UNIFORNI C[1''I :N ANTS. Borrowerand Lendereovenant 8500me
<br />and agree is ti,llo\es:
<br />1, Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment �� N
<br />3
<br />,�j
<br />and late Charges. Burrower shall r,0O1,-
<br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any
<br />;
<br />ulider
<br />prepayment and late charges due the Note
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable la\Y < r ua written waigcr by l.cnder,
<br />to Lender on Ihc day
<br />Borraw'cr shall pay
<br />ooe•twclfth of: fa) yearly taxes and ;assessments
<br />arty ax payments are due udder (he Note, tnitif the Note is paid in full, a sun, ('•Fund," equal to
<br />which may attain priority o%er this Securitc Instrument: (li) quarto
<br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if
<br />any: (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums: and (d) 'earl'
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These items are called "escrow items. Lender may estinute
<br />basis of current data and
<br />the Funds due on the
<br />reasonable estimates of future escrow items.
<br />The Funds :hall be held in an institution
<br />the deposits oraccoums of w'h,ch are insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution).
<br />Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br />Leader may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or %'crifying
<br />Lender pay's Borrower
<br />tile escrow items, unless
<br />interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender it) make such a charge. Borrower
<br />Lender may agree in w'nfing that interest
<br />and
<br />shall he paid on the Funds. U'lless an :Igreerneni is made or applicable L'n%
<br />requires interest to he paid. Lender shall not he required
<br />to pay Borrower any Interest or earning, nn file Fluids. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds
<br />showln i reJts an[1 debits to 1 hr Funds ;uul Ihc
<br />purport: ti,r ,.huh each deh61 (il the F'IUIdS was made. The Funds
<br />this5etWIN Instrument.
<br />are pledgt'd:1; :Illdliiltllal ,l'L'UrliY' ti)r ihr;llill ,CC(Ired hq
<br />if the atnnunt of the Funds helff by Lender, together N% future
<br />fill the monthly Pa) Metals of Funds payable prior Io
<br />the due dates of the escrow Items, shall cxcccd the amount required to pay tF.c, %crow'tems'chen
<br />at Borrower's option,
<br />due, the excess shall he.
<br />either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to B;•Tt,,,,cr un monthly pa%rnenis of Funds. It the
<br />amoeot of the Felltl5 held by Lender is not sutTiclent
<br />%% Ho
<br />to pay the t•scrc,\% 11011's %% lien [file, Born, %ter shall pay u, Lender art+
<br />amount necessary Io make up the dchclellcy m one
<br />nr inner p:lymenls required h'' Lender
<br />Upon payment n, full ofall surrl% secured by this Sccuntq Iii,[runienf.
<br />Lender ;hall pn,mpUq refund ul Borrower
<br />any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph I'1 the Property
<br />1, sold or a.gmred by Lender, E Crider shall apply. no lake
<br />than Immediate!' prior to the sale of Idle Property
<br />or is a.gwsulon by I ender..in\ hind; held by l.cndcr at the Fine of
<br />apphCanon as a credit against the sums secured by 1 hit sccurlt 1n,trumcnt
<br />y
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless Ipphcahic law pro %(dl's
<br />„thcrwlsr..', ! payrnrnts received h1' LCnilcr undue
<br />paragraphs f and 2 shall Ix applied: first. to title charge, due under the Nt'tr ,r,,•n,i. I ,
<br />Note: third, piam'
<br />pupa\ 'item charges due under the
<br />MITI s payable under par,agr aph 2: ti,urth, to lntrrest ;due
<br />4, Charges; Liens.
<br />pnrel"zo clue
<br />Borrower shall pa% all lases. ;,%ses,nu•nls. ;Far cs. tier, :mJ arnpnvtu >ns attributable to the
<br />Property which may attain priority o%er this Sccarty Instrument.
<br />,011 le,lschold pa%lnenh or ground rents. rf ant.
