85- 002446
<br />(With Power of Sate)
<br />8lnoount of First Instalment s.-� e2•u^n...__ Amount of Other Instalments
<br />'total of Payments VIC,54M.Ca First Instalment Due Date JnnP
<br />Number of Monthly Instalments __ � _ Final Instalment Due Date ArX 1 2 __ 19 Vii$
<br />THM DEED OF TRUST, made this —17— day of
<br />between Daia.d --t=om S®t3ar-P' e ^...anri,t :n�ti
<br />whose mailing address, is Tari
<br />of
<br />as Tntsttarn,
<br />i�V- -- -- - - —
<br />whose mailing address is 'je � •,P•.- t'- _ua;7A ;,�Q ,",
<br />as Trustee. and Norwest Financial Nebraska, Inc., whose mailing address is
<br />_ - - - - -- -_. -- _ -- -- as Beneficiary,
<br />WITVEoperty i Tratettrrs hereby irrevocably, grant, bargain, sell, and convey to Trustee in trust, with power of sale, the following do-
<br />.vntxaf property n
<br />County, Nebraska:
<br />".Our 't i'e. l,ras::?
<br />Together with tenement:,, heredrtameota, and appurtenance. thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the rents, itsstres and
<br />pnifats therre,f
<br />Tits conveyance is intended for the purpooiie of securing the payment to Beneficiary of Trustors' promamry note of even date in the
<br />snnrunt stated above a, "Total of V;tt minis' Said "Total if Yavmerta" is repayable in the number of monthly instalments stated above.
<br />The amount of the instalment pavments clue on laud loan ts. stated abtve The firht and final instalment due dates on said haan are stated
<br />atxtse 1'acmrnt map Ix made m advance an anv :emnur,t it any line [)!•fault an making any payment shall, at the Beneficiary's option
<br />ant{ wrtbnut nohc'e cr detnond. rev;der the entire unp : +n1 baize ace of saui Iron at ,n- due and payable. less any required rebate of charges.
<br />°o protee*t the sevuro.% el this Deed of Trust. Truator covenant, and :wrees
<br />t To keep the propt•rta m good asmditnn and repair. tar la.tow no a ate fnereof, to iomplete :n» I,utldtn,'. lrruelurc or mtpmvement
<br />hzr!npi built or
<br />about to he btnit thereon: r: restore promptly w s bud <lu r - trioturt it ;mproventenf therein which mar he damaged or
<br />fesiroved. and to -ni lv withal! 1 ass -rdinam- rehttl bon. c n.uu 'o-fition, an ! r tnctanrt, at e, -tin}• the l r, lmrty
<br />To pair before del rique•nt all l awful "lea end a- _ u nt l r , the p -l-rt, r.. 6..e•p the hro fe•rty lice and , oar of all c her
<br />chary;rn
<br />urn. er t•na utnhranet: nripairmf, }, t e. sa•ruroc at fit., ;reed I 1 ""'t
<br />t Tt, keep all ianl ling, now r here, err vie "'ted on the pr,gwf!y de"-rif I hrrru: ,onlinuousl% an,urud ae,jonnt doss by fire or other
<br />hmtards in .an ;amount not leas than the total debt secures{ I,% this their{ ui Tara .111 {""ides "hall he held by the Beneficiary, and he
<br />u: "tell ronapan!rs as the fSenehcrary rnav Oppnive and have Ir., pa.,able fir,t to tier Benehrarr is its interest mav appear and then
<br />To the Tnastor The amount c.. eiected unde : atnv instmm e pe Iry may he applied ulx.n am oldehleelve. -, hereby ,Kured ir. such order as
<br />the rienefiria" .iiiii deteranne. Such apphca+tann by the Beneftcuuv , h-all not must dixonnnuancv of any proceedings to foreclose this
<br />I)t"d of Trust rr cure ut wxave n , ,fefraull if not 1,e iefinelt r unandate anti act d.ao• pur "oant t„ "uch Honer In the event of krreiiosurr,
<br />all nadirs of the Trumov m uumran, a [solid lfaen in f true shall pa to the purr 11A er it i he fore, l-ure :air
<br />•0. TW,tlstain the cotweat of Betmtive,iry lef re ,elling .!live•%rifle ar olhe wi,r transferring the property or :any part thereof and
<br />any, ire, Conveyance or tran "fer withlUt the Ba ne hvuarv', wnrten c. nneJit "hall :. tiaqutr n r{efault lima., die terns herrof
<br />ei To rlefrnd :any Ac!aon or pr_eedu+g I,urfx+rtma to affecz . the serums b n ee! if ire. ru;hl, „r luv %era of Rrne•ficiarry ur Tru "lee
<br />h. Shaauld Tm> for fail to pair %lien ljoe ony taxes a +n ns, i-ir me n rrotlms hen, e •,ruins a te or 1,thvr charges against the propery hrratnafxrve dewrrbd It n friar may pap oie Woe,
<br />;and the pail -oh :,rent of the rate art torch in the note
<br />wureel hereby. "hall he added t'. and here of e .a part - f 0.e debt ie, on•d in tr., Deed a. r ro,t :a.1 e•d - oort ti, la%
<br />IT 1S Mll'I'I'ALIN A4;IJ ,*I)
<br />1 In the event Attu pone," , t the 1rr „pa•rit i, t rtt , .r d :u i p;rd a +. e•, . oru :e• t Ionian per,ee ed rig the entire ienunutl of they award
<br />r . :seta porttan thrrre l as may ha• neear•.a_arr m lidlt .tit <fv ?tie - blagattoo -,ured t.+ n 1” ,h ;a1P 1- paid to Iiener�ciary Io lie• applied to
<br />seed obltp{atatn
<br />By ae,i VAtng pavnww +,f an, ,.um M ur d !,erehv o ter its foe date, kerrncnnv d� •s nut %aim its right to require prompt pad Went
<br />wicen due of ail ether Burns - srture+f - E' .declare ,iel,wrt L>r fah „e h, ,o pair r
<br />S The Trustee -hail rt ,mve•v ail ,r ern I art •! the hnrferrty woad to tin= Itre <I 1 'four, h. the• tsr m rnndavl theft be, on wrtttrn
<br />eytse *a i.i the Trxettr and the Ittn;t"tora up.n. itiel,acunn .I ! ,, Id�dah "r, ,ceu tea) grid %n!Iea rertuedt fi,r rev onvevanre mode by
<br />Hie lir,"fti 1-ry or 11" 6 t .n rater led then °a.
<br />L-
<br />Im
<br />W
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