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85... X402673 <br />RENUNCIATION AND DISCLAIMER <br />I, LEOTA B. TYNER, do hereby recite that I am the daughter <br />Of VIVA BERNICE BUTLER, who died on December 5, 1984, and whose <br />estate is presently being administered in the County Court of <br />Lancaster County, Nebraska (Estate No. E- 38643), and that my <br />father, Joseph Samuel Butler, named as a beneficiary in Articles <br />III, IV, and V of the Will of Viva Bernice Butler which is dated <br />December 27, 1981, predeceased Viva Bernice Butler; and by reason <br />thereof, the residue of the estate is required to be distributed <br />by the Personal Representative thereof in accordance with the <br />terms and provisions of Article VI of said Will, which provides <br />for distribution of one -half of the residue of the estate to the <br />undersigned, Leota B. Tyner, and for distribution of one- fourth <br />of the residue each to Karen T. Redrow and Morgan M. Tyner, both <br />of wham survived Viva Bernice Butler. <br />I declare that I do hereby renounce and disclaim the follow- <br />ing interests in the residue of the Estate of Viva Bernice Butler, <br />to wit: <br />A. I renounce and disclaim any interest that I might acquire <br />through the Estate of Viva Bernice Butler in the Estate of Robert C. <br />Youtsey, whose estate is pending for administration in the <br />Superior Court of California, County of Orange, as Case No. A122978. <br />B. Pursuant to the Will of Viva Bernice Butler, I am entitled <br />to inherit an undivided one -half interest in and to: <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) and the West Half (W 1/2) <br />of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Thirty -two <br />(32), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11) West <br />in Hall County, Nebraska, except approximately 18.003 <br />acres more particularly described as: Beginning at the <br />Northwest corner of said Southwest 1/4; thence running <br />South 89 017159" East for 830.00 feet on the North line <br />of said SW 1/4; thence running South 00 °00'00" East for <br />360.00 feet; thence running South 59 020159" West for <br />488.17 feet; thence running South 00 °00'00" East for <br />800.00 feet; thence running North 89 017159" West for <br />410.00 feet to a point on the West line of said South- <br />west 1/4; thence running North 00 °00'00" West for <br />1414.00 feet on the West line of said Southwest 1/4 to the <br />point of beginning; said tract containing 222 acres more <br />or less. <br />It is my intention to, and I do hereby, renounce and disclaim an <br />undivided three- tenths (3/10) interest in said real estate, but <br />retaining to myself the right to inherit an undivided one -fifth <br />(1/5) interest in said real estate. <br />LEFj <br />