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and, w!thOUt demand, shalt be imee"C"tejy doe an! pavab!e by Trustor and shall <br />leash the maximum allowah!e egai rate p ,vided, nowev @r, that at in. <br />Option of Beneficiary nr Trustee such sumo may oe added to the pnncipai balance <br />Of any Indebtedness secured hereby and shall hear the Sam@ Inn @rest a3 Surn <br />lndebladness arid shall be payahle or taoly ore the , umaininy term thereof <br />10 Assignment of Rents. Beneficlary shah have; the right <br />during the continuance lot this Trust C , power and authority <br />@ @d tp collect the rents, issues and profits of <br />!he Pr:sp @rtes and of any personal property located thereon with or without taking <br />POSSGaston of the prnnerty affected hereby. and Trustor hereby absolutely and <br />��0!/� unconditionally assigns a" such rents, issues and profits 10 Beneficiary . <br />�ixl► Banefic18ry, howavo!, hereby consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of <br />' Al such rents. Issues and profits as they accrue and <br />Vi Trustor is not a! such times, m default with become paYBDie so long as <br />respect to payment <br />indebtedness secured hereby or in the performance of any agreement hereunder. of any <br />CQ Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at any lime, either in person <br />O�`( a receiver to be appointed by a court, . by agent, or by without notice and without regard to the <br />adequacy of any security for the Indebtedness hereby secured, (a) enter upon and <br />®take possession of the Property or any part thereof . and in its <br />otherwise collect such rants, Issues and own name sus for d <br />profits, including those past due and <br />• unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses Of Operation and collection, <br />7!■ including reasonal)fe attorney tees upon any indebtedness secured hereby, and in <br />such order as Beneficiary may determine 'b) perform such acts or repair or <br />protaction as may be necessary or proper to rnnserve the value of the Properly; (c) <br />Co lease the same or any part thereof for such ren <br />� as its judgement may dictate Unless Trut tal, form. and upon such conditions <br />s or and Boneficiary agree otherwise in <br />writing, any application of rents. issues or profits lo any indebtedness secured <br />hereby shall not extend Or postpone the due date of the installment payments as <br />Provided in said promissory note or change the amount of such installments The <br />entering upon and taking possession of the Property . the collection of such rents, <br />issues and profits, and the application Irlerec'f a, aforesaid, shall not waive or Cure <br />any default of notice Of default he(eur'de, invalidate any act done pursuant to <br />such notice Trustor also assigns tr> Beneficlary as further security for the <br />perfnfmanro of the nh l:Oalll— --r— nor„ny all r air! rp,,tc anrt all m hies <br />which may have been or may hereafter b@ deposited w1h said Trustor by any lease- <br />Of e <br />Performance eof any secure the payment f any rent . and upon default in the <br />y O. the prOyl SiOns he,epf Trustor didrees to deliver such rents <br />and deposits r the gran Beneficiary Uelive -y ,,! wr:!ten notice of the Beneficiary'; <br />exercise of !rte rights granted'deern_ to any her <br />be sufficient to require said tenant to a� sa�:d „,r��, i'DVing said Premises shall <br />notice p t t, the Beneficiary until further <br />1 t. Logged Promises, Within 10 days after demand. Tr <br />a schedule certified to be trua, setting orth usior shall furnish to Trustee <br />Property then in effect, Including, g an leases Of space in the Trust <br />c .rding, to each case, the 'lame Of the tenants and <br />Occupants, a description of ?no space occupied by such tenant and occupant, the <br />rental payable for such space and such other information and documents with <br />respect to Such losses and tenancies as the Trustee may request <br />Without the prior written consent of Trustee. Trustor shall not directly or <br />Indirectly, with respect to any lease of space in the described premises, whether <br />Such lease 19 now or hereafter In existence is) accept Or permit any prepayment, <br />discount or advance rent payable thereunder (b) cancel or terminate the same, or <br />accept any cancellation, termination or surrender thereof, or permit any event to <br />Occur which Would entitle the lessee thereunder to