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oroped <br />002981 85--.001841 <br />(1 ) ninth prior to its due crate the ail ii ll rt�dg? ,t? ilfdiiet (- reiillUttl In ilfdef ill 1 ?foYrdt SUCK holder <br />with funds to pay such premiuRt te-p the Secftetat-v of KmYng and Ilban lhvelopment pursuant to the <br />Nahonal Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br />(H) If and so long as said we of* even (late and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban E%elo ment, a monthly charge (ire lieu n/ a mortgage insurance premium) which shall he in an <br />amount equal to one - twelfth (IIi,) of =tine- half 41,`2? per ccrrttim of the average outstanding balance <br />pile on be note e't ?r Vuwd M,,, ill ,,lTlli? JCCttirllr fP,jlRCll:erltiem or ttrepslyt7tentS; <br />(b) A Burn equal to the ground rents. K any, nexl due Phs he pNi- lnlnms that will next become p._� <br />due and dyable on <br />f3i)lfefeS of lire and 011fli:F hazard 'sr ?,Ural }4e Lo(:tetii, iltt'�rt�::�Ctl j,ri,i?i.i,d', I;jUg taxes and rtSSCSSmerl[S Rt'�t tjUe <br />on the mortgaged property (afl as t sri nat d b, rG R1 ;,r +� ��ee, ; � all , 1, :heady paid therefor divided next <br />the <br />number of months to elansp! before ollci Month piton tv the datt, pyh it >,uch ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such minis to be held by Rortgagee in trust to pay said ground reaps, pre - <br />sniurrls, taxes and special ussessinents, and <br />(c) Ail payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of tins'lmmlyrad and A! payments lo he made tinder <br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, an <br />,i the alg ;resat , ;��,u��t ,i,c -t,t ,tali be ;raid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by tits h"12agt v r' rhr fcr(ltiwit?g 110M in the order set butts: <br />ll/ pre'.miunt charges under the ct,ntract t); itB y Nh 14C seelc.i ai kt! �; .i 1• ' <br />ll lsin:; anu .than l)evelupntcnt, <br />or morithly charge on h(ru r, j gnarl ,agc- insuraricc r rt nt:un,l as ttt . -.isc 011ay be <br />(ll} ground rents. taxes, isseasnlents, tilt ail(] t ,IF c; hl�a:e< rn .a::,i.ce premlt,rna; <br />(Ili) interest on the note secured hereby; and <br />M amortization of the principal o�_ said note. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such al zCrt h.It:_ , , } , <br />unless nlacle good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due date of the neat mien titllr Ivnlc :, <br />r .i11 WW , r; e;ofaQ under this i ;lt,itgage. VIC <br />Mortgagee may Collect a "late charge" not t p exceed eed tilt nrs ; ;i r <br />than fifteen (1 5 I et.lvs ut � x i" each *Hay I: (S i) of each payment more <br />arrears to Inver the estra exi >:::se .t,,:;,:, handlin; JAinquent pavi, <br />'gents. <br />That if (he uitai of the payment. made by the• M,n ,,,: uncit'= <br />- :l)ll p <br />the amount of pa ll m {2i - eceding -hall exceed <br />�'mE'nl actually made b1 the Mori am('t (sir amund Pent,. tarps and '"—I <br />m1Um4, a� nlenlr 'or InsUratlC(' pfP- <br />th( ease may be. such exc(_,s, if the ioan is cturc.nt it tht 01?6011 Of the Mortgagor, ,hall be credited by <br />the )lortgagee on :,ubsequent payments to he made by My 151-1 higim, 6� s; <br />1 of tlr I,`funcit•d iu the Mortgagor- If, howevor, the <br />monthly payments