<br />M
<br />MORTGAGE $5-002260
<br />THIS INDENTURE. toads this -.. -.. _- 9th_. _ _ _ _ _ day of--- %lay__ .__- _. - -... _ _ ___ , 19 85_, by and between
<br />-- .J.Af�K_A—_B.ELLAll3S_ -AND MREN_.. U_.._. BELLALRS-..IiUSHAkND-- AND_IaFE ._
<br />of Hall._. —..__ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor _._s __—_ -, and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organised and trusting under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />neon
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor_ for and in consideration ofthes niof _EIGHTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED
<br />ELGt{I1r SE1f.EP1_QDLLAEi�_Atl�._$4�1(�Q _ __ •:_�.• __ s--18.687 99 - -- ),
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do - _._._. �_bp!lasa and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever, at; the following descritrd real estate, saunted in the( ouniv of
<br />std State of Netraska, to-wit:
<br />Ti her with all heating[. air conditioning. lighting. and phimhirg equipment and fixtum,, including crrvn•, awning;s..turm windows and
<br />doors. and window Shades or Winds. used on nr it.. ronnea'UOn with said property . whether the sanae arc• now Irxsetvi on said pmpt•rty or here's lter
<br />pieced thereon
<br />Tt) fiAVF: AND TO Ii01.D THE SAME, iugetnt•r with ail and %ingular the+ tenements. hereditament, and appurtenarncrs thereunto be-
<br />foryguitilt, or in anywtae appertaining, lerever. and warrant the title In the amt• Said morgRgor S hereby t ,enant with said
<br />monlragote that they are . at the drdtcety hereol. Ale Iawlul owner S of the pmrna•v,n ahnve ,onveved and deecnl,ed.
<br />and are wised of a goon amt mdeftwsibie estate of inhentence therein. (me anti ritar of all entcumhrancen, and that tie aaH
<br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever again"t the clutmt% and demands of Al] fwrons wh innsoever
<br />PILOVIL)FI) ALWAYS, and this uta.triva eat is ex-tited anti delivered u, %ea-um the g.avment of the sum of EIGHTEEN_ THOUSAND
<br />SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS AND 89/100 ----- - - - - -- l)t,llarsts 18.687.89
<br />with interest thereon. together with .,wh chargm unit advances as may be due and payahle to nand mnrtgagcv under the terms anti conditions
<br />Of the purrs wA" tale of even date herewith and arrur,e! hervh.v, exerti" by saui inertgagor S.. to said nuirtgagee•. pavntah• as expressed
<br />is &Rod stets, and to aecurr the perforttsence of ail the terms and ronittionn containers therein. The terries of said note am herehv uncorporated
<br />by this refortmicis
<br />It to the Ingermian aril screenaelat of the part His hereto I list t his Arian$ age shall olio serum any future advances made to said trnat gag, w S
<br />by sagi allartigagee, and any anti all indehtedneaR ut addition: to th, anw,unt al—e %tatcd who-1, "Id mortgagors. ,,r any <,f ilwm- may else i,,
<br />mail rafAm4agm, however rviclenovil, whether by note. iknok -,,runt - aLherwi,e "I'hty rnorigage dtudl remain in full force and effrx•t hetsarn
<br />the Isanian herein anti their hears, personal rep stItAn"', • censor% and AsstpmR, until all amounts secured hereuucser. rtw•fudirw tuiurt
<br />advances, arc paid in fuil with mt Rt
<br />The mon S,- hereby msaargn to saws'no tgagen ail ants and imvnrne mising at any and all antes from %akh property alas
<br />hereby artfmxue seal avortgagre it its agent. at it., 14itmn, upon default. to take charge of said p*ro"y and carihrxt all rents an l erw run,
<br />thwOtfem NW Apply the to the psynwnt at enteteat. principal. msuranre pmmtums, taxes, aaaeaeamenta. mpairoo or tmprovernew,
<br />necessary 8p keep mad property in tainsintable conditlm, or to other charges or gayn"tat provided far heein min the rate hembt, wLtruml . This
<br />offrit t ahadl risnu m in force until the it npakl lealarue of saki rats I. fully goa id The taking of gxisorask,n hereunder %hall in rno maeimv
<br />proviosilt er retard sal.9 niorr.gg tat the ruilewtam of .aid sum. key forrv:lri,%ire or otherwtw
<br />I'ha f tog the t wet in rt any ,if its right. hereunder at any tiena. shall not Fe construed on a waiver of its right to nanere th,,
<br />marosol any tasartirtir, anti k, amoit upon and enfo:ea• •i r set t,rtnpliame with all the term, and prmt- t %a »n. of %ukl note on,t t.f this nwirtgagi•
<br />It mad martgagate 5 uwotgagre the ,nitre amount slue it hereunder, and under the term, and l,ro%t ,ai,
<br />of MW note hereby evetarod, mliaclang future advan€ —. and nnv extaennaons or rwrwwals thereof in "rcordanre with the lean.% anti provtaMUie
<br />thereof. RAW, If mod mortisleguill f comply with all the frrnv®sk,nn,rf saw] tmAP And ,J this rowlgagt•. then tlmaan pmaent. %hall la• vocal
<br />otbwwmotanmvMoltkN Real rnurtgligioe "hall hu entitle! W new ism iSre %am of Allot Raul 1-1 rt v. and tinny, at ita opw urn,
<br />this of Raw slow Red am ropmarriced thereby to he'out hatrly Stu" anti gsayahle. And may fonx'lnaa this nmartgage
<br />cwt gay ar:tuan W lwoLwt its rust. Apsnatmanneent. waived
<br />'This he hinduayg upon and "hall enure :,, the la,nefst a1 the Iwetry euhvir,r., adnum %t rater% .. ioccr'onarn and assigns ,d t I ,
<br />rv.epaollr v gss"m herx,tao
<br />IN WITNO W'11FREOP Rawl Wt.ortea#r,v `_ -, lift Vt? I !; hf?'g,g* t,ao,l S ehr day and •,ear tint .rh -
<br />will tats � -7
<br />of
<br />