<br />, �x
<br />x tXl�il{�i�t tl�f>YXx
<br />XXXXXXXRXI(OtX+XA Q "XXI C)WX Ui iAK,X t; XItx9{Xtlt)in ti€}KXDCt1{gdi�(
<br />�xxxxxx�t> f> lk�ck >�+Rkxt�xsxka�kxtax1iQxXj@x��X
<br />equal to tale g+�x1�lrex'� if"aii i -VXVM �X* KPWI( x x 4�x�c
<br />fib) A sum equal to the grExrnd rents, if any, nex��l�s'✓�Ilremiurns that will next become due •
<br />Policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the moil a��
<br />Oil the mortgaged and payable oil
<br />g• ped property (all as estitnato"I !)J, „ g' ltd property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />number of months to elapse before one month priot,rthe datetwhen`sue►t ground rents, premunivi tax
<br />assessments will become telinquent, such sums to he held h tilort , already pant therefor divided by the
<br />miunis. taxes and special assessments; and y ` gagee itt trust to �► es and
<br />Al) pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />(c) mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the nr,te secured hereby shall he added i+,gether, and the aggregate : +mount thereof shall be
<br />each n+ontll in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the foffowin
<br />paid by the Mortgagor
<br />f, items in the order set forth:
<br />X�XXXXXnX�{1 �14A4C 4�44ilE�FlCli> �XX�{ 4¢X�44JKM4(�p74;41f}�i4K4#9SX��
<br />�x>al�ct�x>�11<a�a�xXt�x�l� cxkk�xx�tc +�c�>IS>�axX�:��xPc�xx�
<br />(ll) ground rents, taxes, assessments Other
<br />(Ill) interest oft the note secured hereby; and
<br />amortization of the principal of said note.
<br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate
<br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such pay mcfistitlute�anrcventshall, tf; +tultsun ter this Ill() good by the Mort -
<br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" nut to exceed f „r;r cents Olt) fur ea�lt ,collar (S I ► of each �a
<br />than fifteen (I S) , +av s in arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handlirl� uymen t The
<br />I t ynlent more
<br />;- 'That if the testae of the payments made by the Mortgagor under "1,' °delinquent payments.
<br />the amount of Payments actually made by the 11ort��a gee for rnund rcn(s of paragraph _' preceding shall exceed
<br />mium , as the c lase E t tax(
<br />Pre-
<br />the 11ort aue , may hE , such excess, if the loan is current, it the option Of tile Mortgagor, shall be credited by
<br />menu or insurance pre-
<br />.c on if p tyment -s to be made by the 11orrgagor. or refunded ti the rtga ra
<br />monthly Payments made by the Mortgagor under 04 of paragraph ? preceding shall not ht'• suff,
<br />rent. taxes . r. go +'. If, howes�er, the.
<br />and assessment, or insurance premiums, as the case may be, when the
<br />able. then the Mort �• . cunt to pay ground
<br />),a},or shall pay to the 1l-. ja +g <' <' arty amount nee es.ar�' to make upmhe~deficire nc- y1t'onu ►r 1 c fo e,
<br />the date when payment of
<br />P .' such ground rents. tuxes, as.sVssments or insurance remiums , ,
<br />time the .Wortf;alor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in acc'ordanc'e with the provisions of the not
<br />full payment of the entire indebtedness „, p hail be duE.� If at env
<br />indebtedness, credit to the account of tilepMortgag�jrth ;itrt►„rn`ntslc��tadcf under the provisions sE'cured hereby,
<br />h ; hall• in computin); the amount of such
<br />x }f 4?li(lEt [IiX�X t�XtwX 3t�X (ovisions JY",XXX45
<br />�I4�CIl�'X)SftliX X YtX �'�X�M)tltY3i]i�Xt?f IiXtK
<br />hall I a default under tut} of the provision• of this
<br />' ��+ t�KrY sifdf�EJfK�}� ( %1l of paragraph 'l hereof. If there
<br />herc'b }', or if the Hoyt under mo.("age resultin g i �
<br />f, 1 acquires the property othc•ntise after default, the llortt,t tic of the prenllses cav+•re.e�
<br />the commencement of such proceedings, or at the Lime the proper(} is olhervvise ae yui+'e'd. the t
<br />ing in the fund. ac'c'umulated under ( ") of , + c e :hall apply. :+t the time of
<br />remaining paragraph preceding. as ; valance then rc main
<br />Xli)R k X uneter said note,
<br />)"41y. a credit against the amount elf principal then
<br />. ��dEXrXfyYK ? Qi�i�+�iftiY�ii�i{,Xti�cii�EXxX
<br />4. That the Mortgagor vv ill
<br />charges, fine,, or impositions, fur�vhit h�pmJi,iun` has+ nut heencmaJtrhe�rinhefnrete:s, and then thereof lnrnrntal ur municipal
<br />Pity the same: and that the Murtg : +t >of. will Promptly deliter the 0Ihcial receipt, therefor to the Mortgagee.
