<br />and accept this contract. I also understand That this salt, ,occurred in my he me and than tutu and t niav nol hay e had all the correct infonnannn important w this transaction
<br />at our fingertips :I give you my con sent to correct any obvious errors that a soy have �- urred when the htanks in this contract were completed.
<br />INVALID PROVISIONS: if and provision of this c onlmct violates the law and is unenlbrceahle, the rest of the contract will be valid. If any part of this contract requires
<br />payment of mom interest than the.aw permits, then you will only have the right to collect from me the amount cif interest which the law allows you to collect.
<br />COMPLETENF,THIS CONTRACT :'rhos contract can only be changed itN,th Neu and I agree in writing.
<br />The fbllowih the bringgs to my attennurh the n_flis that I have even when this contract a sold to a financial institution or a bank, and i should notice that the impor-
<br />tanceof this provision is stressed lsy its appearance in ten point. Mold face type:
<br />NOTICE
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which
<br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defenses, are also
<br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision Is
<br />under this contract
<br />85-002217
<br />the Buyer has against the Seiler arising
<br />valid against any holder of this contract.
<br />limited to the amount paid by the buyer
<br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />the Seller. A holder is anyone trying to collect for the purchase.
<br />1VSUR&NCE. C'ANCE:LI.A'riON: it i have requested insurance in this purchase, 1 may cancel such request for Insurance for anv reason within fifteen ( i 5) days from the
<br />date of this contract by notifying you nr the holder t,t this contract in +vnttn k• I know that the canceilannn of no, coverage will be arranged with the insurance carrier(%) and
<br />a full refund of my' pmmiumt, I together with Applicahie tinanee charge will t� credited to tit, contract
<br />PLEASE NOTE: if I have requested Insurance• in th1 ppwchase, I will receive within thins 13(1) day .I :locate of Insurance more fully describing the insurance coverage.
<br />I knew that if them is ins conflict to the coverage ti ,bc language of the ccrttttcate tit insurance sold he fntlowing Notice of Pnop[ise Insurance that 1 am covered only to
<br />the extent stated in tae loilowme Nonce of Propased hl,urance. I also know that I have insurance a v. rage ..illy r, 1 have been charged for it
<br />1 take notice that either Credo f,te or Credo A, ,dent and Health Insurance. or ho ih, will be applicable to this Sales Contract on the rcvetse side only it' 1 have chosen
<br />it by signing the request I I such msuranr c rh:, e oil) - ntv co,er the person signing the request at the cost for each type of insurance shown. Subject to acctplance
<br />by tM insurance 'ompam, the h,uraocr will ie el ri,c is of t xfav and will continue only for the number of months after the effective date equal to the number of
<br />rrxmtlsty payrtents I undcrsiaml,, that tin_ partirWar o + w,mce. n,ay nra provide t—ciagc tor my last few pavments. and that during that period of time 1 will not have any
<br />insurance cirverr All banrtirs ,rod proceeds ill the insurance w•it1 he Maid to von will a f inane tat institution or a bank it it purchases the Sales Contract to the extent of its
<br />mlerests a1W an} ?valance wilt h payable . me i -he •nbaf mount of (. redo I site Insuranc r Is the amount required to reppay the'rotal of Payments: thereafter, the insurance