terminate or cancel the same; (c) <br />a+tand or modify the memo 50 85 to reduce the term thereof, the rental payable <br />thereunder, or to change any renewal provisions therein contained: (d) waive any <br />default thereunder or DresCh thereof; (a) give any consent. waiver of approval <br />I <br />hereunder or take any Other action In connection therewith, or with a lessee <br />thereunder, which would have the effect Of` Impairing rho value Of lessor's interest <br />thereunder, on the Property Sublerl thereto, or of Impairing the position or interest <br />Of the Trustee or Beneficiary, or if) sell . assign, pledge, mortgage or otherwise <br />dispose Of, of encumber.. its interest in any such lease or any rents, issues or profits <br />Issuing Or arising thereunder. <br />12- Conhemnstion. If title to any part of the Property shall be taken In condemnation <br />proceedings, by right Of emllment domain or similar action, dr shall be sold under <br />threat of condemnation, all awards, damages and proceeds are hereby assigned <br />and shalt be paid to BenetlClary who shall apply such awards, damages and <br />proceeds to the sums secured by the Trust Deed. with the excema, if any, Amid to the <br />Trustor. Trustor with promptly, and with due diligence, repair, after and restore the <br />remaining part of the Trust Property to Its former condition substantially to the <br />extant that the same may Do feasible and s0 as to constitute a complete and usable <br />unit. <br />13. Future Advances. Upon request of Trustor, Beneficiary , at Bonsficlary's option, <br />Prior 10 rm`COnvayance of the Property to the Trustor, may make future advances to <br />the Trustor Sucn future advances, with Interest thereon, shall to Secured by this <br />Trust Dead when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are <br />secured hereby, provided that at no time shall the secured principal, future <br />advances, not ; ncluding su-ng advanced to project the m@CUrlty, exceed one <br />hundred percent)?()D %j of the original principal amounts secured hereby. <br />ta. Remedies Cumulative. Ali ramedies provided in this Trust Deed are distinct and <br />cumulative to any other right or remedy under this Trust Deed or afforded by low or <br />equity, and may be exercised concurrently, Independently of successively <br />15. A09414onstillocall ; Sate. Upon <br />Indebtedness secured hereby or in the performance ofsany in Sgresment hereunder, <br />4tCafy may declare all sums secured hereby Immediately due and payable by <br />defivery to Trustee of written daclarallon of default. The Trustee shall have the <br />Power of 5810 Of the Property and If Beneficiary desires the Property to b6 sold, It <br />Mall 08pOalt with Trustee this Trust Deed and a" promissory notes and documents <br />evidencing expenditures secured hereby, and shall deliver to Trustee, a written <br />notice Of dslault and election to cause the Properly to be sold, and the Tousle* In <br />hum shell prepare a shin "ar Notice In the form required by law, which shall be duly <br />filed for reCOrd by Trustee. <br />(a) After the lapse of Such time as may be required by law following the record . <br />afion of said notice of default, and notice of default and notice of sale having <br />been given As '011uned by law, Trustee. without demand on Trustor, shall $all <br />the Property On the data and at the lime and piaca designated In said notice of <br />S84, At public. auction to the highest bidder. the purchase price payable In <br />lawful money of the unfired States at the time of sale The person conducting <br />it's Safe may, for any Cause he dooms expadlent, postpone the sate from.. t:mA <br />to ?Imo until it shall be comptatel and. In every such cane. notico of t,os¢po' e <br />+feenl shall given by public declaration thereof nY such parson at me bma <br />and ptacn 1$91 appointed f(3f the seta, prololded, it the sale le pr}etpo!nazl ((}P <br />longer than 11) day beyord the day designated in the notice of Sale. nonce <br />thereof $flat' be given In t/ a Sartre Mannar as the oflginal notice of sale <br />Trustee shall execute anr,l d9ilve^ h[ the pufcha S @r his Drecd <br />rd= ilalsyIF, the tDaa"'Ithoof any ` o +onant ar warranty, sal ;, Tas9, r.