52•A —REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clause) It r
<br />Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Walton. Ne 68461 i
<br />rte �...... __....
<br />KNOtV ALL MEN BY TIIESF PRESENTS: That Arnold C. Wenn and Linda C. Wenn, Husband and Wlfe�
<br />IT, Hall ('()only, state or Nebraska
<br />Twenty -eight Thousand and 00 /100 -- in consideration of the sum of
<br />------------------------------
<br />in hand pair], do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Norwest Bank Grand Island, National - Associa Association
<br />i
<br />of Hall Count '
<br />y, State of Nebraska the following described premises situated
<br />to Hall County. and State of
<br />Nebraska to -wit:
<br />The Southerly Seventy Eight Feet (S781) of Lot Eight (8), in Block
<br />Three (3), in Arnold and Abbott's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intention being to c„m hrreI" cm ❑b,olutl' tnlo ui t rvielr, u,cluding nil the right¢ of homestead ztml dower.
<br />1'ff f1.11 h :1V11 1'tf IIf1LU Ihe• t•n•rnI -, ah„m,r �lo>r•rth;, , Ih all the apt>urtennnioc lhereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />.00rl a;;ee (.a and [n hr her r their Nil's and ;,•n, !ur �,•r
<br />e, ndiuon that If the ud rnr.rt rorl�i. ;u., her ,,r heir heir. e xicutr,rdiYladnnni,trttnr_; tar nc,t�r-enhr
<br />i are upon the express
<br />Paid to the std muri ,t, el.t ) i,. her ,r their heirs executors. adnuntstrators or assigns. the principal sum lof S rr28,000 00
<br />papable as f.dLnc,. tri x�it
<br />119 equal ninthly installments of S434.75 beginning June 1, 1985
<br />and one final installment of $433.70 due and payable May 1, 1995.
<br />with interest ac—nlutg to the tenor :roil edlect of till' nuerlgngors wntten prontiscor >' note 1,eariog ce,m date with these presents
<br />and ;hall pa} nil laxe•a and :r <.e s,rnent. 1.'�ied upon ,:ud n•nl "'late.:md :di other faxes, ]evil':, and arse •.csmen 4y levied upon this
<br />mortgage ,v fl:e nnle .chnh tilt. nirt:::ey;e i, ;;iceu to ,e, ure. beforl' tho Warne berv_anes delinquent_ acrd keep the buildings on
<br />caul I,re•nu u•, it -ure.I for fit,. :un �,f
<br />tr, be ,<nd. tl raise to he :and r •neon nz$tj (]00,,eOQ i "s ^. if any. payabl,. to the ,aid mortgages. then these presenir
<br />I'1' Iti f•1 -IZI f11 :1Z ,LRI:SSir U i T"t If the• I zoo nnirt itinr shall lurl to pay such lax,•., ,el' pnicun' such trtsuranre. the
<br />-aid mu 1) I,e i itc na urh t:rx. an,l Ina un ,u h in,u ravel' MA thy• •ton — advancer]. witty inharst at 14. ��
<br />cent .hall tn• r.I al' 1 by u I mart i r .end flit, mi it. rti ,hali ,tand e. �ecuiiR for th,• sarm•. (?) •That a failure to pay any
<br />of call nmet aLee tn.i. it ,d r rt re ,t Per
<br />agrrgitgeps..hrll eau:.e t),e whole „f rne,nev he n•utr�,ecureelrtt" hnamn •idue'f1eitilulrecollecUble'It uneo:utythe foregoing
<br />mnrtg rgee.
<br />Signed tin.,, 19th ,jaY ,f Apri 1
<br />IP 85
<br />In Iue eoe. ..f
<br />Arnold C. Wen,
<br />S`rATEOF ..... NEBRASKA Ceuntt� e,! Nat l
<br />'rhe foregoing In;;trtfntenl was acknowledged Nelore rrte Apri 1 119 n
<br />....19.''5.
<br />by . A.rnQI(k C.. 'W'91) n. anal Linda enn, Noseband and wife.
<br />MY coflmission expi
<br />STA f; O
<br />t'rrunt ,
<br />��c 1 gat nature ul PtTmm Taking Acknov,l<•danu• tit
<br />8 Notary Public
<br />... F:hfi•rnd .m nunmri,al index and pled for reeotd
<br />ur i'i.• )trt; L <ler ..f I havlA 1 iti:e•r .d
<br />:.,iiJ e'ounar the
<br />Iq nt �l9�ak any! h".
<br />hit uuir�: 1t,.
<br />,,( ., lag <•
<br />itei; � • I a•.�I•i
<br />Uelir[r rQ
<br />I
<br />