1 — CertiI Ca%* of County Court Proceeding Involving Real Estate
<br />Dale __.May.30, 1985
<br />s5-r oo27i1
<br />......... _
<br />THE CUh'. \'7'y CUC'1-?7' Ill HALL
<br />_ _
<br />This is to certify that there is pending ill the (:uuntt ( :ourt HALL
<br />A*rbraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />R'o. P85 33 - -
<br />which is a proceeding irtt%oictirg Informal Probate
<br />adl;tilristratron qi estate, determination of heirs, eterminution r
<br />3 `
<br />to ivhich c?t trr,isrri r /rr r «,t. >rr;rrtur,f!t; procecdrn y the fOilOAlly descri bed Gtd rPQt r ^x. y:w, "litrns11i, ". or
<br />estate is intwhwd, to -wit: !
<br />The South Half of the Southeast uarter, Thirty—three
<br />Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of( the E6th oP.11. in Hall CountyNebraska
<br />Toc.�nshig',
<br />The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE14SE'z) of Section Three (3), Township.
<br />Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Countv, Nebraska, subject.;' to right -of -way easement for construction, maintenance and operation of electric
<br />transmission line to Loup River Public Power District recorded in Book 11 of Miscellaneous
<br />Records at Page 416 in the Office of the Register of Deed of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The South Half of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter S1S'NW
<br />(15), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (.10), West of the 6th P.M. incHall CofteNe'•
<br />The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SWkNW' - -4) and the West Half of the
<br />Southwest Quarter (W12SWk) of Section Twenty - eight (28), Township Twelve (12) :Forth,
<br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska `
<br />The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S�NWc) of Section Twenty -One (21), Township { li! ;
<br />Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall Countv, Nebraska.
<br />Lames A. Kell
<br />t '1tallbt lurlrte of said Co
<br />f•
<br />a ,
<br />(.ierk of the Counly lg r +`
<br />aw f i
<br />•, ••••••*�•
<br />torf r ! t , /hr ,-+, . - %./ ",,It! rt'.,i: rtt I l t � t ,! f;. wills urt,ler the. provisions'
<br />rovisi )ns
<br />fe: Ole r t '- r t' !,�l s
<br />elrt,PC r. ',r ,;r, Prrtlt rt ( %t r U, article
<br />rrlrr.,li, «Mich' r, >> the determmotion of heirs unaier the prottisions of
<br />r gar /,,frr rr cr fa (r i err °r c r� gtr, n I -
<br />o r frr rr r. r lax cruder tt•r wot isions it r;hovlcr ; -i, arlicle 20,
<br />Ulf, dtse t rf rr c %.?' < tree • !:i) guvrdianships
<br />! r !
<br />or t „r ,t;, ,- !;nserraC/•ir s rnrdrr 'fee 1,; nrvaions of Chapter .frR, urlicle ll, inhere
<br />rr€F r
<br />r, r` t !nr r lirh;, litC ('RfUtrl I � P t „ -n !,
<br />ce Pt. trtatc ! r tf ?t rr r f rit I l r.' :r /lout the i;ru'rrding is neJrtlin Shutt ssile a
<br />r r ,., dred, the I'•,r;nlrl r., r. i%rn .hr rrgl rsrute v. twaled within len duds alter ole
<br />�Q�st rt,fl.t�fr fl. tt, ' P.t!col llr i.4 ,t ;..r ,i? r�•C J•r /r; r'N.r 1, fr ••
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