<br />and, rnn"t demand, -half be immeara(ey sue 8nd payable or Trusto, no shell
<br />bear r,forest al Ina rrrB.rmum allowable legal ratQ. provided, n Owever. Inet al the
<br />oDUOn of BanOhClery or Trust" ouch sums may no added to me Princrpal balance
<br />OI My IntleD(edn.13 9A4'ul:rd here
<br />and Snail pedr tnq aamQ inlefeSt as lUt.11
<br />indMlwrrose and shall be payable ratably over the rem lean therpf
<br />td. A"I�flmesl M gMft. RBnBhcary shall have I,n n n1
<br />during ten continuance lot this Trust Deeo locollecl the reins. Isy ®g g a .ulhomy
<br />Ins PIOpat,Y and of any personal profits of
<br />,�,a DdaaasslM of IDs property aRecledp ereD San, Trlustorn her pyr edged u,.,y aintl ng
<br />TI unconditlong asergns all such rerttg. issues and Prords to Doneticiary.
<br />such lI —'$' s...9 and Profit- AS they aCcrry,tact0acofn. jIft,on and retention
<br />80 long es
<br />Truaf. is not, at such Iimea, in default will rOSpaCt fo payment Of any
<br />UpOn ikny Gdhd@SS
<br />$uC secured hereby i. m Iho Performance of env agr.ement hereunder
<br />O Upon any such QefaWt 8BnS1,Clary rnAV At Any time ,..iner rn psr9on. by spent . or by
<br />a receiver to be appointed by a court, without nonce and without r.Cold to IDs
<br />OAdOltatiey of any sacutlY for the InOeptednos9 hereby .e:.ured, Is) enter upon and
<br />lake Possession of the Property or any Part 1hpreof and m ns Own name sue for d
<br />unsaid," Coned such x0015, 194,05 and profits, Inct.dlN 111050 past due and
<br />I
<br />unpaid, and apply
<br />on, the tame, leas coils and e. penses Of operation and collection.
<br />IncutllRg r"sonabie al[OrneY Isea, upon any ihaebteansss secured hereby, and In
<br />to such order.. Beneficiary may determine; lb) p.,IP,m such acts of repair or
<br />pha ettlon as may be necessary Or proper to console the value of Ile properly, ICI
<br />Imaae :he same or any part thereof for such rental term. and upon such conditions
<br />as Its i:udgsotenl may dictate Uhl.H5 frusta, and BgnellCfary ail" plheryvle0
<br />writing• Any apPficallon or lentf, :5 sues of IA Prnf�ts ro any indebledne59 sBCUr
<br />hereby shall not attend or postpone the due a-te or ins rn,i.hraont ad
<br />as
<br />entering In "a P,Omis.ory note or change no amount o! such mstatify-.n. T11s
<br />g upon and taking possession Of the Properly Ile mils", of ¢4th rants.
<br />issues era profits. and the.PPIICSIIOn thereof its d!Orssaid, shall an we've such
<br />Or cure
<br />any default or note@ of default her.ht0er. Or ,ova �,ddfN anY act done pursuant re
<br />such nonce. F/u5i. also "ing" to d.ngfl:l r ac thine, 9ettlri ty in, the
<br />performance Of Ina poi lgetMS .sewed ngrgny a" pr.paio rents no an math..
