MORTGAGE 85-- 002250
<br />THIS INDENTURE, atoms tills __4th - -.__ .. day of _ M3 X. ____ .- -- -_ ._ - --- , 19-85--, by and betweer
<br />of _._H4j_L_ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor _`z _, and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Islay.^_, Nebraska, as
<br />WITNESSETH: Thai said mortgagor and in consideration of the ;urn of- T.WF1 VE THOUSAND TWENTY
<br />the receipt f which is hereby acknowledged, do .. _ by these resents more td
<br />pt g ___. _ -_ _- p gage and warren[ atntoadA °'at8rljt�'�sfldcessonasAgas,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of _-Hall
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning. lighting, and plumbing equipment and futures, Including scrmnn, awnings. stows windows and
<br />doors, and window shadtss or blends. used on of ui connavt.uua with ehuf propaert v. whether the• name are now kwatdd on tia sd I —perry or hemaher
<br />placed themes
<br />TO HAVE: AND TO HOLD T11F. SAhfE tngelher with all and singular the amrmentn, heredlaanu•nh and appurtenances thertvnodi be
<br />longing, or to anywise appertumng. forever. and warrant the tale to the vents• Said morgagor S hereby covenant with .aid
<br />nmrtgagav that t he Y are . at the deb•.ery hereof, the lawful owner S of the premm i ahnce rnnveved and descntnwl.
<br />and are seuzrd of a good and mdefouahh, emm., of inhenlance tho•mm. tree and clear of all eorumbrano-es, unit that t he Y %ifl
<br />warrant and defend the title thareut for-ir against the claims and drrnands of all persotis whnm!ae•ver
<br />PROVIDED ALW AYSr and thto Immanent is est %uteri anti delivered tit secure the payment of thin sum of TWELVE THOUSAND
<br />TWENTY DOLLARS AND NO /100 ---------------- - - - - -- Iktlfarsis 12,020.00
<br />with interest therr n, together with witch charg" and udvuncea an may be dui and pnyable to seed nuingagc-e under the terms and condition-
<br /><4 the panmtvatery rwate of even date hartwith and xea -uriA herrebv. d•aerutad he said mortgagor S It) veld iuirigagm. payable av eapr".ti A
<br />in said torte, and to mule the parformanr of el! the terms and ronditutno Contained thrmm. The terms of said note are hereby inrorporated
<br />herm by this reference
<br />It Lathe intimuon and agreement of the pantie hereto that t her mortgage shall also secure any future advarsrtw made to said mortgagor S
<br />by said gee, and env and all in43rtitednaxss in addition to thr amount almvr stete*d wha-h said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to
<br />reef mort. ., however e- denced, whether by natty !etm,k tic, unr .n nt het,v ins The. m„rigage vhail remain in full f.rree and effex•t hrtwren
<br />the loartzen heinew and their hear. personal reprea midiv- •,urcearor, and a^,vsgnm. until all ara,,unty • ,urxi hereunder, including future
<br />advances. , are Ind in tut! with mtarsst.
<br />The tnnrtgaRar S hereby asown it) said riutgagor all mna.n and im•nme stating at any anti all trmw frtim sail propnvts and
<br />hereby autheartse said mortgagee, or Its agent, at eta ogto :n. upon defnult, to take rhargt of need pnipeaty and aolimt all n•nts and oscine
<br />therittrivin and apply the itAme tar the payment ill mtermt. pnya•igal, insurance premouma, taxes, aaaoaamrntw. repairs or nnproyemenis
<br />roomiseryton keep ssxl property in to eantable crardition. or to nth" rhsrges tar payments provided! for herein or to the mete heretty "umf. The,
<br />rem aaanglarroont stilt cemlinwt in forte until the unpaid h alance of said not,- vs fulls pond Ttoh taking of ;extrusion h,�uwler shill art no manner
<br />pwevent or retard acid manitagas to the coliocivin tit trod vum.4 by forro+,aure or otherwiw•
<br />rho, astute of tf@ mrxtgaillee to Timelit any dd na rights hemuneler at any time shall root hay cons4ne4°d as a ii m er of itn right to avant the
<br />"nee at any later tittle, and to mileot, upon and enfntce "Inca ""mpieancr wale all alit, term, and fit o. .... m4 "t vats not. Roof ed thud riantgoge
<br />If sea;! nunt4pwir , shelf cause to tai pakt to —tit mnrtgagm the entire ormaint due it M—unndtrr. and under the term« and pr — toot•,.
<br />4d met now hereby mociaroxf, irk '€tg future advatic". arul any l -murr Lions it renewals there-of it,; lutorilam'e with the teas, and ptoyivonv
<br />thareal. Trad of mod mortgaiper J... shall cownply with all thee prravbthenn of mid note end nt fhis rndirtgage, I. hen deer plernlr, rholl be, tout,
<br />cilbeirivisse W Tasman tRlkilf hit Mail affilitil. and mid nit rt.gagas shall im enttikui w the pxis ssutn of all of rest propirr /y, aced nay, at eta opt tan.
<br />of mW mose sad all indebtleallaraft repmeentoloif thereby Ise tar tdunhiludebt due anal laayahie anti nos tortt-h this or mpage
<br />or may other opal ac °tion to proolart its right App ratrerms*nt wntvrd
<br />Rita nowel~ Shalt he bdtduatl Upon amt shall enure in the henvial of till, hnr'%. rAts'ulor® w,lmimotratur •sin rswus alai rentgn' of itac
<br />Low a r. n g�rthao Mersin n
<br />IN WIT%.VKS Wffl,14P W man1 frfacrtgagrx S he VP et the I hand 'i phi, dot and sear bra! ;,hits,
<br />F
<br />or ,
<br />1.1(l M. ? AIE" 1 GFNF_ [a. iiA7E4�
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