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7 <br />85- 00223' �} —�—� -^ Xfd1�Ni4r9�liEiiP [�irs3WEli�4:tliat <br />x "XX ltfitf{�� x��i�lfY`l�11,`1 <br />X XXXXl bCNagi K3iXX <br />XXxxX B8�1itIDYlii�1EC <br />xxxxx x <br />(a) f*jt A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property (all as estimated by the llfortgagee) less all stuns already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to he held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(b) (sk All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall he added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to he applied by the Mortgagee fit the following items in the order set forth: <br />> E�gcXXx�ifC�711�{ icCt' �gf8l4Y► it�iFKiI; RMlftYrxiR# iiF?�itiFi� #rAF����t#tM''f4i4�i�iitKiFi� <br />XXXx @a7t>i.1¢7paJiQr►Sty.7E7t]Q7Cx <br />(I) ( ) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premiums: <br />(jil( interest on the note secured hereby; and <br />CII t j amortization ,t the principal of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the arnottni of any such aggregate nulnfhly payment shall, unless made good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the (life date of the next such payment. constitute an event of default tinder this mortgage. 'file <br />Mortgagee play collee t a "late charge" not to exceed I'wl cents i -llrl f'nr each dollar IS 1 of each payment inure <br />than fifteen f 1 `) days e' aireuis to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />3, That if the total of the payments made by the Mortgagor under ?=. 4R)paragraph "_ preceding shall exceed <br />the amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee for -,round rents, taxes and assessments or insurance pre- <br />miums. as the case may be, . -uch excess, if the lextn is current. al the optical of the Mortgagor, shall he credited by <br />the ya►rtg+agee on subsequent payments to be made (1whe llorigagor. or refunded to tht' Mortgagor If, however, the <br />monthly payments mask ty: the Mortgagor under (X; of paragraph ' prccrdulg shall fill( he .ufftcicnt to pay ground <br />rent. taxer and assessment, or insurance premiums. a., the rase may be. (,hen the same hall hecnme due and pay- <br />able. then the lbrrtgagor -hall pay to the lforigagee any amount necessary In make up the deficiency, on or before <br />the (late when payment of such ground rents. taxe,, assessments fir in- uraoce premiums shall be due. If at any <br />time the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance erith the prosisiuns of the dote secured hereby. <br />full payment of the entire indebledttess represented Iherehy, the lfortga rev shall, in computing the amount of such <br />indchtc- dots, credit to the account of the Mortgagor i <br />kmmi ivtfdltibm logtavtaxttrt�gotzumotxaft x�asot�foc <br />t1 111I- j: balance remaining in the full(], accumulated under the provisions ofXx' 9f of paragraph 3 hereof- If there <br />,huff he a default under any tlf the provisions of this moriuige resulting in a public safe of the premises covered <br />hereby. or if the Mortgagee acquire, the propertn othvrv,ise after default, the Mort,;I"vv hall applx, al IIIv time of <br />the Iommenvement of such proceedints ar a1 the lime the property i- other,tl -e :acquired. die balance (hen remain - <br />in}! in the Tutu(, accumulated under rxi of paragraph '_' preceding, is a credit againsl (he amount of principal dren <br />remainfntt unpaid under -aid note. ; �X, t�tha�ettxxxt��roeta» mkee�x��txkat�xx #IcarxlRdt�cxetdtntxxx <br />4i'*!lARtWkAx <br />4. -Chat the Mortgagor all" pail vnnind rent,. !.tans. a „r „nleril,. ,rater tale,- :ind other Qwcriiincnfal .,I +nuniclilal <br />:hritee, tine,, or mlpasnwt,. for i0110i provfsron has not hcen made hereinheiorc..,nel nl default thereof the 1lfoitgagee m;,v <br />pay the same: .ofd that the Mortgagor 'a Ill rionirilk deli,er the otficaal receipt, therefor to ire %Imigagee. <br />x. Tile lforlgagot'Afll pa\ All Coe, „tn0h mac he le,led upoll the linrlg.JgCe • nrier..',1 IN .roll !C.d C•nite :Ind Improcc- <br />mems. urtd which ma4 he lebied upon tilt, foorrgUge „t the dchl ,ccured hereh\ Ihlif orfl\ fi, Itle l'xl,.T.° Thai ,o,h t, hol prohibit <br />rd hx fjA ,ind onk to ill,-, c%tcni Ih;a ,u,h dill riot ;,i;tke fill, loin tisol A,(i,i. !`ill rN,.11idilii' Ml\ 1111 „rlic !.ix, `,late „r I,der;!i. <br />Impt,cd „n Mortgagee. and i, 111 file the oth,:ml receipt ,hovkmg,t,ai pa\ fnem ,t ith fill' Mortp ;tg.el' I poi , I,•laflon 4ot thus lower - <br />raking. of if the 1lorlgagor )-, prohrbiteit ht anb I,tt+ nom or hereafter c xr,htg froul pay mg the v heir ,,I ,ni porflon of the afore <br />,aid (axe,. A,r upc,rl tiK remfering of .,n% court decree prohibiting the pavmefit h, IhC'Alorivagor .