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Of the- "CRIPTIC-l: A tract of land Comprising a part Of the Southwest Quarter <br />Southeast 'uarter I u, <br />forth, Rar-Ee -line()) of Section '-;'hreO (3), "own3hip Eleven (11) <br />on <br />est Of the 6th P.,,,. -', <br />ticularli described as follows, Ln i-all County, � <br />:Zebraska more oar- <br />s L)eginning at the s0uth.west corner of <br />Southeast Quarter (,sz%) a distance Of Four said <br />: Hundredths (484.45) feet: - �Iunured Zi,o-ht-four and FortW-five <br />tierce deflectionle.1% 9000.31 and running northerly <br />a distance Of Seven Hundred Sixty five and Three tenths (765-3) feet to the <br />ACTUAL - Place Of beeinnine; thence continuing no along the last des- <br />crTb_e-d course a distanc- Of Fighty-five <br />and running feet* thence deflecting right <br />easterlJ, a distance Of""ne <br />thence deflectin,c,- left 652000, <br />-:undred Eleven (111-0) feet; <br />.1undred 7%ienty-three and and running northeasterly a distance o Zwo <br />enty-ti..o f <br />left 39000' and runnin undredth.s (223.22)"feet; thence deflecting <br />V- ?w e 9 northwesterly, a distance <br />ntY-one I.Tur--;redths ( Of One Hundred Eight and <br />138-31) feet; thence deflecting ri'* <br />northeasterly, a distance 0 <br />6ht 900001 and running <br />"No Hundred Thirty and Sixt eight and Hundredths <br />CQ (230.68) f.-et; t <br />O hence deflecting right )0009i v <br />tance of Two 1! and running' southeiiTterly, a dis- <br />undred �'!ine and "I'hirty-three .':undredths (209-33) feet; thence <br />deflecting right )0000' and running southwesterly$ a distance Of ?our "inttY-seven (497•0) fret; thence deflecti Hundred <br />a distance Of One :Iru- - ng right 0-1000, <br />^^�4- dl-ed Seventy-five and running westerly <br />Uo) b9Cinning and InIng 1. '4' (175.)) feet to the ACTUAL Place or <br />Go aA. . -_1 -3 acres more Or less; and tic <br />An easement for ingress <br />land comprising Ci, a.nd egress from the Public 11i6:-hway to a tract <br />a Part of the Couthl',est <br />r-. .)uarter of the Southeast <br />(S'VkSEk) Of Section Three (3), ow-ship Eleven (11 uarter <br />lest Of the 6th P.,-,I. in Hall County, 'lot <br />unty, 'lebraska , -ths Range line (9) <br />as follows: Beginning ore particularly described <br />in at a Point on south line of said Southeast Quarter <br />the 3ou 2 <br />said Point being Four Hundred Twenty-four and Forty-five Hundredths <br />(424.45) feet east Of the southwest corner of said Southeast <br />th*ncw easterly along the-South line Quarter fSEk); <br />Of Sixty (60.0) feet. Of 3ald�Southeast Quarter Mk); %a distar.c <br />a distance of Eight ' thence deflecting left 900001 and running northerly, <br />Hundred Fifty and Three tenths (850-3) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 90000v sterly, a distance Of Thirt -three <br />rig 'Hundredths (33-35) • <br />feet; thence deflecting left <br />and Thirty and running ea' <br />e and Twenty- <br />thence deflecting left 86053f5l and running <br />northwesterly 4aenty-threo <br />and running northeasterly, a distance Of Two Hundred 'I '4006'og,i <br />tWO Hundredths (223.22) feet; <br />j a distance of Thirty and Four Hundredths (30.04")feet; thence <br />deflecting left 93006'09" and running southuesterlv, a distance or Two Eundred <br />SeventY-seven and Forty-one Hundredths (277.41 foet; t - <br />o4006fogit and running westerly, a distance of ) hence deflecting right <br />oixty (60-0) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 90000t and running southerly a distance Of Light <br />2ift and Three-tenths (850-3) feet to <br />acres more or the p" .1undred <br />less. lace of beginning and containing <br />L L _j <br />