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I vakk frma taka t'ft ,Ai llnll(. Ihll� t lr tk (aphl , i CPI4ItT ill ll, h -1\ ' t„'1 it <br />All, .ail Lull, dl,hitrstt) f'r I E I"ict I'micI Pht, <br />a.r if$ N,.tPtll lklt I To :,% [till 1. %v[ 'llikt I t odrl lgtcr n t.tfl(1' , i Ill", , I .t% nwr ! <br />Ihr, ,ta ?a ^f li?%t air . ?llt,'llr :'( '1H' %%.,4,' t,t9r dll.l `ILeI IC '•511): <br />'e`ti 4fe_'Nt.Pt p� t'=;;pS in P'nt 1 <br />° <br />85-- " <br />UNIFORM Cer\'t'NnN rS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows. 8 <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges, Borrower shall promptly pay wlien due <br />the principal of and interest on I he debt evidenced b% I he Note and am prepayment and late charges due under the Note. <br />2. Funds for'Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable lac% or to a written x %ai%er h% lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid In full, a sum ("Funds ") equal to <br />one-twelfth of: (it) \early taxes 1111d asse'Ssmentx which may attain priority liver this Security lnstrumcrw if)) %' earIy <br />leasehold pa \'nlents or ground rents on the Property, if ally, (c) yearly hazard Insurance premiums: and (d) )'earl% <br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These ilcros are called "escrow items." Lender nlav estimate the Funds due on the <br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates of future escrow items. <br />The Funds shall he held in an institution the deposits or accoultlS (If which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br />stale agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. <br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in writing that interest shall Ile paid on the Funds Unless :tit agreement is "lade or applicable law <br />requires interest to tx paid. Lender shall not be required to pay llorrowcr an\ interest or earnings tilt the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting ofthe Funds showing credits and debris to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made The Funds are pledged as additional sccunty for the sums secured h% <br />this Security Instrument - <br />If the amount of the 1 unds held by Lender, together with the future nionthh payments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of the Cscrotc terns, shall exceed the aniount required to pay the escrow'tens when clue, the excess shall be. <br />at llorrouer'% option, :filter promptly repaid to Borrower or credited it) Borrower to monthly payments of Funds. If the <br />amount of the Funds held he Lender 1s not suttiClent Ili pay the escrow sterns when due. Borrower shall pay to Lender any <br />amoum necessary tit make up the deficiency ill one or more pay nleuts as required by Lender. <br />Upon payment ul full ,,fail sums secured by this Security instrurnent. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br />any Funds held by Lender It lender paragraph 11t the Property IS sold tr ;icgwred by Lender, LrntteI shall apply, no I:ucr <br />than nlmediatel% prior to the sack if file property or Its aacquisuion by Lender, any Funds held by Lender it the time tf <br />appllcalfon as a credit against file surds secured by this Sccunl% Instrument <br />3. .application of Payments. Unless applicable law provrtles othcr\%tsc, all pay nlenis receivC(1 h\ I.cndcr udder <br />paragraphs I and 2 shall he applied first, ill kite c h;argC% duc Under the Note. scion((, la, prc'pa\ rn Cilt :[larges due undo r the <br />Note: third. loarnounis payable under paragraph . fourth. to Ilncrest due. and Last. to Frinelpal (life <br />t. Charges; Liens. Borrower %hail pay all taxes, assessments, charges, tines and Impositions attnhulahle it, the <br />Property which may attain priority tier this Secure: Instrument. :and leasehold payments or --round rents. If an\ <br />Borrower %half pay nceu nhhgahons in the nunuler provided In paragraph :. or if not paid ill that mariner. Borrower shall <br />pay Them on time directly to the person owed p;wnent Borrower s)iall prornptl% furnish Ill l ender Al notices of ani Runs <br />to he paid under fins paragraph if Borrower slakes these payments direcOk, Borrower shall promptly furnish it, Lender <br />receipts Ctidenclne the pa %meutt. <br />Roan\%!" shall promptly tfise'hargv all% hell whtch has priorlt\ o%Cr this Sectini% Instrument tudtss Borrower. fat <br />agrees ul %%riting to the payment tit the obligation secured by the lien m a manner :Iccc•ptahle to LCndcr (h) contests Ill gtotf <br />faith the Vera hy. or defends against efil orcerrlent of the lien fn. legal ptoteedirags %vhlth in the Lender's opnuon operate to <br />prevent the enforcement "f the hen or forfeiture of am part of the• Property. or (c) secures from Jhc holder tit the Ilan ail <br />agreement san%tactory to Lender subordinating tile hen to this Security irtstrJmenl If Lender deternunes that any part of <br />the properly is suited to a hen which neap ;ittain prionty liver this iccurily Instrument. I ender nla\ tine Borrower a <br />nutlet idemitving life lien Born-c•r \hall %atlst.