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�-- J 002021 <br />LE"L ISCRiFT1ON <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the East Half (Wtgt) of <br />Section Twenty -four (24). Township Eleven (11) North. Range Ten (LO). West <br />of the 6th i.M. in Hall County. Nebraska. more particularly described as <br />follows; <br />S*gianing at a Painc on the south line of the Northeast Quarter (Nlt). said <br />Point being Thirty -three (33.0) feet east of the southwest corner of said <br />Northeast Quarter (last). also being s point on the east line of Claude Drive; <br />Chance northerly perallet to Cho vast lira of said Northeast Quarter (NRt). <br />aal along said *set Jim of Clad" Drive, a discs"!* of Vivo 1WadrN Four and <br />Se enty -fiv: Hundredths (506.75) foot; these* deflecting right 60. 33' and <br />ruing northeasterly along a line Two Nusdred (200.0) feet southeasterly <br />from and parallel to the southerly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway No. 30. <br />a distance of Four Nundr*d (400.0) foot; chance deflecting left 90' 00' and <br />running Northwesterly. perpendicular to said Highway No. 30 R.O.W.lin*. a distance <br />to Two Hundred (200.0) feet. to said R.O.W. line; Chance deflecting right <br />90' 00' and running Northeasterly along said Highway No. 30. R.O.W. tine a <br />distance of Seven hundred and Thirty -two Hundredths (700.32) (eat; thence <br />deflecting right W l9' and running Southeasterly along Highway R.O.W. Tim*. <br />a distance of Two Nusdr*d Eighty -six and Six - tenths (286.6) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 59' 50' and running Southerly along the Westerly R.O.W. lime <br />of C. S. Nigbway No. 261. a distance of Four Hundred Twenty -two and Five - touch* <br />(622.5) cant; theme deflecting right 03' 34' and running Southerly along said <br />Weisser b. 381 R.O.W. lion. a 4149"We of light Hundred gighty -rive Mad <br />Six -cvetla (01111.0 test; these* defloetiss right 59• 39' and reasiolp <br />Soutbw*terly 410"9 a ties Two Hundred (200.0) feet Northwesterly from <br />aed Parallel to the Northwesterly R.O.W, line at U.F.R.R. Company. a <br />distance of One Thousand These hundred Forty-a" and S*v*n- t * "ths (1.341.7) <br />feet; choose northerly along a line Forty -three and Seventy -three Hundredths <br />(43.73) test Cast of and parallel to the west lift* of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SIC). also being *long the seat tine of said Claude Drive. a distance of <br />Naas Hundred rive and Seven- Conchs (905.7) toot, to the north line of said <br />Sowtb*4k@t Quartet (110); Chance westerly along Cho north line of said South - <br />asst Quarter (Sgt), a distose of Ten and Seventy -three Hundredths (10.73) <br />test to the place of beginning and Containing 40.00 acres more or 1 *ss. <br />There are other legal description• within the transfer of the property to <br />Mlles Manufacturing by Chief 19446tties which omits the 40 actes is the <br />descriptive. <br />L L <br />M <br />0 <br />J <br />�I <br />