<br />Borrower shall pay These ohllgallon, ul the manner 1 n,tldcd In srapraph :. or J not
<br />pay them on time
<br />pand m that manner. Borrower shall
<br />[hrrctly to Ihc person owed p:ayfncnt Honc,wt! ,hail pnut@ptl\ rurml, to Lrndet all notices
<br />to he paid tinder thus I,arlgfaph If Borrower f
<br />any
<br />makes thew paym'r,h ,f,rcrtl+. BnrTnwcr %hail procr c,fcunounis
<br />receipts evidencing rile payments furnish Lender
<br />:ill promptly Jlslhalge an% tier. whl,h has
<br />Bt1rr.,ang ".h;l,
<br />I(, priori!% ,,%C'f
<br />agrees tat witting to flue .,f Ihc „hhaanr,n ,
<br />♦ ,ur,tl In,trumcf,t unhss 13nrn,we'r tat
<br />%lnf
<br />It,t wri •iii ll Utaler r :t';,lahic 1,11 ender. (hi mutest, o, g:,od
<br />lath !he hen hy, or 'fCfend, against eraklranienl f !hCt'lifh
<br />prercnt The Cniilrccmcnr of [lie hen o f' its, \\Flab m he h :rider's t,pinlun L,Ile[ t„
<br />r filrfclture of any part cif the i'n,prr'n
<br />agreement
<br />;c•,ures hotel Ihc hohdrr tit the hen ,in
<br />the Pr
<br />Property H ♦alh(dlf Ina hC'71
<br />ti I% ct of IIf Lcodt'r %hlCh all. the i le' [,1 this Securlt\ Inslr,lmcnt if I undrr lermnle,
<br />,,Irithe th i flalt ally par ..j
<br />y l
<br />le
<br />which Ill;f\ atralll Q,norill ''% "r Ihh lei :i7ltl IIhfTU lnent_ 1 rndif R,ay L'1l� Bol rV \ \t'r ;f
<br />brit Ekurowrr,halt satisfy the lien
<br />o%nigofy1othe
<br />,f the gn'aalg of notate.
<br />or take olio or rnoft• t f the a:tl „ai, ,rl forth chitvc ,%lihirl ill days
<br />5. 1lazard Insurance, li frimer ,hall i,eep The In)pr„tt'1T
<br />@t'rir, fines t•%hfl!lg or her: %01,eT cfcc!cd on the Pn,pCTlA
<br />require itinsura I„ \1 hq tire', 11;1la f'f♦ Irll'1Utied %%Ithln the ft'rnk '�l'A(l'llded '�
<br />requires IIItiUF :lneC i h1% Insurance ;half tie to:
<br />11\ ollwr h.11.1T,1% f„T %\ 11,h I.eodvy
<br />illi alfled Ill rile .1molinl, :lilt) fi,T Ihc• IlCrit,tf, 117:it (entfer reyui'cs l hr
<br />Fntit3ranCC carrier prl,grlllllg 1110 Ill \ll7;flllr sl'lall lk' ,ht,,,'af hl I {„�
<br />(.IpllAt I
<br />{ „w,'r ,nhlrii !.! l iit,It'!
<br />unreasonably withheld. %\ dlli h ,I@;Ihi II<,1 hr
<br />All insurance pt,helCS and iellewa1% sh;1ll lit• aCcepl;1h)c' le, I.elld,'r ,1! @d ,hail In1111dC
<br />I critter shttalI h5! %C the right Mild ,r;1lld
<br />to ,9 :ild filorl sfC .l.l ll \C
<br />the pollelvs ;And refle%%aj% 11 l dCP !<'yU1Pe',, Born, 1l'f
<br />all re'CClpls of I;
<br />11 ndarprl\
<br />sli,i 1 it t' I Crider
<br />I Cflil'T
<br />paid prCmlUlrls and renewal liotil ill. Ill IIle eNcIll 1,1 to d B,Ir nlNe%; flail shall
<br />carrier and Lender_ Lender 'm
<br />many make proof of loss 11 Iio( rI1a a pri, rnpl l% hY r 01,1 sl\f prompt """CC In Ihc Io
<br />I. tilers I.Ct1dCf and Borrower
<br />otherwise ;agree 111 UrIt"19, itisurarave pR,CCCds shall ht' apgillt'il IU Pt' ,.1Ur;1IlUi it
<br />of the Prlgvrly datnagt�il. If the resloranon PpIJCd
<br />or repart Is ecuminncaliy fraslhh :Ind I rndtbe
<br />Pl'p:1rT
<br />restoration or repair 1s not economically feasible or Ixtlder
<br />as not lrt1oll i If Thc'
<br />I
<br />irphed Iii the sums % 4t'C•itrttl' t%ot1iJ 1l' ic„t'nCd. Ill' In,tl7anet' file tss
<br />'rd hY ,h:dl he
<br />lnstrut lent. whether or not then dill',