% tilt' heft or tike one or !:lure a,1 the actions %vi forth ;aho%c• wlthln 10 da\s <br />of the giving of notlec. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. Born>wci shall keep file Impro%enivnis now t•xastlng „r rcrraficr erected ton The property <br />Insured agantNl Suss h% lire. Ilatalds lilt hided %%if hin the !trill "extcliticd I o%vi :W • alld ;an\ other ha /aids lot which Lender <br />requires insuram -4. [tit, lrl%t1rallct. %Itdl he Itlaintallled It' :Ile .1::!"11111% :lilt] fiat !lie F.Crh,tls Ill-it tender ICgt]lrc'%. [tic <br />m %uratice tarricr 'tlru%Shcflg the Itl%llraneC shall Ili' cno%ell ll% Bt,r r"we'r snhltcl !+ 1 itlllc'r ti ,9P(`rulalt %\hlC h %tall noT he <br />'alreasonat'1 % w if hhcld <br />.'111 msnallee policies ,Irld rclie%%'ills shall he accepi.ihlr I,, I cnoer ;anti %fl;iil ialtltidc• ;1 %lall(t and tttor'tg:age• tl:ruse'. <br />Lender shalt ha%e the right It, hold the policies and renewals 11 Lender requlrrs, Born c, shall p,ronlpt!y vi\c to I ender <br />,it] receipts of paid prennutns amt renewal ntltices In the Clccls tit loss, Borrower %hall p1%e prompt notice to the inuurancc <br />,3f -,Ief aril i entICT i. ellder foay Inake proof of loss It Clot made pronlpll% h% ittli ro \ %c'i <br />I `ales% I t'n'ICT and R.lnowtr otherwise agree in writing, i <br />insmr:mce protect], '11,111 h <br />restoration or repair is nit econlanically feasible or Lender's securit w(lcdt] he iCISCI)cd. The InStlratice plocceds shall he <br />.ipphvd )o the %uni\ Secured h% Ihts Securit% Instrument, Miether tit' not Ihen due, \%Ith :ul\ excess paid to Borro\%cr if <br />Mirruwc•r abandon, the proper[V. or tiles not :answer within tt) days a notleC from Lender Ihal the insurance Carrier iLas <br />offered to %cite a claim. then Lender may telieet the msurmice pr(iceeds Lender roan use the prof eats to repair Of rC \tort. <br />the pnopen% or to p;a% shills ♦ccurcd h\ fills set urlt% Instrument. t%liether i 'I twi ihelt dale i lie , day pe'rlod \%Ill N-vill <br />w hev else notice Is izi%e'n. <br />t ''illess Lend 'r and itorroi %e'r t',thc'r\Nise' agrtt.• in w'rltifle,, ;lrl\ appfitaltull „I j,ro,:ttd% to plrlllelp ;t] Shi11I Ind,[ l'xl e'In1 or <br />p4, %,Jxme' the dot• elate of the 111 - 11111% pa\ Illents r ele•rred St In pAl,wr;aphs 1 alnf , or.. h;anp•t' tilt! arlll,mo of tht' p :ly nle'nfs If <br />under paragraph Ili the llroperrt% r acquired h\ Lender. Boro,wer's right I„ an\ ulsurcllct: 1 +01tcles and plocceds Icsulur,« <br />Iron (f:amagc I,t the proper1% prior !o I he ;J,:gnis1f loll shall (`albs I„ I elldtr to Ill,, es1,•11[ of the �(im% tcclilvd h% lilts Isecu, It\ <br />instrument IFTImedlE.11ep\ prier Iii thcacc{to,ttlOn <br />6. Preservation and Maintenance of Properly: I cas holds, )t:;f f:,v%er .h,111 n„ f de'%IT(, %, old ilia t'+,t vuh%!,InU.oil% <br />,Aingv isle propcti,. .Ittuw the ptorwrt% t,, clttrriorait <,r I+tltI111I w.l%1: it till, \ illilf\ Itistriwivlll <br />14slir�,wCr %halt tl?Inpi\ 1 %fill lilt pto' motks of Ow lea%v..Ind it it,,if l wt" ,l,'quir % I :'e title !,,tile Vropelf\ Ow 1,'.i,cl" d I:),! <br />ft @° fPt 1c' %Flail[ Pittl rY7Cf%"t" 41Ille%% 1 t'll(ter :1 L'rt'C% Id? ill t' lilt: gt'r it, %gill,C. <br />7. Protection of Lender'C ltighls in the prnperl%; Milrt&atte Insurance. It Horr „na!, !., Ia't "„+1111 riw <br />ioaq °f tndBi(1 iS 11Lt :.1 ffY'niS`tat°+iu(Il;nnt ( f tit this'tctltrltl' [list? I t Ilicni..,t t!trre i,.i „'r.d Fri,, I, dill,­, lkal l' 1\ "1,:'l lll� -Inll1 .t ii�t! <br />Ivildc, lights Ill IhC pfolw.'rI% (%1X1'1 ,I% a pr,N,cvdmg in !`;niklnplat. prt,h.Itt., ;,iltltt ti,l}I "I, ,'t 1,, ,'lal„(et 1.1%%% - <br />tf gkitazf €1nw6. thcrl I. ender Illa% efo arld pay Itr \%hate%cr 1% nrtt•%sarV !o pl,vet• th¢ %,glue ,,I thi. Wt] 1 "1100 , <br />m 111-- pI , /o-er4% I tll:Jt( a a0wil, 11111 Irltlud pa\ing ll\ •li lt% etlrld ).\ 6 1111 4thlt -ti 111 l tt„ta 1 ',1,'i l!%1,. 'W, litl!t <br />f €ktit:Fain%n4..,ppvarml , ill hull. I,ai tip rrasl 11 0110 .tit ,1IY. 1' % t td t f f till t t ., h. i'rrfV rt, , , rnakv ­I' lit' A1111rtied q <br />q <br />