REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Font FL9 208 (Rev. 1 -77)
<br />Date__ May 3,, 1985
<br />caoration
<br />. Mortgagors,
<br />of Hall county. Nebraska in consideration of
<br />of the principal sutm recited in the note hereinafter described, receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby
<br />mwtpp and convey to
<br />THE FEKRAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farts Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100.
<br />e (snbJeat to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties other than Mortgagors: existing easements of
<br />recd: reservations in United States andStatepatents: andthe rights of the public in all highways), tbefollowing-
<br />derlbed real estate In Hall county. Nebraska S
<br />SEC. TMr. Re.
<br />Wk ------------ -- ---- ------ - - - -16 9N 10 W 6th P.M.
<br />Together with all wells, pumps, motors, and equipment located on and
<br />used to irrigate said premises, and any additions to or replacements
<br />thereof, which items are declared to be a part of the mortgaged
<br />penises and appurtenant to said real estate,
<br />�,mtalnlng 160 t n gL her w! th 'ill of the right, title, and !nterest
<br />o'cox owned or hereafter ,acquired) or the w1 a rm in a.d Or,'ert.y. 1nclu-Ii w, all butidinga, improvements, fixtures,
<br />r s. trtwreor. or hereafter placed thereon:: ill water, lrr!gnt.lctn, to iralnage rights: the tenements,
<br />hereditsments. and apgurtsnances the -et,, .rid th+s nt S a r p <nl rnf! Arising from said ?ands" turd (if
<br />the Mort rat rl tta .n tie ,.tab`!. 1,,nn«.. -are ae,'UITT! ')t M..ta -.WCe e.�s. «t
<br />y purpo;nes) all leases, permits,
<br />11 orprivtlegoa, appurtenant ,r nrrnxpi .rteo,%gt t, :3;1 girt era e„ ntwr Nereal ter issued, extended,
<br />renewed to the Mortis uy the d.lnitou .,Gates or thra -, ..te 441 ne property !s located or
<br />s9e 3 a rt. :xarvatr, rr agency thereor.
<br />Min Mart_ _ is givetn to secure u prt)ml-an^y ute or oven 147e laerealti:, :xkNrlae@ *,y Mortg -%Wi s to Mortgagee, !r
<br />tug Principal of SAND W 1Q0Q_- - - - - - - - - DOLLARS.
<br />fable with interest seeording to ,he Let ;)f Brio , ?ats, .he f1[ai ;�'Ymrnt tming -1ue and payahle on the first day
<br />of D 1999 �,a_ it!s eta eysatre .411111 he vold g,ou the , pvnent sir said promissory note.
<br />la mortgage is subject to the provisions Of THE FARM CRKD17 ACT and all aet.a amendatory thereof or supplemental
<br />thereto. Tint weeds of the lam securer hereby will be used for the purposes :apcclfled in the Mortgagors+ appll-
<br />antion, for said Ion and authorized by said Act.
<br />I" mort s. and eacit of them hereby warrant that they `ire fee Owners of the :mortgaged real property: that they
<br />will off the title afainst all claimants whomsoever, and that alibi property is tree from all enexxbrances: that
<br />t= trill keep all the improvements, fixtures. and appurtenances occupled and In Rood repair iVrmit ne acgs of
<br />tw; . will relinquish all riP.Mts of h+amestoad in ,.-mld pr"Ises, aaadeovenant quad agree with the Mcarlg ee.
<br />follow:
<br />,1) L they Will pay mm dump all taxes, liens, ,1u ntx, car cases =. enta which may tie 3twtu!iy asse5s€etl against.
<br />t Property in Mortgaged.
<br />(2? Mgt S will In$%" and keep insured buildings or r>ther Imprnretierits now on or whj,,h may Hereafter
<br />tm said s to the satisfaction of the Mrtgagte, such Insurance ia:llcy shall be endor ^ew with a ^nor e ,I muse
<br />Ottlift the loss therimim4er to be payehle to the tiortgagee, Any sw4s - ,Fcelved may be used to lay ':r teri r tz i .n
<br />Of the n l nta: or, if not ao applloa y, at the optiali of the ^"rtie e, be spp,ted In ;Aymenl. of
<br />'WW l to s, maturvd at, to tuts,, :tenured t)y thin mrtrti.vge.
<br />114 TO M nail r"1,8, f s, Or ChAMen now due or to become *in wider the ter,= Of e4 en 4,11420, 1*omIlt 11cenm.e, tar
<br />W, Mlle l000ln whith is appurtenant or nca4ppurtonanat. to the gorigage4 t= lses, SnIch h4-2 t?een
<br />t or r by the invited staten „r trio State !t; which the aboveadescrlbed ,T,-)l .Vrty IS li2'it.tid ,Md
<br />is WA jAmierve every act, cover"i otulltlon rind `Lr!pulmtoil 3"Poesaary to keep 04cri f the � In t; d
<br />stoodIng, ".d
<br />to to every necessary step to cac; a the rel ,tue, ren ni. t axtensiot <,f eerh t the ^ate; and ta,
<br />pl or e rte to the flarrtg -e �ve,r >ea�a, ;.�rmlt, ,icer «se, c?r g'r!vllegv !sr °t ag ra^ t�nt.n
<br />Ih Id Ih are c aul tj Mortgagee for sera lty putp sed.
<br />;nF rw Fb the evert the Msa :•tRvs li. a , in ! rents !t l at1 it "Prr.t!ra pie tt-
<br />1 1*11i Wt by <tN- MWtKagee tr r recalnae ?! >ls wtgage at nay va 4 h �h � �r sager v .�e
<br />.ty fn t In which It Ea EtliWGstet l?rnte«t 1t intt.a r 1�er, la l t r a1wr «,n „ate kt
<br />prime i tug t y Incur isxp'"ined 'ind ;Qvmaler , -mpK t.t abet � � °t�. , ne ,v %��,,r i•; w•
<br />�st� t ".ttritetl ray i i, evots, expottses, at >rt rather 't:.srgav
<br />; 3 Mgt to she avout tree mirtg i,r t'ttl l to ;iy A en !ale 't ag
<br />nevi « as elm efnra l3 v1 r. r ran v Una r «t) e,,
<br />rt it. •9`"9 C�'ivk3 ��� �*'�� �r ,��e•�= g *, t.:r x t �'7 _. r tt'3�r.,.
<br />i
<br />�t€Sra:a �.S- s�°a~� .a?.rg� r. :�rfi.!,t�arav;I`t� t. :i_R�s,3;.,ra, w,r _ar��< +�, :;Ar a. `ayi�,•
<br />P>
<br />able 4 ulaae7y. uvl nrvW 4-sr lletvEvatt fry tnrl ,Vo . ,�y --x,11 A, �. iha.
<br />;ax "41 a:�dt,nn.
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