<br />85- 002352
<br />1 MORTGAGE LOAN NO. _- f. 24 ,35 5
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: That Robert L. Lilienthal and Jeaneen Lilienthal, each in
<br />his and her own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgnngpr, whether ore or mote, in conai�ntion of the sum of
<br />"kned to sad mOOMm by The Equitable Building and lean Association of Grand Island, Nebralika, Mort ---y- -�-- -- DOLLARS
<br />mil ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L ' upon 120 sharer of stock of
<br />described teal estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: ' do hereby grant, convey and mortgage onto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />Lot `A-1ve (12) , Bison Meadows, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />wind0cr with all the tenements, hcredawntrnts and ai ;puiernant:es thereunto belonging, Including attached Mawr twverings, all window screens,
<br />wandenw shades, blinds. sturrn wsnduws, awnrnws, heaamg, tie alndmlumng, a°td plumbing and water equipment and acaxawtles thereto, Inlmpsscreens,
<br />"""Frators, and arbor fixtures and egmpnxnt now or bcre:afier attached to or used m conregnin with said teal estate.
<br />And whereas said the ease and has nit and dues herrhy agree ll;al the irortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asseasraents levied or
<br />I upon said Promises and said rh[s nit and
<br />and she b „rml secured thereby before the same shall becon delirtgtenL to furnirJt approved
<br />Insurance upon the buildings in said premrvs shoaled ;n the stun of S 12,000.00 payable to said AS,SO('IATION raid to deliver to said
<br />ASi(X'dA1TON the P Olwars fur said Insurance, and nut to colnm1l oa perms any waste on of about said premises;
<br />In caw of default m the performance Of any ,d the terms and c„utfill ens ,I this nmortgage or the bond secured hereby, the rmortgWe SW,
<br />nn cisrrtami, he entitled to nntnedtatr Pnasacsslon of the mortpaged )ter, . and tfar rieuttP,agur hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to th;•e
<br />nxxt(sgee all the rents, reventes and income to lit- drrevrd from the nmarlgaged premises during such it by as the mortgage indebtedness shall retrain
<br />unpaid_ and the mottgagee shall have the power to aprMunt any agent ur agents n may ttesne bur rake Purpose of mortgag said btern ens and renting
<br />the sarme and a,llecting the rents, rrvrnurs and 1710)[11£, an6 sa nraV pay om ut Iliad laconic all expenses of repairing said id Pr fns and necessary
<br />ci,mrrttamarts and expenses incurred in renting anst managing the Isms and of collrctmit rentals therefrom the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />applrcd toward tier discharge of said nmaiver o m le %alnnrsx. Ifm x rip his OI the crtorfgager may le exercised at any time dtnnmg the existence of taleh
<br />default, arrrspecuve of any t£mpivary waiver of rtae Isere
<br />these Presents, however. age upon the a "rullihm. P P;at if the aamd Mo/tgagan shall repay said lean on or before the maturity of said shares by
<br />flaymeni, reel namtf a to said ever, r .'inlhl1tV „ I the win specified m star li,md secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />the rho PAmd sec re each and enter rrmsnth.t: rid :std loan n luliv patd; pay all taxes and asses rsa£nts leswdagaansl said izrcmaesandon this Mort
<br />am' the Band secured thereby, before dehnquencv, iurntsh appgomd Insurance upon the buildings thereon an the sum of 1
<br />to rah! ASSOCIATION: repay im sate ASS(X'IA fiON utx,n drilesnd all mo eV by s 12, 000.00 payable
<br />the maximum leal ate theroam E,om data of pay rmnl all of which Moir Paul for such taxes, assessments and insurance with Untercst at
<br />it hereby agrees to pay: permit m, waste em said premiaes;keep and comply
<br />with all the agrcrments and conditions ns of the hand Ior $ 12, UUU .00 Ib's day t?even by tie sand Mort to sand ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with all the requirements of rtic Lonstatutnan and By laws of said A.S,S(X'lA'[ION, ahem thew prevents shall brxxatre moll and stoic, aiherwise they
<br />pay remain m full finer and uuy he hurchixd of she uptvo11 of the said V;S(X'IATION after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />and M(nts tar to three o haws Ill arrears rn Inahing and ntonthty payments. or tO km and coin
<br />rated Mamt n agrees to ham a rccrIwj appointed f ,fthwith nt such h,rrci ,sure ptrice£disigs ply wash the Weements and conditions of said Bond:
<br />H there Is any change no ownership of the real estate mortgaged N etem, by sak or otherwise, then the entire rcrtenning mdebttdtteta hereby
<br />seettred dwJd, at the "Plum cif T'he L41iltable Building and Loan .Astawtatgon of (;rand island, Nebra a, become imutediately due arise payable without
<br />further [moue, the armotmt rrniaaneng due under raid t„ nd, and any Other thicl tar any additional advances male thereunder. abahl, from the
<br />stair rasa seen tat red <ata@arn, bear Interest at the maximum legal rate, and ltscs nmar[ nay then be f
<br />raid any osier home foe additinai advances, together with all Soon paid by sand The 1.quetable Building and Iumam Association of Gtatd Island
<br />rasa for satisfy antiount due tin and
<br />amx, texts and asrasmenas, and abstracting extensisui charges, with interest thereon, from dale of payment at the maximum
<br />kro tad@.
<br />As pm m the Bond cured herrhy, whah tie% rnortgagr rrniains of ette,ct tier emir[ MAY hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br />ors rah scud bane, of al aswgns o. successors sn nterress. which slams shall N. wilt am the wcurnty of this mortgage the gamic as the funds originally
<br />wstired thetriey, tPi£ total amm�rnt of p.mettml debt not Io rx,red at ally tine the original arm,unn oP this smart
<br />(r filer this 1 day or
<br />t3't
<br />''TAI Oi NPURASKA. t
<br />('OI`NTy OF HALL I - Ov tMs
<br />tii<L dray of i°1s]'r
<br />! 1`4 ii',i . before fire,
<br />rile unticrsigted, a Notary i'uhbc rn and for lad County, petamully (sore
<br />f� >rt L. Lil.lt.rif:kl�.i rata.! J4�srw,a.tl l..ilf.c.•rit.:l�ll, t',t(_:t rl° tiara •uxl la.- /.
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<br />ae. #rar,w . d 11 smsd unce+s,s s %; ha, t tw.'1 t glad t fa.'} wwtaI1V
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