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D+ebta► *wants OM Covenants: (t) That except for Additioml Provisions 855.- 002791 <br />the security interest granted <br />states that the Collateral is to be acquired after the date hereof, wit be. th the of the Collateral f <br />hereby Debtor is. or to the extent that this agreement <br />interest or encumbrance; and that D nee from any adverse liens, security <br />the sane or Debtor will deferred the Collateral against all claims and demands of all N <br />any interest therein. (2) That no financing statement covering the Collateral or an any at any time claiming <br />office and that at the request of Securd'Party, Debtor will join with Secured Party in executing one a more fiend on file in an <br />ant to the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code in fort satisfactory Y public <br />meat, this security to Secured P statements pursu- <br />�' agreement and any continuation or termination statement, in� wjl! pay the cost of filing such financing state - <br />Party to be necessary or desirable; and if the Coll is attached to real estate public offices wherever filing is deemed by Secured <br />hereby or if the Collateral includes crops or oil, gas r minerals to be extracted o timber toebe ct. Perfection btortwilf on of Secured <br />security interest granted <br />Party. furnish Secured Party with a disclaimer or disclaimers or subordination agreernertt signed real estate. disclaiming or subordinatin gn by all Persons g ally interest in the Collateral which is prior to the interest of Secured Pa having . interest Not in the <br />transfer Prix or dispose consent the f the eral, nor take the same ar attempt to take the some frcxn the county where kept as abo a stated t without <br />tha prior a Colt feal. (of the Secured Party. (Q) To pay all taxes and assessments of every nature which may be levied or assessed se I <br />last the Collateral. (5) Not to permit or allow any adverse lien, security <br />not to hermit the same to be attached or replevined. (6) That the Collateral is inrgoodreond encumbrance <br />and thatoheewill at his own ex <br />upon the Collateral, and <br />keep the same in good condition and from time to time, forthwith, replace aril repair all such <br />worn out or d penes, <br />damaged without allowing ally lien to be created u on the Collateral on account of such replacement iacementaoAf Pi as may be broken, <br />Secured Party may examine and inspect the Collateral at any t me, wherever located. 7 That he will at his own expense <br />lateral insured in a c ( ) pairs, and that the <br />ompany satisfactory to Secured Party against loss, as appropriate, by theft, collision, fire and ended coverage, <br />with loss payable to Secured parry as its interest may such insurance to Secured Part Y and will on demand deliver said policies of insurance or furnish proof of <br />or other encumbrances at any time levied or placed ontr he Collateral t Agin °tl rPa such insurance, discharge taxes, liens or security interests <br />preservation and maintenance of the Collateral. Debtor agrees to reimburse Secured pay for the repair of Partynr} demand fora damage or injury to or for the <br />by secured Parry pursuant to the foregoing authorization. Unti l such reimbursement, the amount of any Stich payment, with expense terest atrthe <br />rate of 18 % per annum from date of payment until reirnbursement, shall be added to the indebtedness owed by Debtorand shall <br />be secured by this agreement. (9) That he will not use the Collateral in violation of any applicable statute, regulation or ordinance and if <br />any of the Collateral is motor vehicles the same will not be rented, used in rental service nor in any speed or endurance contest. (10) <br />Debtor will pay Secured Party any and all costs and expenses incurred in recovering possession of the Collateral and incurred in enforcing <br />this security agreement, and the same shall be secured by this security agreement. <br />Until Default Debtor my have possession of the Collateral and use it in any lawful manner not inconsistent with this agreement and riot <br />inconsistent with any policy of insurance thereon, and upon default Secured Party shat! have the immediate right to the possession of <br />the Collateral. <br />Debtor Shall Be in Default under this agreement ulx:rn the happening of ally of the following e <br />ment or Performance of any obligation g vents or conditions: (1) default in the pay- <br />* or liability contained or referred to herein or in any note evidencing the same: TZ) any <br />warranty, representation or statement matte or furnished to Secured Party by or on behalf of Debtor proves to have been false in any ma- <br />terial respect when abode or furnished; (3) any r'vent whrcn rescrltr, in the acceleration of the,, maturity of the indebtedness of Debtor to <br />others under any indenture, agreement or urrcfertak+nct: 14) los s, theft, damage, destruction sale or encumbrance to or of any of the Col- <br />business lateral, or the making of ally levy, seizure or attac-fnne,nt thereof or thereon; (5) death, dissolution, termination, of existence, insolvency, <br />rsictess failure, aPPOintment of a receiver of :iny part of the property of, assignment for the benefit of creditors by, or the cor}tntence- <br />ment Of any proceeding under arty bankruptcy or rnsuIv ®ncy laws by or against Debtor or arty guarantor or surety for Debtor. <br />come Sorel Default alai at Tiny tirtte shall liaaftFsr,. oc if it deExns itself insecure, Secured Party may declare all Obligations secured heret: <br />immediately due and payable and shaii fhave thej reme3rfiErS of a secured <br />Party ropy r dire Debtor to ass��rnit9e the Collateral and deliver or maker it available ueS�ecrkadU�3rton�ttconn}ercial Code. Secured <br />Secured Party which =; reascrrtably Ccveniestt to bath Y Place to be designated by <br />parties. Unless the Collateral is perishable or threaten; to cfeclinr ;; eEattiiy in <br />veins crr is of a iypE; Customarily so'(' crr <� rPCOe}r,izecf market, Seeurecf Party wil! ,give Debtor reasonable notice of tht. tints a,tcf lace c,f <br />any [h€rblic sale thereof or of the time after which rue a <br />y Private. sale or any other intended dispa:sition thereof is to t� hr}stcfe. The <lrerft #4,c�_ <br />nsrrts of reascrnabie notice shalt be nxtt it Such raoticr; i5 mailed, postage prepaid, to the address of Debtor shown. at the hegirtshmct t' <br />this agreement at least five days More the time of the sale or di <br />epos i t tort. <br />Th waiver by This rtttf Harty r any default shrill ,. ;e rcpt€ as a waiver of any other default or of the Sallie default on a futrrrts o(,catiican. <br />The taking of ills s v uriTy z jfe ` t shall apt waive or impair any other security said Secured Party may have ire ttereaftera ctcra tor <br />the said Se of t�> atxtve ir�lehtethaesy, ,-,or shall tfhe taking of any such additional security waive or impair this sc ?k,uri �- <br />send said Secured °dray may rk3::t}rt icy arty sec „nty it r7vay have in th€ order it may deem proper, and notwithstanding any c:ciltatcral seoCU- <br />ty re€rh€ rtt; <br />rity, Secureaf Party shall retain its r ights of Setoff against Debtor. <br />All r+ t& of <br />Secured Party its o xhee ",hall ;ryure tc, the f =nefet ref +ts su+ cessprs and assigns; and all i ?rcxnisras a +hti tir,i�e�s n+ f�ebtcrr <br />shall der his l bej in tat t :tars or < r +ni�tr 3t +err s bet h+5 ev +t t> tiuc'.eersschr5 or assigns. If there be more than oat De =,btor, ttar+r ,3Je)f!bl r <br />hfetssxlrsr shalt t joint astci several. <br />This c reement shall btaci.txra3€t Mien ,4 �a; signed hs Du tor. <br />