<br />�• The Mortgagor will the Mortgagee m :,}
<br />pay al) fate, "Inc•h ma% he levied upo++ the .Mortgagee s interest in , ilre,,I c,t:ite anti rmpn,tc
<br />menu, and which ma} he levied upon this mart 9, ge or thr debt seetlred hereby that only to the cttent the,t such is rwt ,
<br />Imposed by law and only to the extent that sorb ,will nut make this loan usuri +,u >t• but c xcluding any income tax
<br />imposed un tiiortgagee, and will fife the uflicia1 re.:cip(,h „v< in , , ► n >hihil
<br />taking, or if the Mort a �,r is prohibited h} an} iav+ rlovt or hereafter eti,tmg from �t : +tc or 1=cderal,
<br />Mortgagor gt t• uch payrncnt v<rth the lfurtgagee. l`Pon violation of this under-
<br />laid taxes, ro upon the rendering of env court decree Prohihiling the pat relent by the Mortgagor
<br />or decree provide~ that ;,ny :unuunr u, paid h} the :11ort � + .,,1 , , P:,} rnt, the 1% hole or any purnon of the afore-
<br />the right to give ninety da} s' written notice to the ov+ net, ,f the ll! he ,tieldiied on the m, rM aor any such Mates, or is such law
<br />debt. if such notice he given. the said debt shall become duc. pa and culJeren)i c, the expiration ht, the Mortgagee
<br />A tcol premise,, rcquirin the ,hall have
<br />f,. That should he fail to p g p. +ymrnt of the mortgage
<br />lion. ma pay any sum or keep an} r_,.>v,•ioant provided for in this Mortgage. them said da}s.
<br />Y pay or perform the same° and all expenditure, ,o made shall he added to the Principe. sum Diving on the ahotc not
<br />shall be secured hereby, and ,hall hear rnterc,l at the rite set forth in the ,aid note, until t, get • : +t it, ul,.
<br />7• "that he hereby assigm. transfer, and ,eh over to the .Murtg:tgec. to he applied h,vvard (Ile t,
<br />sums secured hereby in case a paid.
<br />c f a default to in the Perforn+ance of any of the term, and conditions of this �1ur(
<br />note• all the rents, revenues and income to he derived from the mortc�: p•+ }'mint of the vole auli all
<br />ness shall remain unpaid. and the Mortgagee shall have Power lu appoint any r agent or a [gage or the said
<br />r+f ctl Premise's during such time as the mortgage indchted_
<br />repairing said premises and of renting the ,an +c and collecting the tents, rcecr+� es and income. :Ind it may ,a ,
<br />tomes all expenses of repairing said remises and necessary cunrntis,ions and expenses incurred dlnd if I ta% for the purpose of
<br />same and of colleclin , P f } + ut of ,aid in-
<br />rentals therefrom: the balance rern:rining, if ane. to he a „lied to indebtedness. g and n+:ulaging the
<br />{ { rd the discharge of ,aid rnottgagc
<br />g. That he will keep the imprtrvcmcnts now cti,ting ur hcreafrcr rrt•cted on Iht, mart ;i , .
