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86---,002154 <br />JOINT TENANCY WARRANTY DEED <br />JANET A. UMMEL and JIMMY F. UMMEL, her husband, GRANTORS, <br />consideration of in <br />FIFTY-slA THOUSAND - - - - -- ($5 <br />GRANTELS., 000.00) ------ DOLLARS received from <br />LYLE E. RICHARDS and SUSAN C. RICHARDS, husband and wife, conveys <br />to GRANTEES, as 30111t tenants and not as tenants in common, the <br />following-described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. <br />76-201) : <br />A tract of land consisting of the easterly one-half of Lot Two (2), all of <br />Lot One (1), the westerly 50 feet of Lot Five (5) EXCEPT that portion deeded <br />to the State of Nebraska as Highway 34 right-of-way AND the northerly 40.00 <br />feet of the easterly 112.50 feet of Lot Four (4) and a 46.00 foot by 50.00 <br />foot triangular tract it! UK Northwest corner of Lot Eight (8), a in Palu <br />,Subdivision, an a ,1dditio1, Lo the City of Grand Island, Hall Countyjj , Nebraska, <br />being Vlore particularly described as follows: <br />Beg'llning at a Pt3int cna the easterly of Lot (Ine (1) of said Subdivision, <br />"aid point being 12.7 teet South iron the Northeast corner of said Ipt (Ile <br />said point -ilso"being �;_gj the scAitherly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway 34; <br />thence easterly t:.1 saij llighway right-of-way a distances of 50-00 feet to a <br />Point, said being 12.95 feet St"th oj the;. North line of said Lot Five <br />(5); thence Southerly 88.05 feet to A Point on the SlAith line of of Eight (8:1 <br />said ixiint being 50.(X) ft�,et eaast also tvijj,�, 50.()o feet of the Southwe-st corner of LoL Five (5) and <br />east of the 9�)rthwest- Carrier of said Lot Eig <br />thence SotitflwesLeriy 0.35 feet to i point on the West 1i ht (8); <br />(8), said point ne of said [k)t �,igjjt <br />'virlg 044 Muth of the Northwest LOrnk-,,r of said Lot <br />Einht (8) and also bt,.�Jng 4().tx) feet S,,,h of. <br />s conier of said 1,ot <br />Wes�orly fxin-illej with aind 40.o0 feet sj' t <br />Four (4); then the Narthea <br />norEherly line of said I&I mitherly froal the <br />thence northerly a distance tq <br />distance of 112.5 feet Lo �--j <br />ME outh line of limit <br />to a P"i"t 011 the St <br />Two (2), S,aid ix­iint being the mid-j- <br />,x,) i <br />t of the South Tine <br />of said I_k)L Two <br />(2) and beitig,, 37.50 feet westerly trcj,i the &xnheast corner of said 1,A)t TU%) <br />4. <br />(2); Sanct, northerly %,7g leet Lo a Imint. on said highw;q, right-w-only <br />line, said Point being 12,22 <br />feet &XIth of the North line Lei s a i d 1, A,-,) t l)%Wmo <br />(2) and also bein;4 37.50 reot pqst fr <br />(2); thence easterly 11 :��aid rIjgj_ c1n the M)rtheast corner of said tot 'I <br />right-"t-way line a distance of 112.5 feet <br />to th,e q33nt of hk,gl1ln11lg4 said tract containitW 0.4716 acres, ax)ro or less; <br />as surveyed, platted, and r0owded, together with all improveiN�nts located <br />therecn. <br />GRANTOR coveriants 0100 ntly and severally, <br />GRANTEES that GRANTOR: if more than one) wit!) <br />(1) is lawfully seised Of such real estate and that it, <br />is free Vrom <br />encumbrances except "asemenLs, restric- <br />tions "t record and <br />public road right- ot-way; <br />(2) has legal Power and lawful authority to convey the <br />same, <br />(3) warrants a,d -ill defend title LO the real <br />against the estate <br />lawful 01 alms Of <br />all perso"s. <br />h X t. C' ly'r E May r's, <br />SIAK OF KBRASKA <br />COITNI�' OF 11S <br />!Wtorp jj�t` <br />�);Islxjnd, <br />Pro 0 %Moia <br />AW*EW <br />MOCI <br />*V MOOS SOL ;;;paj <br />QN), <br />