<br />which may hays been or may nereallo, pe 02peSi12C with Said Truster by any hasps
<br />Ot tn, PrOpgriy , to Secure me rme„ , and upon O.feWf ,
<br />pOrtormarrCa or anv Or the prorisiOns nemnf' ` r• dealivgr shin in ins
<br />and deposit. ro In. 8.nehuarY D.I.... o nrrgn e: rsR! fu ets
<br />e.erelsa O tn. nghts granted ne•e�n In any re 'plus f ms HB".nclerY s
<br />no SUfflcrOni IO redurrA 9A:d rq.nnnf par wail _. rand 'aid prs,oS.. Shall
<br />,mice sa'd r " "r r nw�211c'ary Vnnl turfsAr
<br />11 . lease" PI8e111104L Within ID days art*' d6mana. Truator Hhalt furnish 10 Trust"
<br />a .Cheadle CAn'"W to be 'rue, 9oitrnp tor%:, .II I.Sso. of space In tfte Trust
<br />OCCProuUpants last, In daac tplion at
<br />Matter lapata oct D +W fly Such nronent and ncCUPant. the
<br />rantat t10 tar a{rcn e0ace and eucn other InlolmAihn and COCUmanh, wren
<br />reapett to eucn tAa"5 end tManGa. e. ins True " may request
<br />Mlhout ten Pi Nu villtan consent Of Trust ", TIU -101 Snare not, directly or
<br />Indirectly, with rmapeel In any leaes W 11.1. in the de9edpad premises, whether
<br />Such t"" is now Of hereafter in e,AIgnC6, lot ACClDt or permit any prepayment,
<br />OfeCOUnI at w "nee rent Payable thereunder; lot cancel or terminate the Same. or
<br />accept any cartcs,letan, termmalron nr surrender Ihe,_,. or ng_n any event to
<br />occur wmch Mafia an lltim he's. in.,gunder in Iermtn.te Or Cancel th0 :.me; (C)
<br />.-tend . mo,ih tn. same .o a. to reduce Ile term tnerMi, the rBn,S, psy*Dle
<br />IneroundN. Or to change Any renewal Provisions Iftere!n contained; lot Vial_ any
<br />dffl rw 'Site Anbreach her Action In ®conlnschoh therewith, Orr wlm aDSSaee
<br />tftmw4w a' Insrounder, which rOU'd harm Ina eliett OI rmpelring the value of ie9ln/'9 Inrareat
<br />tffMSUrTrue On ten Prcngnv suolett tneretn. Or nI IMPS"Ing the Position a, Interest
<br />Of ins Truett" or 8erallc If , c,, (r: soli, ae.ign, p:an0., mmtg.ge o• oIn.-,HB
<br />+aWWW O+fatalog."'Col 1: nlere4l m any e...... " o• any .ants, rs.u.. or Pratt:
<br />12. Cfarl.MaMOM If HPO IC any Part of Ins PFC Sty 6"A!i be taken In c.0ndemnaton
<br />pMCesdingtf. by right Of Amr/tanl Come,, 0, Sotals, &,iron Or s/an OS Bold under
<br />tfpNl of comlarl,Miron, al: aw&Oa, damages Shp Croce": are hereby .$Signed
<br />and Shan be Geld to NMntIAly Who Shall apply eucn -words and
<br />P+OCOatla to the Sums "Curve Dy,ha Trust Deaa. win the -woe s eoY. paid red the
<br />Trust. T, star WtN Glpmpr:y, end N+tn sue 10,20"CA rapal•. 010/ And r "tae Ile
<br />ranHrnne Dart of the Trust Properly to as Former candllion 0ubetanilallr to ins
<br />extent that the Same may be feasible and ac a! Ie Cnn.tlule a complete amt usable
<br />unit.
<br />17. Frhee AlsYartses, Upon. request a' 'ruetor. Beneuc4ry et Benehcla 7
<br />,he to Such future Ile Property to tn. T,..I., d Wnon
<br />ins T'US `SUCH fu,urm SdvOnC.S. w'I, highest tnP saY makA r „lure advmrttes t0
<br />Trust Dereq whin erl"nCed DY promlae0/ On_ sr'a' Lb a.c otc by tor.
<br />$KUrw n &AD Y notes .-sing Intl geld n>Ims ern
<br />Advom.a, of Ylncr Cn0 Dunne Adran Cad lr,n,all tr,A Bc'•” y,rnc'a." !u,.
<br />nu,arsdparCenillppdiloflheorr P'oletl the HcwlrY. e.c",d,;cm.
<br />panel prmclpe, amounts securW nnrenY
<br />1a, galaeesse CWMWSB". All lemurISe
<br />provided n I Trust Dead era deimcMMIMl_to an Y. h& rigor or ramwY unpsr this T,us l cl and
<br />Dead or elf
<br />equity, and rosy be AxMCffw rlW by 'aw.
<br />MItY 1, tlmpmasnnY.fuccese,rsly
<br />5' AsiesllMatl.tq ItiaalaNSS; SAM• UDOn dr"" by iru4o, In ten pAyfMnt of any
<br />ndapPMlnAes aSPAled "&epY. rn Ile "d.m.ntm Or •nY Sgre&mm�t MreunaM,
<br />d&A'MY t1Ary'o Tmruel "o wntr"ma"curW nArADV irrlmWiAtAlraw era DareOM Dy
<br />GfR.r of "M of the Property detafal ar, of Cstauli. Th. Trast" shall saw ten
<br />shat. "t i Ara if BAMfalery Oeair" Ile Propel tY to be eda, ri
<br />0ap.aft w1lR Truaf" ems Trust Daetl era all p7mt19 Poles era dMUmMI$
<br />AVddM^tPg aaDSrq ;lures Waned nsh by, end shall deny, to rwxl ", a wr111M
<br />tombs M esIW1t aW eNCllOn f0 Cau" IM DrppAliY FO be ,, and IM tryflN In
<br />rota .faith ptep&s • SlmlleF Not1Cm In try, form ".0,W Oy law, which shall W duty
<br />f' Iw f. ret0rd Dy TrUSi".