<rif I it I The <br />!tooth, ✓ matters c >r tacos shall he Con <:tusive pool of the <br />ulreass lneraOl Any c,as -n Inducting Banaficiery may pureness at the <br />aaktl <br />obi When Trusiea salt$ pursuant to the powers "fain . file troy as 41,16'1 aip"y the <br />prrvCeeds of the R*is to paymanl (.d the r dill, and expense <br />flower ref seta and of the Sate neiu.1, to ®., " 6� fha <br />actually Incurfed, not To exceed Lou o payment i.,f the * r w?�a w F eel) <br />the!tents k4 sub serer ft (rill `) es of the 14�" Frirr � e into <br />t g aU thse r,rdsr There stated <br />L cS After pelting <br />iper h4a Item, $pA! ,flan in muedpwagrapt Ili ! r n e r,r f r q ee <br />tna rr and rr'hef <br />i r.ost s of ft@:i <br />a r a ! s` t Q fierM trio rr,ya. aF}x rP a,v sha l <br />' role pao m n " <br />r„ <br />yt j I la , t;. t Po•) n � {er,ry. I ID, ,ri °.- h ,isle .! °..f ,. <br />a�'✓ sled. .945 ! 9 � <br />l <br />All <br />, ilry v.•.,y i,,. i., r r; „y .!r..n ).any ,,. •a <br />16. Duties and obligations of Trustee. ta) The duties and obligations of Trustee <br />shall be determined liable solely <br />shall not he liabl by the express provisions of the Trust Deed and Trustee <br />rs except (or the performance of such duties and obligations as are <br />specifically set forth herein, and no implied covenants or obligations ShAV be <br />Imposed upon Trustee; (b) No provision of this Trust Deed shall require Trustee to <br />expand or risk his own funds, or otherwise incur any financial obligation In the <br />Performance of any '3f its duties hereunder, or In the exercise of any of Its right or <br />Powers, if It shall have grounds for believing that the repayment of such funds or <br />adequate indemnity against such risk or liability is not reasonably assured to it, (c) <br />Trustee may consult with counsel of his own is and the advice of such <br />counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection In the respect of <br />any action taken or suffered by It hereunder In good faith and re'lance thereon; (d) <br />Trustee shall not be liable for any action taken by him in good faith and <br />believed by him to be authorized or within the discretion or rights of powers <br />conferred upon It by this Trust Deed. <br />17 Additional Security Instruments. Trustor, at Its expense, will execute and deliver <br />to the Trustee, promptly upon Demand, such security instruments as may be <br />required by Trustee, in form and substance satisfactory to Trustee, covering any of <br />the Property conveyed by this Trust Deed, which security Instruments shall be <br />additional security for Trustor's faithful performance of all of the forma, covenants <br />and conditions of this Trust Deed, the promissory rIOte9 secured hereby, and any <br />other security instruments executed in connection with this transaction. Such <br />Instruments shall be recorded or tiled, and re-recorded and refiled, at Trustor-8 <br />expense <br />16 Miscellaneous, <br />(a) In the event any one or more of the provisions contained In this Trust Deed or <br />the promissory note or any other security Instrument given in connection with <br />this transaction shall for any reason be hold to be invalid, Illegal of <br />unenforceable In any respect, such Invalldlty. Illegality, or unentorceabllity <br />Shall, at the option or Beneficiary, not affect any other provlSlon of this Trust <br />Deed, but this Trust Deed shall be construed as if such Invalid, Illegal, or <br />unenforceable provision had never been contained herein or therein. <br />(b) This Trust Deed shall be construed according to the laws of the State of <br />Nebraska. <br />(c) This Trust Deed shall inure to and bind the heirs, legatees, devisees, <br />administrators, executors, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. <br />(d) Trustor shall pay all taxes levied upon this Trust <br />hereby, together with any other taxes or assessmentas which May be at vled <br />against the Trustee or Beneficiary or the legal holder of said promissory note <br />on account of the indebtedness evidenced thereby. <br />(e) Whenever used herein, the singular number shall Include the plural, the <br />singular, the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders, and the term <br />"Berreficlary- shall include any payers of the Indebtedness hereby secured or <br />any transfer thereof, whether by operation of law or otherwise. <br />19 . Successor Trustee. Beneficiary may from time to time substitute a succesrot <br />successors to any Trustee herein or acting hereunder to execute this Trust so <br />Deed. Upon such appointment and without conveyance to the successor Trustee, <br />the latter shall