•r any ,n0h (axe,. fir if ,1101 L%” <br />fir dearer provide, that an\ :mtount ,o p;ud h\ file Mortgagor ,hall he ridncd ors the nt.,rlPage deht. the Mortgaget' ,hull ho\c <br />the tight to gixc nmcty day, i,ritten non0c to [tie ounrr od the mortgaged ; retni,c,. !eyuiring the payment of the mortgage <br />etcht. If such notice he given, the said drill ,haU t,ccome dun. payable :urd collecuhic of flue cxpirallon of ,and [Intel\ dal , <br />h. What should he fail to pav aim, ,tint or keep anx 4 u\e n :nit provided form this lfortg orc, then the Mortgagee. at it, op <br />rnln. may pav Air perform the s: nee. mid ill expenditure, ,o matte ,hal] t-v added to the principal mum ..,w,rlg on the ihme non'. <br />shalt he .ccured hcrchy . ;ind ,hall hear nucre,t ;it the rare ,e1 Torah in the said note, until pant <br />7. Thal he hcrehy a,stgm. trttn,l'er, ,and set, over n• the Mortgagec, a, he applied h.0 arc( ncc payraetif of the note and Al <br />,tin, ,ccured hcreha in ,:ase of f defmill lit file pciforniancC of ;,f]b of the terra, .'lid ton1 iron, of this Morig.lwe ',r Yhc ,,od <br />note. :ill the rents- revenue, and Income I„ t,C derl\etl floor the II }„rtgas„rd I,reinisc, Aiming ,tsJi Ilnle ;t• fit,' moo IV,; 'e Indel'fe, <br />nesi ,hall reemin unpaid: .nd the %fottkagee ,11AI h;1%C ;1WAcr I„ "''point ..n\ ;tgent .,r :wvot• if nisi\ dv,oc lot it,,- porp—c ..t <br />repairing ,rand pteflu%rs ;ind of reourltp, the +;arid' ,old ,: olIeLnng the ivnt,. iv%enne, .,nAii "It "ME” ;'till if Ina\ i,;l\ ,•lit of sail'.(' t <br />4:emcs Al expcn,eN ,)f fepairl"R "Ild prrmi,CN ;'rid nCe C,,;irb lomrn) „ion, :Ind r,pvww, mttoied In trwing and nI.11lagnlg Ill(- <br />same and td'01CA:nng renttds ftaeretrom: !tic hatance ertn. :mint,. If ;,m. to he :.rphcd fox; ;rd the ,tl,;. h,nge of ,.md thorigagc <br />indehredneNN. <br />K, that he wall keep the unpfo\enients till existing w Ilercafter cte0led in the mortgaged ptopcifc. m,nrcd a•. tna\ he <br />required from title to lime 1,\ the' Mortgagee .sgairr,i I-- h1 hoe .I ltd mher lm /iirAIN. ,,miallic, .trot iontingenkick tit ,till <br />,tmuunf <.tnd For ,iwh, is rim k N, required 1',y' the Mori P,agef and 'R ill pa\ prompfl\ . u lied due. 111% pfelitm)l, A,it ,11eh <br />enslfroacc pfvtilitorf f(,r pkhvinCnf of whiih hit, nor heed nude hercinbefore 111 tt,nfaln•: ,half ke c.irricil in ,altlp.nme, sip <br />proved by fire Mofigligve and [tie pollk:ws :Ind renetvals thereof ,hall he held Ili, the %fWI;l ":gee' ind habe :111.1 1cAl lhclefo lo„ <br />%AVahfc chs"4c% In favor of .inaf lit forin a,c'eptahle I.., the Motivatice lit v vht All h „s llol'tgaeor "Id patty Ilnoledimc tonne I,\ <br />rrltl to the kfolilgagce_ Who rlfay italic prool of loss if hill 111;1de pl'ornllltx 115 Mollgagor, :Ind ('Jill In,lll.tilt' 101111',afl% 1011 <br />settled IN hcrshy uuthorircd anal directed to make pavticnr for ,nch h"s ducctly to the Moligaltee n1•.tead M to the 1tn11g,igw <br />arse! free Meager joi,ufy, and tier imur ;ance grocer' .1s. of any p;ut thereof, 111,1% hC apphad till 1114.: Molfgagre ;n Its optun voila <br />!A, the redus.fion of the' oulehfedne„ hetehy Nrculcil or lu the re,Ymutlon of 1cl,mi .,f the pMperfk d,,mngcd Ill e, Col o) foie, io <br />Alm <br />',nrr° ter thtw noofigage tit ill her roanafer of title to file it mlgaged provvft\ lit t'klolo tltbtinlctit .,I the Indehlt'dtte,* ,co in CAI heleh\ . <br />Al right. toile and lilted,[ of the Morling +If An'Ildd 141 "fly ill, Itf :1 ilk e :,oll, IC, theft lit t „f l e' hall t.,t„ t., tlic ,,,I, fia,el A•! yf mIct, <br />10 that t,, additn,nal aIfid tiojliltt toi ,,i A, Ilf ?t1 i..r lt1A. ;,,I% mt'lll .f file 1 ^4,fe dc,, 1',hed o nd :.It ..tot, i,� i tt4,tni' 41111, tlllde? fhl,. <br />'TwA'l�efic. rib&` %leertgay,ur flglrhy 1A. Ihf Mollit"gc-c all pr flt,, WICI td i .t 1111 •1gh1, Ild t Vfl4.11ll ,ti, lllllg t.` Ihf' <br />!414.srf�a"€ ,Ytf' ilrbeler day' ,ltd Al "0 .tfk t gals hn1w, mt ,Jld preini -e, tt nh the 'icht ii, r .t i, t ind ',', cipi f, ,t the • vi, ,iid J;,p1S <br />ilrenb ti, Naiad Itdetiledrie,•, o xrli N 1AI.r .dvf.mfil lit (tie thl,'i-I?b %,t <br />o, 11tri i ,t ly.t -.nd Tilt Ih' Ivey o,l, Alt „';711.1, ,Ili' <br />'O,f olit ra^e •,' Of un'n `-,oaf ;tic At, two dw 111t1 p,lb `I(”. hilt ,h:.1i I,,,I I,r , iijift-0 t, I'' do 1 hi. l., 1, tlil.11,prt <br />k <br />Awl f-k Wor ,lull 11119 , ofai ue,m ,,,Is Iii„ m"I lotave <br />