made by the .Nortgagor under Of par.iyr_?ph ' iprc,edbe shall nut be sufficient to pay vl% t <br />rent., taxes and asse•smenIN or insurance premium -, as the ea-e' may l,e. "110, the yam' -hall become due and pay - <br />able, then the INrigaf;or shall pay to the llortg:agte a tiny amount here -sar-y to male up the deficiency, on or before <br />the date when pavmcent of such ground rent, taxe assessmertt:s or Insurance premiums shall he due. If at any <br />time the Mortgagor shrill tender to the Mort-=agg'e. in .lccofxlmc ` "it the provisions of the note secured hereby. <br />RAI pavment of the entire indebtedne -- represevlted thereby. the Thrtgagpe -hall, in com utint� <br />indebtedness, credit to the account of the ,Mortgagor ali ptrvinents rnade under the provisions of the amount of (a) of paragraph <br />hereof which the Itortga� • , pi 1; ph <br />r. „(,( has not become obligated to pa` to the secr('tar ;v of I{ousing ..nd l'rban 1 ?eveloptnent <br />and ant balance remaining; in the fund- accumulated under the provision- (if', ' of paragraph 2 hereof. If there <br />shall fix' a (]('fault under alit of the prmi -ion- of this rn0110W rt'suhina in ar public sale of the premise: c'oaered <br />herehy. or if the Mortgagee acquire- the property tllherp +i-e after default, the llortgitgec' hall apply. at the time of <br />the commencement of Oil prt "wong.,, w ,tt the time the pmpet'ly f- ,ahety +i -t' acquired. the balance then remain- <br />ing in My fund- a"nimulawd under ; of <br />pl l I)II rapil pre t etlin� a rretG t again -t Iho ::mount of primind then <br />reaeaaini ca €lp; id under- -aid note. and hall propeFIN atlpt : -i .:;,, p,ivment- •,plus "bid' 041 have Item rtrlde under !.ri <br />of psr;wr wig <br />4 flat The Mortgagor will pav ground rents. taxes . as�essrllents. wines rate,, and other ymernmrntal or municipal <br />'half` i ne'- ter I'liPt"Nttonk- ft,r uhILh prey loon has W" h,, r..acjc• hcrelnl,c•!t,ie..uxi in tieiault thereof the MunatagCC ma', <br />tfi,tp <br />the "anic . and ;fiat at the Mortgage! %,,ill pr(tnlptly deliver the official receipt, olerefal to the %11-ulg:agcl. <br />the "1190c?r will (pay all lave, which roily lie leried upon the Mor P91Ie s lnterest in said real estate afntl Improve - <br />me nh. and which may tv ley ed upon this mortgage or the dChl NUM0 hereby Ilml .,ill', h) the extent that such is not prohibit - <br />ec` by ` V, dIld 011;y to the extent that ,Bled ybill not make thin lo;' , <br />cP n�Rrrl,lisl. htit exelltchng any income' tax, Mate of federal. <br />raipo -cti "': la,rtg Iced , and will file the of4i0a0 receipt Qu wing tits. h h,ty ment "wh the %100 ;'ig:ee. t_�pon vic(lation of this under - <br /> LU rt is Motig.&gllr Is proiutlitcel t?L ;toy law now of hcreaftCr existing iron; paving the whole or any portior( of the afure- <br />,a;d t ixe ".. lei ti Vin the re rldcring of any cod"i ile"ree p`tltlptt N Hie 0" alt 10% Ow %=rti:agor or any such taxes. or if such lavk <br />= Bid c t rt,e;etes drat any "mill ill sty pod by the Mo t.l tgw! 