<br />required frorn time to tittle by the M()rtgagcc :rgainst loss li fire and other n the s.
<br />amounts and for such period, as n+:+y he required hti the dory s alti property, insured as nr,,y he
<br />insurance provision for ,vrncnt of which has no( beer) made• hcrcinhcf,,rc. ,UI rrl,ur :u,lv kk en,;ic. conprlgencits in such
<br />p;. ” t, if.tt ,rnd vv dl Pay {' +�> 'rpll}, vthcn duc. an} prcnu++ + + +s on such
<br />proved h} the Mortgagee and the pulicics and rcncvy :tls thereof shall lie held by Orr ,Olortgagec :alit have attacltc,
<br />pa +yahlc tl:urses In favor of and to fnrrn lcreptahtc' to the aurtp;agee. In cyt,nf o it I e tarried in cornea+ +ie, ap-
<br />ntaJl to the Mort i • , . 1 thereto I h,,,
<br />cerned is hereby�++thori.ed and�dtrctPttl h,�rnakclr4avru`fil(fmade rlol,slcOln'ectly to
<br />f h,,, Hunt, rt,ur vv Ill give rmnt�•drate nottrr lid
<br />and the kJor(g,agee jc,i,til { > tilutti,,,go1. rnd c rrh msurant'c rolnPalry ,sun..
<br />v. and the ins +n,urce P; nt ccds. of 'Ink part fhereof , nla� i, , lilt., ti9ortP'lgcc trl,tcad of to flit, ,%f+rigagor
<br />to [Jtc refitrcti(In of the indchlednc,, heir. by secure <I nr h, the re,tor:tliun 1. re ,sou n
<br />s +arc a,C this ►Wort + e or other trarrsfc r „f tit.e ter the nror 1 he applied
<br />I Ited flit' ,%fotigagt•t• a( its ol,fr„rt either
<br />t d f the ( +r,e,( flit,
<br />i , d;um,
<br />all right. title. and interest of the .Mortgagor In ;Intl ro any rrfi,ul ulcer, +, it ltd In r4enl of foredo
<br />( ► et, � m t•tungurslu;l+•nf ,•f rhr nalrhtcdncs, ,tc,rlc,l hc•rrhv , s
<br />'�- Than a, additicmal ,,rid cuthticr,rl sc•turity fill the p,,v nient of the note destnP,ed. ,rnd ;fit ,trill, iu t, � J
<br />t 1 tic, then ,n f�v,.r ,h,rll � r,� fu
<br />rnottg rgr Mitt° Mor(,, (• Ihr t +arc h,nrr or ctl,u,lr,
<br />i�cq hereby ,,,,pins to Ilrc 11nrlgalrc Al . (,tntil,. revs vies. r„vallrc r, ll,t `cr`rrr` `I'r`' rrndc r flit,,
<br />til:ft) It,f :c;,t IIIliltr <,ny ,end rl( „il utd rs „n "tilt {,rcrnrsr•,. cs,ilr flit ;IVIIt r�� rc�_I,Ivi
<br />Phz rn to *arse rnd +:l,ic'dnt'ss t ,�� „.pl l,t Inr?• ;, , ;,felt cic�};u,ll rn the , ,;nclrf,,,rs, ,rf tens. , t �r,d hrnrtrtti ,�.c r unrp; to 1hr �'�'
<br />(e,r
<br />rn`t rrcotes ens rP yet .arse 11,,
<br />1 sac h I ;; t)rrnls ra he•n thi >- � ^,l,,r It
<br />t,c,,,rs,c° n +ttY� �, .aid fs,�.,l,tc•. but.tr,rlt n „I 1,. , .,,p, :a'c' nr,c ct,nr,ind, •.is,
<br />t U ,c'�r.r�,,� of lltr, nit,rl e ,t � airs:
<br />tat�e Ic,Ith tt.iic
<br />