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F <br />I <br />85- 003075 <br />Q11TCLAIM DEED <br />FEODORA KAHN, a widow. GRANTOR, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00 <br />and other good and valuable consideration received from GRANTEE, FEODORA KAHN, <br />TRUSTEE OF THE FEODORA KAHN (GRANTOR) REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT, EXECUTED TFE <br />10TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1985, quitclaims to GRANTEE, whatever interest GRANTOR has <br />as a fee title holder, as well as whatever interest the GRANTOR has as a life <br />tenant in and to the following described real estate by virtue of a Deed of <br />Distribution by Personal Representative filed as Document X85- 002090 on May 1, <br />1985 in the office of the Hall County Register of Deeds, (as defined in Neb. <br />Rev. State. 76 -2OI)• <br />A tract of land in Block Six (6) of Original Town of <br />Grand island, Nebraska, described as follows: <br />Commencing at the (Northwest corner of Block 6 of said <br />Original Town. of Grand Island, Nebraska, thence <br />Southerly on the Westerly line of said Block Six (6) a <br />distance of 76 feet to the Actual Point of Beginning, <br />thence continuing on Southerly on the Westerly line of <br />said Block 6 a Distance of 56 feet to the Northerly <br />Line of the alley 1n said Block 6, thence Easterly <br />along the Northerly line of said alley in said Block 6 <br />a distance of 91 feet, thence !Northerly parallel to the <br />Westerly line of said Block 6 a distance of 33 feet, <br />thence Westerly parallel with the Southerly line of <br />said Block 6 a distance of 25 feet, thence Northerly <br />parallel to the Westerly line of said Block 6, a <br />distance of :3 teet, thence Westerly parallel with the <br />Southerly line of said Block 6 a distance of 65 feet to <br />the actual point of begirr „inq. <br />If the .ots in said 1.10ck t: were numbered ir. the .same <br />manner as in Block One of said Original Town of :rand <br />Island, Nebraska, the above metes and hounds <br />description would be the Southerly 56 feet of Lot Four <br />”? and Southerly 33 feet of Westerly 25 feet of Lot <br />Three Q) of said Block b of said Original Town of <br />, -rand ?:eland, Nebraska, pall County, Nebraska <br />AND <br />The Southerly sitty -five '5) - - -- Feet of Lot One (1), <br />in Block Seventeen (17). in original town, now city of <br />Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, <br />recorded, and platted. <br />AND <br />Lot Fourteen (14)0 in Block Eight (8), in Scarff's <br />Addition to West Lawn, and a Tract beginning at the <br />Southwest corner of Lot Fourteen (14). Block Fight (8), <br />in Scarff's Addition to best Lawn in the City of Grand <br />Island, Nebraska; thence running East on the South line <br />of said Lot for a distance of One Hundred Thirty Two <br />(132) feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot; thence <br />running South on a Southerly prolongati n of the East <br />line of Said Lot for a distance of Twenty (20) feet; <br />thence running (rest parallel to the South line of said <br />1,ot for a distance of One hundred Thirty -two (132) <br />feet; thence running North on a Southerly prolongation <br />Of the West line of said Lot for a distance of Twenty <br />(20) feet:, to the point of beginning, Hall County. <br />Nebraska: <br />!;TitINF+ TAX <br />JUN 28 t9�5 <br />K <br />