw Ind record with trip RaQ,el1r OI Doors and IMnllfiw an lullowa.
<br />M
<br />