be vested with all title, powers, and duties conferred upon any <br />Trustee herein named or acting hereunder. Each such appointment and <br />substitution shall be made by written Instrument by Beneficiary, m n t and <br />reference to this Trust Deed and Its place of record, which when Beneficiary, con In the <br />Office of the Register of Deeds of the county or counties In which sett property le <br />situated shall to concWalve proof of proper appointment of the successor <br />The foregoing power or substitution and the procedure Trustee. <br />therefore shalt not be <br />exclusive of the power and procedure provided for by law for the aubatltution of a <br />Trustee or Trustees In the place of the Trustee. <br />20. Forbearance by /enNlciary or Trustee Not • Wal <br />Beneficiary or Trustee in exercising any riWaiver. Any faabesrance by <br />t or remedy hereunder, or otherwise <br />afforded by applicable law, shalt not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any <br />right or remedy hereunder Likewise, the waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee of any <br />default of Trustor under this Trust Deed shall not be deemod to be a o! any w <br />Other or similar defaults subsequently occurring atyer <br />21 Truislor Not Released, Extension of the time for payment or modification or <br />amortization of the Sums Secured by this Trust Dead granted by Beneficiary to any <br />Successor in interes t of Trustor shalt not operate to rot"”, in any manner. <br />the <br />"ability of the original Trustor or Trustor s Successor in Interest. Beneficiary shall <br />not Ida required to commence proceedings against such succeSSOr or refuse to <br />extend tuna for payment or <br />this Trust Deed otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured ty <br />successors In interest reason Of any demand made by the original Trustor and Tfustor's <br />mortgage, rho tBeneficiary may such defau t, and tree amounts advanced prior <br />Deed of Trust of under any Ardor <br />and Other Costa and expanses or In* beneficiary in curing such default, with <br />Interest st me default rato contained in the No .'s sacured hereby from fin time of <br />the sdvancea Or payments shall be added t0 the indebtsdraas secured by this Trust <br />Dead and may be cohhacted hereunder at any arms after the time of such advances <br />payments and $hail be dammed to to secured hefADy. <br />23 Optla, to Ferechaaa. Upon the occurance of any default hereunder, B"ItClary <br />shall have the Option to foreclose this Trust Dead in the manner prOvlded by law for <br />the fofaClosure of mortgages on rest properly <br />24 Tfuslo's Ft4Pft. Absent Default. Until any default In the indebtedness hereby secured Or until the breach of ahY covenant herein contained <br />the Trust Or, its succesaors aria assigns, Shall possess and enjoy the property, and <br />,acaive the rent$ and profit$ therefrom Upon Payment of all Sums secured by this <br />trusr dead. Beneficiary tira:l request Trustee to r @convey the property and shell <br />surrender this Trust tl and at notes evidencing indebadness secured by tall <br />trust t co ?c Trusree Trustoo Snar} reconvey the property without warranty and <br />wdhour cr,arga f�, rise <,- ,arsons <br />e c.,vayai re ray tst lees r bed a. %red, y entitled thereto- The Grantee in an <br />",a a<.�raiw a :,arson Or persons entitled theroto," and <br />hi e„ a v '�atla y !act" sn all i, r u' ^,ass a a ,• •.�� a he CO"Clualva proof of the <br />ary::,ns snal i Pay all costs of r @Cording, It any <br />A etkM M the Event et Trahs ►or, in trio avant IM ilia 10 said test estate is <br />t, ar r. lei s sand. from the undersigned for any reason or <br />v r e;nrx whatsoever a enr ;ra princ ival sure and accrued Interest shall at <br />4< a t::pma ua and i.AVatlia at the election of the Beneficiary . Failure to sxsfCiSo <br />a war �r tifie as above stated In one Instance shall not <br />aeerc ga !ha Santa In the event of ®C�r subsequent <br /> 1 <br />,,1 and <br />X tnlsdeedo+r ,01 a March 1.9, : r<,nn @o t 1 DeCelliber 9, 1975 <br />rout td��� 1301'ding grid Loan lasso (- <br />spolcotacd by P 9f , I" i , �. L_ <br />lnc9 dera�c3 �O�tlp(�] .. Trustee, <br />aa.errinto a p, ,•, ua :, i,,, � l.a� �_ 1 n c o n <br />h 000.00 and S.1€800 <br />!Airier$ end rile,) r-_„ rar.r,r.r w:tn the Nagister r.f CI @@ids and Identified as follows <br />C1pI:uh Re- rill( "oI'ed a�; <br />)tlii ",vt f'iI ()to CI,Ilihe) <br />r <br />