'hall he — dned sell the mcw1gagc debt, the Mortgagee shall ha%e <br />!lie tgh tt tire. ran'" clays ""He" noticC It, the uu <br />(ti of the tlt;,t t'e,l , � Il,l�e'ti. to +J llltl Ft g the pJynlCrll of tilt' nloltElalIlC <br />s ie f mqwv fie ftiv il. the slid Bleb( ,hall become due. ravablc and cony( hMe w the c Whation of said ninety d;iys <br />Ihd h,, du he fol to pay any lnrrl in keetp .tilt J �t prl,yilleti f.E 1il this 1ft,rtd :age, then Illt .titnft tkl'('. ;I( its t,p- <br />Ite *i . t , a prrNum the same, and all e.x wnttttu;es s r �'' ' <br />l t wade shall fie added to ifie principal ,lint (loving! (11) (lye .Ifpoye note. <br />"Or ,q:, mcd hcrehl - and shall hear interesi at the rail set ft,i Ill if, the said note, onfil paid <br />I h, lit' hvithL assig•!ns. Iransfeis and net, 0,,cr t„ Ihl .%jorlr� ;tg„el. fog f,t: Aplied toward tilt' payrnt,ul of the nolV and all <br />` -(mitt ciatrt.d hcrehi in case ref it default ifs the PC! fornWMT of am t,t rife• Ic°rfl', Idyl Lcmdttltmw of this 'yltlrtPWC in the sail <br />note ;Ilf nc� 'enls, rc%crmes and incornC to he den vedl from the ntorillowd prd•miy., donng sue-h lime as the mot llpagc indChied - <br />rae °�s shalt rernain unpaid: and the Mortg;aget: shall have power Io appoint any a,,,cnY lwents it bray tlt'sire in( the purpose of <br />r;p unrip Y "d premises and of renting; the same ;111(1 collecting; the reply. rc%ennes ;roll r,rorne. and it ncly pay out of said in- <br />tprrlCs :Ili ex1 }Case of repairing said plt.'tT1Yhd'ti and 11ecVs%-IIy ettinmin"mi, and elivenuc% incurred in renttij and managing the <br />name and I)f t:ollecirngd rentals therefrom: the harlance renimnIng, if aely. ItI ht: applied to\,kard the tllschar'g!t' of sold niottgag;e <br />i dehledir:tis <br />K I hat he will kccp the improvements noyv r <br />t istin p; o r hC'flaftt'r diedtcti t,t! the ill �Tldr? :Ip!ttl pitppll -ly, insnit'tl a`, allay 1pl <br />r:'64i Etc'el tr f' i iilnl` tfi tin 'c' i +'v IIiC' !yl1,(I t re <br />% " p! :Ik'alilNt i„ ., t", 111' +. :,If l i t' :t" if .kl tlti ", na;"lt's ;+alt <br />ark;''ilr,t4 spry fill st,clr Pet -fods a�s may he re Awd b the• 11t,t ., , t ct�ntinp :cnttes in ,itch <br />q v r t , r .dv ,. u. try ,.Ilen eiue� :fF y t -di °piing, {,11 ,Itch <br />irizrtr nc @° gprnL'ltifnil f < ➢r ptlyttletlt (if Which ltilS lat,t help IIi;111C Ilerc`infpt'ftorC. 111 fnnIlrant't' tillall apt' . ;fllflel III .,�nlp� ;Illt ` -. ;fp <br />rn" Itor <br />11 the lt altce and foe pooches dnd rommils Mcleof shall he hci,i t'% the cfrr f' I�tce ,u dI h;n e ailaelied [helclu loss <br />tp.fv si t K01- ill favot 4 and in Gum at" pta h <br />t I i , the 1l�rrs£: It,'r Iri t pt'n1 tit h,.; 1it�t r�,Ip�ut �tt,l Itlyd' unrne °dial(• nutlet' !pv <br />Bail tat t$ac L9ort ,��rc'. vc�ho reiuiy rrilrce proof of „ if net snarl prerlilpth; Ipl 1Rt,rfp ;afar. ;furl cacti noulancc sonrp;inv ion - <br />'.crncd is herchl; - m!hiiwcd ind tort otoi �, il�.;lkt , �'�ylu °,,r sift 1, Iris .t�tiy Inst "! of tap tot' kimffgapor <br />the MoT y ,l,t•F• e "Wk Md TV itt m t h, ,� r <br />p <br />t , Ili I ;ohs ' o i'. i,e <br />I TXI� t�`i� tMtal E,t the trlft °r i i <br />tln4. °` Ie -;'l at,'t:1fS �ot't„ tf e �E•tit r CPt��l1 Or 9�' i ip £ 111,,' t 1hr Pir t�i�f cp r, r: n t , <br />f -i t'f i t iiii,ltt'fl IYI t'e till t f t, >rce lt? <br />,,I talc' 11+ tl�e ''no <br />f[6 c e•t,' lop r, t +'1l . iii ,_ ,.fig �i�lf it,t t!t ,( ihr .n.ft ffr <br />. �l .I,. Ft?4 i „° �,i it' f p. an't' f' 1:;,7 i .lei It �! � ,1 e li, - i I l,q•�t•f. p, <br />t <br />t r I N tlta <br />