85 06906
<br />lKnOW 2111 JRtn bP Tbege Ikeanto, Thai, wir, 1. an ad,,, in
<br />jiif�jjl'- Eleventh the District Court of the
<br />;j7 . . .............. .........
<br />Judicial District of the Stale of Nebraska, within and for the County of ----- Hall Wherein
<br />11IN orwe8t Mort gage,Inc.,formerly known as Banco Mortgage Company...... - ................. * ------ ------------ ......
<br />------- -------- ....... ....... ........
<br />...................... . ........ ... p ........ Plairdiff_'. and
<br />--------- ---------
<br />... ®f
<br />at th ..... 4A;jq;kry lst --- --------- _ ........... ...
<br />lit ---------------------------- Term, A. D. f9_8 5,
<br />of said couri,#q st_.Mortgagj�,.;�nq...
<br />--- -------- --
<br />did "in a decree finding that there istde. from..., S . wi ._ n . de I . I ..........................
<br />to. !qtr:!��St Hart ga�$�e, Inc. formerly known as Banco .. .. . .......... ................................. ....................................
<br />.. .................... ................. ------- ....... -----------------
<br />Mortgage Company
<br />,j' Forty -nine ...................................... .......................................... the sum
<br />d...S even Hundred Ninety—six and 06/100 ($49 796.06)
<br />................................. ... --------- .... e__ ..............
<br />- ------- - -- - --------------------- -- ----- - -
<br />- - ------ - ------ ... .. .. ..... ...... ...... .............
<br />........................ --- --- ---- --------------
<br />�4 .......... .......
<br />.................... ........ .... ............. _-
<br />. .......................... ......
<br />and costs of suit taxed at .. ... .. ... ..
<br />and, whereas, it was then and the),
<br />f�hlii a! JaPOMP Ordered in the said action that in
<br />default of the paymerit of the surr, .90
<br />found due by the said... Michael K. Swind ell and
<br />................ ....................... ...............
<br />A MO-04.4 --- K-_5w
<br />-ind-e 1.t
<br />that ..... ......... ............... Charles Fairbanks
<br /> - - ------- ------ --------- * -------- --- ------- - ----------- ---
<br />Sheriff of said County of....
<br />Hall
<br />should cause the land, and tenements hereinafter described 10 b.
<br />advertised and sold according to loolly to pay the sortie, arid, whereas, defaull having been made therein. the said..
<br />. �fq Charles Fairbanks ........ ...... --- -_ ---
<br />.... ... ...
<br />, Nheriff of said county, under and by virtue of the said decree ana
<br />the order of sale to him duly directed, did on the ..
<br />23 rd
<br />day of .... M.aY 85
<br />at the. ---- r lobby --- A. D. 19 ......
<br />CitV Grand Island
<br />of- --------------
<br />in said County of. --- .... •.. ....
<br />Hall.
<br />haring first given due and legal raitce of the time and place of said sale
<br />/,)V publication once in earh week for (oursurressire ;rt jij,...Grand Is land Dai ly Independent
<br />....................
<br />............
<br />. ........... a newspaper Printed and in general
<br />eircukaiOn in said Counly of Hall
<br />sell said Premises at public auction to..Nor
<br />.... MoT.tga,Se Inc. -we.g_t...
<br />for the stun of F_tftY__,:TYq Thousand Three Hund_
<br />------------ Jan. 1st red Five and 66/100 052,305.66
<br />dollars, which sale ?Lw afterward at Me_
<br />TO M of said
<br />A. D., 19.85., examined and confirmed and the said. Charles Fairbanks court,
<br />---(U such Sheriff, ordered
<br />to convey the said premises in fee simple
<br />10 the RI id NOrwest Mortgage., Inc,
<br />ROW Zberefort, I, the said ---- ......
<br />Charles.Fairb-anks.,
<br />Sheriff Of the County Of
<br />Hall
<br />fix aforesaid, ir, con-sideralion of the premise, ad 1�, Virtue
<br />Hki "N of the powers rested in me by law and the
<br />-, 1" 1- decree of said court, du hereby Give, Grant utid Conpey to 11 Norweat Mortgage
<br />le said
<br />B known as
<br />ARCO. _��rtgpgj�_!Cq!"Pgny
<br />heirs and assigns, the premises so as aforesaid sold, to wit:
<br />.
<br />•......... in Castle - Estate SubdiVisionsHall Count Nebraska
<br />y.,
<br />......... .. .. .
<br />. ............ ..
<br />. ..........
<br />......... .
<br />�JA 1, EV E r
<br />JUN -20 14 .. .. ....
<br />fI
<br />.... ....... .... ... ........
<br />& with the appurtenances.
<br />go *abc allb to 101b tbt atnt unit) the saidNor
<br />as Danco Hoyt a West M0rtgag.e.,.jnQ.., formerly known.....
<br />... Company
<br />_heirs and assigns, and to then and their use and behaof former,
<br />oftwr.
<br />311 XCIMMIDnV Vtjet e0f, / i
<br />'WIT. US such Sherilf. 11"Feurdo -I nay hand Of
<br />...... June day
<br />hZecuted and delayred in the prFzrr,,e
<br />R.L. Williams (,"UnA - lVeltraska.
<br />. . • ...........
<br />�TA TE 01" NEBBANA',, I,
<br />On this.. 17th. day of QUWY af •. ........... .
<br />persurlall• al)i[Vared thr pi ill
<br />Charles Fairbank-R..
<br />I'VW111 j,� 1'r Sheriff Uf said 00141
<br />R11,7dical prrsort V ho signed jlj,� 1- r
<br />to rive he nck;vm RoPle if, be his n,,'utofury toel (till jeril, a " "'"f] as 9"Atilior. find
<br />Therein x4 forth 9 slit thr. itsys arili pupIxm
<br />dBtlt nay hund and ly and year
<br />L ftaW
<br />Wo t
<br />I
<br />