tered as Document No. L
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<br />G173 Fit'Of
<br />Write@
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<br />CM
<br />Ft &MM cob of subpawalph lAt a,
<br />0 wM' %Mfft of Beside Of The Own Of W,*a In notice
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. the office of ft Recorder of Reeds of the 0, 11 1
<br />SIM of cohnNa d ON a In the we of
<br />wit. IN t" ["*ad refiliflig perior man
<br />sublim to the w is weild in ft DiStria'Of w ft
<br />If " person it" to MY OM ED negli" it fetuses to :Zrr, ""IV Period " 30 days a* the wpi,81w
<br />P" The "M after domend, the "Vw trthirling any MW (2) Saus a' 8* the date of the mummw the to-, and
<br />afflourn, aftran to tax, or assaftabile pansilly, Of Pf0PSq Sub4w To Jim. For Purposes Of
<br />W`1178* 11) and M, property Shall be deemed of r Period ending wixth the aWairon of 6 years
<br />26thisif "h any 'M that may wffuS in addition #WOW PIW ROPM. in the to be situated ?fterlittfiad: of the "ace"ng Mourned nawq period for
<br />V be a ken in favOr of ft Uwaid States uoM 34 Property 1 8 can of real property, at III such notice of ken.
<br />end roe to Property, *blow red of Personal Physical bMW-
<br />. or
<br />to W Pown. belonging a P@nvW prolti", ' In the CM at personal propSM See. 6325. NOW Of Lien Or Discharge
<br />whether lmv*,e or 11111111119611, at the tatsdeflix of the
<br />taxpayer OT the time the notir
<br />SK 022. Period Of Lien. a of lien Is Mod. Of Property.
<br />For PUI`PM Of Paragraph (22) IBI, the residence of a CoWation let MM 01 UML — Subject to X0 riegule.
<br />U*u anothist data is SPIC'rU* fined by low, the ken - Or. PBM*ft MW be dMW go be the place _at who
<br />ImPOW by 30chon 6321 *4 No at ft we the assessma ow 'tons as the Secrelarry 'neY Pr"C11110, the Secretary haft
<br />is and Shelf continue urd ft %%IV for the pinficipat executive Office Of the Nsmu is located, and the .43" a C@Mficr4 of (wesse of wry fien 1111054d with rsq;lj to
<br />of 8 IMOW Whow- nandence Is wrthout ifis United any internal rftwu . tax not ISWr itsin 30 days after the day on
<br />sw*" SWISS "M be dwhed to bit the District UxP#W n out of I at Coittifflixe, wtvch
<br />Of Of 19 3ittft or b" MInforcatable by flaw 0 Fam - The form MW CDMOM of the solla* The Ssvmy
<br />tinw. ►Rifffired to in sallsection w jw flo'cli litaw , to
<br />be VIwilied by ft . 0 the air"Ount assessed, IW* " so
<br />'M$rM in respect, #WSW,—to been hilly satisfied
<br />Sec- 6323, Validity And Priority Again notice A* be validt notwithstarflOir, " bawn legally ispeatforcealliI of has
<br />If Ift regarding the form 0, content of a
<br />110*9 of lien. 12! Mid fib. C-7here is flurww to
<br />Certairt. Persons. the SOCIAllory and
<br />(at &x@Pw by hin a bald their m conlilrixemd Wor the PWMM of
<br />hmbw 1. Nddn of ifis "'am IOIW, IQOSUW with all interest in new
<br />Ul"N's LiMM AW Jillikow itwoof, wits the '
<br />T =86*1"M 9� 'une PrestAw by low LincluthrIf my
<br />The han IMPOSW by Section 6321 shall not be valid as ageinst exieflation of Such lintel. and that is in accordance with such
<br />P"dmw. holder of a Security fliera,%, medwk,. rWairrignis retail, to terms, conditions. and form of the bond
<br />s and swetos thereon, as may be Spec, by Such regu M
<br />Wflar' of MoRment I*n creditor until notice thereof which ified IM
<br />m"Is the r"werner" of Subjeaten if) has been filed 4
<br />the Secretervi PAr of MVj"* Far purposes Of this Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Disclosure
<br />Fir Catib burm EM 191 Of Returns and Return Information.
<br />Seaton Die M of Cw* Amu OW
<br />NOW PM11L — Even though notice I a lion it Ron
<br />"VOW by section 6321 has been fified, Such lien 1) 1 6"" R* — Unless; notice of lion Is refiled in Inflne"Fff To Aiqiri*,W plM
<br />va6d Shelf not be the mariner prescribed in paragraph (2) during the required
<br />(tifiting Wood' such notice of fie" shall be treated as filed tin the 121 0*1asure of affloutif of WWWXVV Win If a notice of
<br />RM re Fft NOW FM - dsi@ a" VAKh " is tiled lin Wtof da"M wit" Subsection tO I after lien has been filed pumant to "Mm 93M, the affl,,M of the
<br />0 1 Piece For Wig " "Pirstion Of Such r"V Period. oulat" O*mm wood by W ban may be dtactood to
<br />Mason W Stial be filed !he sanke I rOwfed 10 in sub f2l MMFV Fft — A notice of lien refifed 84 person Who fufflisitim asixtifilaory -
<br />IN Lkww Sim U" WWV the Militated rattling Period W be affect" WOV has a fight In.ow pro" WNW OVWM Ow he
<br />M %w ftw1v in the COO Of few P(OP111(ty, in one 6 obtain a right in st" proWly**Iw 10 such Win or intends to
<br />off" WOW the So" Jot 04 CMM, Or OOW governmental fit such "M Of 10M 13 tOW in the office in which the
<br />as dM%Iomd by it* is" of Such Stale, In Prior not" of Win Was liled, and
<br />hit in the con of rest Property, ft fact of rattling is
<br />*40 the P'Operly %Aw to ft 114116 Situated, and entered and recorded in an Index 10 the Sloan, 10WInd by
<br />OF w P"O* Property In the cass of paww sifteiction 10 M; ww
<br />011ienry, WWW 11111101131111 or WW9*, in One Otto
<br />wom ft Sears lor ft cow", Or ww goaxwents, 181 in env con in who, 96 &" of more Prior to the time
<br />85 designated by the 4" of W Stale, (If 0 le*v of race of win under aftrawalth w. the
<br />0 cfi the ;NWN si'M 10 90 WIn 4 situated, Secretary received written infortntflian W he menflar
<br />Ir PfMKftd in r tons Issued Dv the Secretaryl
<br />In rte office of tea clerk of conceir"rig a change in the faxpdvw,s F"Kkmce, 11 a notate
<br />ffia L41"Ited Stairs"i distinct cow for the rudiattl district in which 01 such Iwo Is also filed in ficatr *11, Subsection III an
<br />" POW4 "PC 10 lien is Vusted, wherigm the Stale has the Stale in VV" such reisidmwe s located
<br />not w ** ftwwad ON Dike which meant the rattutrements
<br />I
<br />