<br />doe
<br />tale %, (i %%fill any Cll'C%% i1:11d It, l {orrot%er iQ
<br />IT"
<br />ereel ti, %unit a Claim, then
<br />to idea cl the theta Ic' (n'fl C1 fin all \wer N1lhttl .t() days 1 Police from I. ender that
<br />tIdered
<br />[lit' 111sUrait'e i..irrlt.r ha,
<br />h
<br />the } °r[,ppErty ,li to pay ,1N1,1 ,t'CUred h% till; Set urity Irl'IfUrT1CllI,
<br />ec"der rT a:a% t'(,liccl the ifl\tinlrlee pf"t-ced, i ender n,av list, tit prl lC Cl'd, 11, iep,ttr Itf
<br />O-1% 1
<br />*hen the 111,1 is a t1 p I %[: fl
<br />whelber IIf oo, thCn'file' 1 he l ?eriod \\li; fq•Clii
<br />I.nlss I Calder d 13 Cr I,Qhlefwl,l';1g ( et' ail wfllltl
<br />xwf ie the due Jle ofthe morit hly
<br />p fed, f„ p1111C1pal,flall nil C \tellll pay nuIlts of
<br />referred to ill paragraphs 1 and : or chalwc file amount
<br />under paragraph 1'I the F'roperi%'
<br />of ill,, p,v Ill"w, it
<br />Is atgwreif h% g ender. Borrimur's right to am In;lifmicC
<br />from damage to the Pr(,perl%
<br />poll"Ies and plo. Ced, 1c,1111frig
<br />prior I„ file acquli,tlon %full pass to i. Calder In the c'ltlelil
<br />IhmtrlfttiCnt irrirriekhafek if),'
<br />„I
<br />pal, IT I,t rite aCquis,tlon
<br />111M, ,. e11 f :71 I,\ t }lit Sei tl iii\
<br />'. Prewrvalion and Maintenance
<br />if Property: Leaseholds. florT(mer ,h,lil n„I ,1 %,11th
<br />hartgr• Ihc Pr„ rn.rtg, alh,w Ili[• Prop,-r1%
<br />,i.tlne,',i �'r ,IIh,Ia I1 L'a ll
<br />fo (11c "Iofatt• ,r cornnnl w;nlc it tills is ,IIIIT Insirunicnl n .•n a i,.ascl,old.
<br />I3Yxf„wC a \hall, :oliipl\ \kith the lino %all,,flh,If the lcaw,:Illd
<br />It 1 {„f rov%Vr ,I "Biller 1,'t• flthl' Ii, rill' h'1 ,pelt\, (ht' il.'a,l'fl. +I<1;1i,tl
<br />fE'e title °wdnall riot rYld'r g(°(Pit fCg, 1.C'ndCT of h',7Ce4lII the rnCi I11
<br />gel w'rffri @g.
<br />7. Prolecti'm Of i enders Rights in the Property; Mortgage Insurance. If Nor'
<br />efbePl ill,. Tand ageYfnt.'fiI',+f„ill,itfi[
<br />„w,
<br />°d tit if,:%Slyheir %Iliarnlilefit. 111( 1n' ft'1,.Ir,'l;,ilpf•tI1111.'! flat;
<br />O
<br />I clatter,. right,. In !tic Progrrlt
<br />,I.I\♦itillllll;nf!itI,,fl,'!1
<br />(such as a pv rc'ftng o hanklu,,
<br />,I,., lr. Ion ,al,lrnnlanon ,•r n, , nli"ol tnvs ,
<br />iP i1 IiR ni %). t?1e14 Lt :lira ftP 9S dar :,rid paY ir,f whJleYef la
<br />n,:, t',,,1I+ n, pity, 1 Iht• taln<' „f III, ° I'T"poril ,Ind I vllil,.'i
<br />it) lt@r I'rllperl` I cra dens :l It,ii °, Ilia% :tm ttitlis Se,
<br />iPkk0iUrPitflt, T,\
<br />111, -1 , awn ,l l)i, IT ha, .11 01 IiH,
<br />,Ppg eating 118 tffUii paytnf rea;nilHlhf' altf,rnc' %, ,illd cm,:! 1, ,
<br />Lendt'r rota% Llkv,t rsnll,Ind f lilt,. „@I t ra i� ,F. "n the F'ropl ilA I,• n,:, },r Irf,l,tt,
<br />e I ' I lihnil,'I�
<br />I • f -1
<br />endl'i
<br />�'�9,Y tIf} din€ 11,d`,tiT,¢, c1 ,,Y 111,(.1041117[1,1 !!,I i;a1,1p 1ph 'h,III ic,
<br />,W fY InslTnln.e
<br />d '
<br />1
<br />°n1 I qks, B„rfr,
<br />fill I'd 11!i' I 11;It t„ I d1 ,f.,.t, -I ,
<br />l i9R f wP'1 mid f t'Itld r ik•flC "e it 11,'I t till, I 1 „lull 111 Ill),
<br />„I t' i11, f' lilt '�
<br />f
<br />frirto ,t 7iit' N I 1111, ) I
<br />3 @t I,<tlt lnt'yet rCc• T�I1, ail.% :full fly Q :t..,f,lc' ,Ill . I', ,I13t ,I•,., ;.,.,tit
<br />' -S
<br />It
<br />aa� :
<br />