<br />85-003073
<br />This 2gmment -ace na loll ca. c! January
<br />between Hall County Airport Authority anc the County of Hall
<br />as Lasaor, ane the NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, an Iowa corporacon u i -essee
<br />ysinCS$eEb :hat Lit :.dupe noes hereby !e., tease ane ci ^se ate the Lessee ie nccessor, and =s :he !cilew^r%q at, rbea
<br />Promise approximately 270 square feet of land pealed Grand Island in
<br />.c•rv:
<br />Hall county and• heSraSka tc wt: a tract of land comprising a part of the East Half
<br />of the 566tt,�Yjt Quarter of the horSWVst Quarter (E� SE. NEta), and part of the East Half of the Northeast
<br />,._..ee. ,, +k. e— +hca.t n„artar M, Nri. Sr>v odrs o thirty -four 34 Township Twelve 12 North, Ran
<br />as dangnaud on the attached '.:per plan sa<etcn at;acned . ^.rreto a.•tc :nccr?o :atM hr m by •e!erence arse _^_..... _ a 3p ?1rea4n.-e5 . :�r
<br />the testa of. Twer�ry (2r•t yearn
<br />y
<br />.a :- o Februar c65
<br />men,, on Ss 1st nay c! — .-- --- .
<br />and tertnmate or. Me 31st day of January
<br />at the yearly :trta; of one (1) �oiars
<br />payable annually ;n aevaree ::. mstaiLments of one (1) sitars
<br />each, at the ;eased Protases. with tr,e rtgtlt of erabssntnq and -a:n :a:a_ -,c or_,SDanr; L. sa:c eased ?:em es an- t' ,eea:r.- a=: = sta:ima
<br />dteet:n sure rupputs and et'.upment u are neessay: or convenient !or the canytn9 on of said business.
<br />It a agreed that L any rent snail be due end unpaid. or J default shat be maoe by 'die Luse, s dry of the coven- .,s bere:c ccnrauned tc be
<br />by :t perfor^ted. then it ma:: be 4,vf4! upon tae ertpuabon of ter �.:0 days watten ccbce t- the Lasser !of :he : enC: u:ertnte: the sue
<br />ptramtam and to rooms ai: persons tterefrem
<br />The Laws agrees to pay -no Lessor cht re-n as herein speef,ed and .mat at .he a *o.ra : :en of me said :e. ^..:r shy renewals :beret:.: wtU
<br />trot and surrender the prermues hereby dernaeo :r. as good sate anc ter, e:LCr. as reasr..aa.e use anc -ea: therect = a-•r.ace "V tte
<br />wemects. saucing lire, and the stnoxe anc -ate? :.•tccert Lheretc asce0ted.
<br />The Losscr agrees that the Lessee. on Paying the said eul•> :en: anc prforramg the covens',:, a;c -raid «•u:; an -ay Peace!.: :y amt
<br />gataEy have hold and entoy Se said aemaed prenats fcr Lhe re.•:- afnresuc -
<br />,be Lesaor agrees :e naxe ail and to Keep the said ?re . :.des :n ;ood old te.^.ar.nc,r m.._....,. cur.n; tae :r..r- ^�ance c.`
<br />aaae.
<br />Ir case the h":d:.nq on said premises shai: be destroyed. or be so :n;.:red by the e!e_ :.end or env pine: ,reuse as tc br aater.ac :atie arse
<br />occuwc•, :he Lessee shat: not be 4able at board to Pay :en to said Lese, fo: Se same a:te: sucn ber,:uctor, cr _ :uri anc mu,'
<br />thmeupon at is optno ;alt and ru ^ender possession of Se premises bur may.:: it sc devres r co- o:a:;oc of the repairs a. restbra'.=.
<br />of std burs =q by the Lessor, reoccupy the sane upon Se terms anc mnd:nons herex. x: ,me -en •.a: :c commence fro^ !he gate of
<br />ouch t+ocr.:Pa:sda.