<br />decreases by the a wont tit ea0 ran nthly t avownl i hedilIcoi ±O duti hest If I Atli Iovuh, ohhgated tin the Sales Contraci with a Co-Buver, and we have both signed
<br />t� recli.est for Creel I i'.e Insuranc.. death tK•raetii, I M n :n able onty will) resppetct d1 the t first one tit us in die Subject to etc lusions, eliminations or waiting period stated
<br />to the msur4occ pt Ix } vsr cenctr ate. C,edir A -idea i r f Ith insurance 1, for t11e benefit amount of 1:?Oth of each month's payment for each day that I am totally disabled
<br />due to an mlury ,ar si, krsese white f owc anv payrt,arnt t.. v ,,. h,.,weyCT. I understand that I have to he prcyerted from workme due to such total disability for more than four -
<br />tc+rn t 3•ii cctnaecuteve daps tx test t!x• olsurar e c',ene L ,., paid h , ,k r o the tir_t i •y ,it im total dI. ab ht% 1 also know that 1 cannot obtain any fmntrance from you if 1
<br />am over 65 ytairs of age rodar, and I also know that the insurance coverage prov ided io me may ' obtain a maximum amount of coverage which will not ppay In some
<br />aaxea, the ea3ln mthatl owe yreu lire trh, ratlmw:v rtcxuu,I( vita c,tdt.d r.theln urai, rap hey.I know, thatarn unpaidamount mexcessofthe insurance
<br />coverage will .,oil ! ,ava to he pa 1 L the "'ti's ( onzra,l r a, i In full pro. r [,,the last pay ment ,toe Ireariled uisurance prenuums will tit refunded to me in the man-
<br />ner psescnf+ed hN 'aw w';thu 1 m t+l. v I sell - IV ,h - rhtl,atc I i.ur.,nre ruin• tul'v 01- :hing nn insurance . overage- if the msurnaeti Is not accepted by
<br />the Insurance csxmdane. l —P era, n e a rc an—..t ,he Ia ur:.m c pnvinitn,, l ha -., ll—I
<br />R('1 ER: l he :x m iw,i paragrapn, , onra.n w arranuc, rc la:r. c to this sale t ,, ca f-v u, io Itar : in.,m i 11 in,tnuuon or hank in urdcr Inr it to h— this contract
<br />MR `. At B f Rl -f IVI'll Se 1°T to chv ;ells a .I n . c, n,v hanoc+, [nut deliver, n' ecA-gf'_r}C
<br />Asatgrice I all „f 0, r ght, title mie•re.i n ntl a the in rallnu ran Sale, ( ilre.. a.n t `9 It age t vether with all pun, extsimF is secure its payment• and the property
<br />[n uustx eel hcmh, - 1s,agriee i, Ire -thy ,Ah, rte led a \f ratxe under the 11 ,rivage f ov I n, If Ills -. Mrs : Se' lee ,afanh imd n•pirsents, (f) it has the right to make
<br />this asst$nnrz :. All stater x -i .rail hpun , .n ih!, ., ntra; f and o} Inc Bu r , ,talc ri ta are ma.c r.aas true :and r•,rnct. ?,'1111% eontraO arose front the txtna fide sale
<br />-.f tlhie good, .4 c de,: 'If "I hr,— i s I 1 f e . -h -pay mini ,n,: I , ifi , , r -I w n, a Ill elm pan 1 h Buu•r and no part tit said downpaymeni was loaned dr
<br />r,^ctly e z ndirectly *v \e3 €er I,. li ve t s': 1 -- h H r . Irp, i c i cox ni t n r I: r I nli l it I old v I It not tee suhlect to Amy c lami. drlense, demand or right
<br />,d,�ifut lfa ce n : , i chi has a a :...a tin rl r ,:..' Ira I a, t n, f,. trio I. re n. + r . -.n v , >i 1 e tip federal ,or ,late law. dnectrvr, rule or regulation rxhw
<br />in effect. it Ill [he r en. Prat h. .,aura +'I a the unit i,.n), ,a,,. r- n,.corn,m , .uhw,: a r,eht ,,I n v't,u r r t.ao,ellat,on tly the Bu%ci. ,itch re,ctslon or cancella-
<br />Ilan ponied hat, etpred ,oast na•Ii'e •tic ,alv , ,, ih�• ,..,, I :I. r h.,, l I .iii,; lira,., I,�,� n;;e,l THIS CONTRACT iS SOLO BY SEVER WITHOUT RECOURSE.
<br />IN I I -ST14 ONO A HF.ki(it rtw e.ndrrvenrd :, , .a ,I u-f qra r t!— o" behait „t the seilc-r on (ht,
<br />t:4•te -. tr.iirw.vw,a, PACE*TT�ErR PRODUCTS, INC)
<br />y
<br />:wlawKV;' +i ar. I -. ( \ca., .a nu , �Q -��il• �/�C.��' G-�... ' - -_ _. _
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