<br />4f After, ten Iso" o' eucn lime as may ten reilurlw pr few fofi0wing rnA rACwp
<br />atWh Or gold "tae of M044t. and notice of defauq and naticS O1 :eta `A`Og
<br />Dean gwAn es /e:I.ad by law. Tru His. W ,,opt demEra on rryft Or, ph Or Sall
<br />"b public the 'Oro era al he time are pang designated M 9610 raticS Of
<br />esM, at publb at a Un to fee Min "t bidder, IM PurC"BSO price payable in
<br />,awful TOSaY of ms {/MIw Star" at Ile tizzy at aMe The DerSOn cnntlUtting
<br />to it until until IT Sholl pr tAh" be .0mS O.".lenl, nnstpane the .ale from Irma
<br />oft c:k 0 Dmr
<br />MOM.d Sod. Irv, every lucre ca ", notice Of DamlpD,a.
<br />and t shit! "sly" by Ptl daCarMron ine,apf by ase oticen al postpone
<br />time
<br />Pfaca loot appointed Ipr fro esM. pmvnfW, n t/a Seto Is person Ined me
<br />rang& Ulan tit
<br />day bill I" day ",Ignored n IM SAII, I or "le, -.ice
<br />f Mwe. S"AR bl/ gi_n In the "me menne/ A0 'he Original noting of Sol,
<br />Trust" shat, S.&;ufe an0 "nr01 tV IhA DOlchaesl hi
<br />P'crpm +h $alit. but w!Fnriut any cdven.nt of we,ranir. e.preD."g4o,tmpltSd, the
<br />tae ltatf In In. Deep or Any Mall Sn ur IeUla Mat b► CORClusiw prep) a1 ran
<br />V trMUlMme t"erAOl. A"Y p.repP. IncluCing 00holi aq. may porch+" M the
<br />.Ala.
<br />if When trust" will pureuMf to ten Pa.'&$ half i2:al" span aPp!y fen
<br />P +acm.ks,! Ol rfar .eta o narmanr &the roots ba a.D.nSea nr .wrueing the
<br />OI "IS shit ar ins .ANr, 1,,0111 ino Ise Payment p I,,, fr_ %r 1 the
<br />sat ral Un", nor It ah ow `�i "io Of the na1S price. And Ivan
<br />n rr
<br />em6wov"h (CI In I" order there Beat W
<br />I strop "yttg tDS dMya si»cnlw in pub le,
<br />ne err >Pmr or8ur7 ast.9 nffyef t'.oAi. o/t &rte +Ya+a1 " the
<br />s -:guy vruAl" ire
<br />nn rv4Pr4S.r arHM;r..... .."a p IAGSdA of sale she,r
<br />vie f" V*Yawl ,.r A a(I
<br />oy die P., W tiff. PrEll.ur.t u•:nnn.(.Ilun w�tr, qu ..dl. n'h:l
<br />A u 4 +ens 1'q.n AAe.Srra*j ".,an,
<br />-. •ernex.itger r M'v �. �.. ep .ra= anr.ael:iya:�ItleUOn..rr-
<br />re. Duthie aW ob110Ationg of rh l ". (a) rho duties d Obligations o1 Trust-
<br />the he determined solely by the eapreas prOVlslons of an Trust Dead and Trust", rt -
<br />Shan not be liable except f01 the performance of such duties and obligation. as era
<br />Specifically "I forth herein, and no Implied covenenlg or obllgatlonH shall W
<br />Imposed upon Trust": 161 NO pmvnlan of this True, Deed atoll rtqulre S -h-it to
<br />expend n risk an own Iundf. Oh otherwise Incur any flnaclaf obligation In it,
<br />performance nl any Of its duties hereunder, or In the r
<br />edaa of any of Its right
<br />ed or
<br />powers, if It shall have ground for balleviny that the r ezeMl of such funds or
<br />a indemnity against eucn tak or Ilaolliry paym
<br />Is trot raaaprybty assured to IF, (e)
<br />Trust" may consult with Counsel of his own cnpo$In,, and the advice 01 a=R
<br />counsel shall D. full and complete authorization and protection In the respect 01