<br />The Lessor .'urner agrees Sat dnrmq Lie ter., of this Lease of any renevras t errof ncttl ; una:: be core !c Lie said Duu din; over -:. +stir
<br />so weaatao the game as to render the above cursed premises unr=able w hararacus fw me Levee s enpioyees ?acbns x bushes.
<br />]uanq the taro Of tta :eaae or any renewals Sergio t. :he Lessee shai: nave the -^.set. at its Ci—m eaperse 1c - ethovr
<br />Parandtas anc mart r1L. aperture and ether :hanger as ft may over, rt ?datte ;n the concur. a, :tr nua:netl 4,G t: ;:'nail =-r, =.s a .G
<br />condw:j and ="a sua othtt provisions for requlnte =Olt and other .q -Poem W anc at-"! t e buja'n,, Sn wr:= S -_ Gen:sec prr.m.: e]
<br />We ansated as tt may deem aecesart or "Ptment. and to have access Lieretc Cos main :m ar. ce a::G other ; rcows pro- - :aed .`,owev.t that
<br />aid Liars,,. premPtiy upon Lie s- ntaauon of Lis Isase. ma+; renwe the sac ban _n; ant ?re^: ses s- ,eu -!arna ccnutor. by rrc.cr,ac
<br />a:: of _ trio equ:Pman: and attachnenn by didsmq ail ap.m.es oP mao -eat r_ t. .t arse.:. -.e ind so G;17' rer.cnnc a.
<br />Panteoaa removed or -.hanged by it
<br />The Lease snai; have the ngrt to ab -. e: any Par. or ail of Lie above de.mLsec Protaues !0: any ;aw u, busuesa.
<br />It a undantood and agreed by and ter «tan the2 amts hemtc Sat the Lessee m4% rem" :hs ;tase at Ltkq ertp :meth of -he
<br />speo5ed. upon the same terms and dcnC -'UOn1 forte admuona; years' and so or. Lem vex- to you !or l%% years:ren the ex:;tat:cn
<br />of sad saoono taro and suer, rertewai: sh&: he asrumed ant en force outs: sud Lessee s ^.a/; give wvn-ter. notice 0, ::s :ec•_.uance at ,eu:
<br />duo days before t3te mptratson of abv of the :errs htreut creates
<br />The "Requuemenu Conctmsng Mutonty 'veteran and !-fandtcapprs Emclovment a Arach=er.;
<br />To An Conuacts For 52.500 or More is oy thss reference :ncorporatto ant maar pa.. c, :a .ease __.n pa.: s ne:eby
<br />obi Sups a wtjj rS 1. Lessor Shall rovide any and all watritenance necessary to ensure access
<br />SasPptemastai or Specs; C- r.aaons t
<br />to, and the utility of the property. Such maintenance shall include but not be limited to tree trimming, land
<br />iLranin�.ino_ t Pe rrnt ry Snr.' rg=yal cr ❑ e c r^ ar'+nnt at tray be rgnt tray tn krpn property in a
<br />wanner estheticallyy ppcce?ntable to the COMM r ar,d tr. ctsrtpltance with any and all regulations and reg0 re-
<br />wents of governmental authorities having iuri sort Lion.
<br />p P canes hall ¢e Wade to the offiSS9�• f the Kanager, Hall County Regional
<br />Airport, and Industrial Park, Rit'3, �ox rand slang, Nebraska 66E
<br />In Witness WLatof the Leaaor bas !sae into sat .%and ant wa. ant :ne :.twee bar ca. ': tries. ;resents tc ce a+osc ioeo b..t: G...
<br />authoinaed agent the day ant: par h:rn above vnnen
<br />Hall County Airport Authority and
<br />the County of Hall NORTHW_Ja STERN BELL TELE °HONE CON1PANv
<br />By
<br />t
<br />True 4a -'� 'ice
<br />u
<br />