<br />any action taken of Suffered by It hereunder In good faith and reliance Thereon; (d)
<br />Trust" shall not be liable for any action taken by him In good fain and
<br />behaved by him to De authOdzed Or within ilia discretion or rights of Conferred upon It by line Trust Deed, powers
<br />to One Trust". rltYlMtrumenae Truator, at ltd expMAS,sy111ex"Ute and doll_r
<br />promptly upon ubst nic eucn security Inatrurnants as may be
<br />the Pro Property n "I ", :,form and Tubstace aatiafutory to Trust". painting any of
<br />the Property conveyW Oy this Trust Deed, ha'a security InalrumMls shill M
<br />andlcoinal security for Tru Elora 1BdM111 I»rf.mance of all of ten term!, COVenanfe
<br />eta contlufl ha of this Trust osad, the Promissory IN"
<br />other onto s instrument " or Old in "O"nscil n with •hlisatansa YCiMnBsg�
<br />Inipens. la shall 1» racoMw or flied, and re raCOrdod and reflMd, at Truator'.
<br />axed.-.-
<br />Ill. Mle"1Mnaoua
<br />(a) In the event any one or more or the prOVisions contained In MH Trust Destl.
<br />the oromissory note or any other security Instrument led In IX TZt1011 w,th
<br />this ItAnescllon shall for any fSagen W Mltl 10 " Invalid, Iilsgai or
<br />unenforceable In any respect, ouch InvarIII h, hold a unentorC.sp1
<br />shad, but the is Trust Beneflclery, not affect any other, provision of this Trust
<br />uDnanfoceabl. Provision had
<br />-hall
<br />over been conteinsd herein or Iner&n, ,lies.!, or
<br />(DI 'his al Trust De shall be conelruetl aCto,din
<br />Nebraska. g to IM M taws of I Stall of
<br />(c) This Trust Dead shall more to and bla, the heirs, regal.". do,,.,
<br />edminlSlrawre, executors. Satc6ASO,s ana ssatg,e of ten pariMa hereto.
<br />101 Truator snare pay ell toes levied upon this Trust oosd or the dept Secure,
<br />nsr0by, togethat with any otMr taxes or ass "atnMfs which may be Isv1A,
<br />0ganfl the Trust" Or Beneficiary or ten legal holder of $old promissory nater
<br />On OCCOU nl or IM10 hde.Wnges a 14"Cod therapy.
<br />!el Whenever :'sea he's"' ion singular number snau Include the plural, ten
<br />singular . the use of env pander snarl be spplicaDle In ell ,iefasrg. and the term
<br />"8.tallclary shall Include any O.vM or pt". "s Hersey secufw or
<br />any transfer InerMf whether by nP.ratrpn or law or otnerw'"_
<br />r9 SUCCOSA& Truesse. Behaticlery may tram time to time substitute a successor.
<br />.uccaewre to any Trust" named hotel w .,tined n &rurtd.r to aamcute ID!a Trust
<br />Down. Upon Such appointment and without convSyanCa to ten •UCC"a0f Trust",
<br />ins falter Shan be -,,On won all III ". DON&! and Outl" Conr&red hppll any
<br />Trustee listen nerved or acing "areun,ef Each such appointment and
<br />substitution shah W roads by wrlltan im, hurt py B&,=hAy corltalning
<br />,OtHanCe to this Trust Dew and its place ai retold, which when rSCorded In the
<br />oiling of the Rails"' of Deeds Ot IM County or counties In which esa property is
<br />Thgaforegoing ed sll De conclusive ,foot of prop& APPOIntrMnl Of the SUCCw or Trust".
<br />Power tit .uDSttullon and the p,m aure thAratore shall opt be
<br />oclaelw of Ile power era Dlimedure provldW for by law for the substitution of a
<br />Trust" or Tmal "e In the place o1 ten Trust"
<br />2a. F _
<br />Been /ltla�ry err T Trust" Iez�e• Ornp aryy rl�pntaor emW .Any /orspaararlG by ill
<br />agordW by APP"CsOle law. Shan not De ■ wsl_r of or Y ffereufaM, or INhaMles
<br />right W fsmedY "grounder Likewl6., ins waly& D prselUdm ten S.&Clae O) any
<br />default at Truster under this Truett Dew snau rim De BdAMflClary or Trust" of any
<br />ot"mr or a1mtlAl Ogfaulte auDewuantly ocCUning. esmW l0 be • w &vAr of
<br />any
<br />21. T1 Mat gM"sed, Exienslon of the time for Payment or moddlcation or
<br />auCC*S anon of tee stmt secures by Iola Trutt Dena granted by =f`Clary to Any
<br />suCngsS. in Interest of Truster ahSll nIN ODMaIA Io rslea", In My rhaflnat, the
<br />-.puny Of teas Wglihal Truato, or Truglor'9 successor In IMM"t, Bee C.ry Shall
<br />non Oe required to Commence proceedings against Such Successor O, relu" tO
<br />e.tand lime far Getman or Idn by "m0&ty emOTiltatnn or ten SUmA SaCUfed Dy
<br />this Trust oeW by reason of Any demand mad. by IM o•rpthal Truator an, CurO d by
<br />u Co.- "mrnnresl
<br />.2. ,ce".t n them shah be a OelAUll under hilt Oaed or tryst . u1= any prior
<br />'^'orlpags. the DenellclSly maY cure auto "nWt. Bra the AlRpuntf ad.Anuvd
<br />anti otnsr than an of the be"OftchIfY ih curing such default, wttf
<br />"Arest et Ino dsfauml to cnnlairtW In 1M Note aeCUrW
<br />the advances. Deymenta Shall C' ng Aadw to ten t.dept hsfaby 1tOm ion Oil' of
<br />Dew era may to cOrrctW hereunder at an tl whist Secured by this Trull
<br />. Darmehie and Mat a l mm attsr ten rims of such tadracas
<br />dasmed to ng aacured n&.py.
<br />.nm11On IfpiAFl ' UDOn the dccuranca of any Owl hereun(W. B"ICh&ry
<br />Ile foreclasurs oft _M1 a des to Itn$ Trust Dew In IM will provfdod by law for
<br />g g es property
<br />2a tryAtaiyA glyhM, A"aRl DMWn. Unrll any aslaull In tIM payment of
<br />'ndplednege "Or" exurw or until ms OresCh of any CO_Mni "Mann contain of
<br />me Truster, Its success., and assigns. snau pug"N shed en(oy IRS ptOpettao era
<br />,ttglw Ina rants and PrO /in t".retrOm Upon paymMl of an sums secured by Ihla
<br />T1„ 1 Dew, BaneOclary shall r:gU"l Trustee In tacom gy Ihe DroOariY era shall
<br />:Ur /ender
<br />this trust Dean ana au notes evaehcng Indebtedness eeculed by this
<br />(that Uew In Trust" trustee snare teconvey ten Property without warranty &ad
<br />wit final charge to trite persona legally echltw tRare(O. The Dlanl" In any
<br />I.COn_Yenng MAY DP deSCflbad as "the person O, pmleOna enlllletl the /g10,n and
<br />me mC"as iharsm Or any matters or forte he' hall
<br />Go cant lull_ Grant of the
<br />! °r hlulrt.me Inmlent Sucre Pgrsoh or persons shah per en caste of raWfding, If any.
<br />S A.nM&snon M the Event .1 Traesr&. m Ile event the ❑Ile to Sara rest assts is
<br />" rimy0rmafh -1j hAt",er., fr al."In. nml. from the hndon glgOad for any reason Of
<br />by ■n .nine D•Irrfr! I
<br />in a "come du.."d Patenlo AI the .Iel'ironip m m ens ar.crued Interest shell !1
<br />IM. uGllOn lacallee ore I"I@' of if AH sbov. bla'lsd in One nails ce a"M ont
<br />On 0IS, p weivM .,I Ina nPh' ,.yortlAa the mAn' rn the event of any Subsequent
<br />hanafa
<br />lti TnledaWOlwallntnlwladnm,atW ._.•aurae 8, 1977
<br />g.sGUIOd by Twoho to Vgtj t. <tli l e li t d f; . i5 _ Lo.lit rotates,
<br />securingavrmupal rntle lilt "i'43,6UU.U0.
<br />!kinerA e,.0 n!w fni ........ .,In IIM ""later bl Uemdo And nentillea as folbwa.
<br />liu� uutaut 17 °U3:Uy
<br />