<br />anow SOU Alen by 9*91t VM MO, That, Whereas-rn an ad ion in X01906 Me Disirki Court of the
<br />Eleventh
<br />The Sgnitabl _• ..... ..... Judicial Disirid of the SAW of Pl4rssk, wiAin and or the Caunly of...- ...--- -- -- ........_.... ll .... ......................... . . ... ................wherein
<br />QLRrAnd . ....... . plainii . and
<br />DO'n.414 KI Puts,chor. Dorthea E. Put Cher ff'.
<br />�! ............ ........... . .................................. .. . ................. . defendanL.B
<br />. ..... .. .. . Term, A. D. 1.9-A�, -/mid •
<br />did "A a dmw fwdilw Mat a-, is duefmPMAW #!!--.Nt.s.c-h.e,r.,_Dort.h,e# E!! Grand -is.
<br />... .. .. .. ......
<br />"Aar-iAason..of -Grand IaLand,fiabraska. .... ....... the sum
<br />qf -MUrLEM Thouvand-NizLe,
<br />-.HUndrmd...4A r ty-Saven.. And 29J100 -0413,967-29)
<br />.......... ............. .................................. .......... ....... .... ............. ... - .... .. ...... ... .. .. . ............... .
<br />. .......................... -- ................. . ...... . . . ......... -- .... . ........ . .. ........... ---- ..........
<br />. . .............. ---------- .. ........ ......... . . ............... ......... . ........ ........... .......... ....... ....
<br />and costs of suit taxed at ..... .... ... ....... .......... . . dollars, and, where=. it was then and there
<br />PPAW ordered in the mid action Mat in default of the payment of the sum to found due by the said - ._Donald T
<br />Dorthe q-.jq!�S!1T and
<br />E. Pu scher
<br />.. ......... A ..... ...... ------ ----------- ------ .......... ........ that ......................... . Charles Fairbanks
<br />Sheriff of said County of ...... Hall ............. ....... ...... .......... -...
<br />.. ............ .. - —should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be
<br />adeMised and sold according to law to pay the same, arid, whereas, default having been made therein, the said
<br />Sheriff of said aunty, under and by virtue of the said decree and
<br />the order of sale 10 him duly directed, did on the. 2 nd
<br />.. dy ,f _Apri.; A. D.19$?..
<br />aithe-1 over lobby J7 ]UMW ,,f the County Court Home in 11, City ..... . o Grand Island
<br />in said County of Hall . .............. .
<br />by Publication ()n� in rach urek foor havingfirsi given due and legal notice of tile tone and place of said sale
<br />. ft)wi11r11-xi1P I—& in Dail ... Independent
<br />cifrukltion in said County of Hall .. ........ I a nelviPaper printer] and in general
<br />A!qjjin -- .... ......... -11 mid premises of public auction to. The * Equitable
<br />_S and Loan Association Grand Isl dyvtheamv�. Fourteen Thousand Three
<br />. 1--.- ---- . am ............. --an
<br />Hundred and 0 ------- * ----------- --- --------
<br />-- .......... I-- � * 0 /100. ($14,300.00 ' doll4ps.whi--hsaL-wwa'fl""'d'lihe-.A4�PAt Term of said cowl,
<br />A. D.. 19115, ..ined and etinjirmed and the mid......_.__. Charles Fairbanks
<br />as iuch Sheriff, ordered
<br />`*`Wy the said P`cmwj in fee simple to the said Tht. Equitable ftilding-and. LoAn,.A"OCiation of. Qr.&nd_.
<br />AOW 9btrtfore, 1, h, aid Cha lea Fairbanks Island Nebraska
<br />. ... ... M; of tile County of
<br />ris oforrautd, in consideration of the premises and by virtue Of the powers seated by law and Vic
<br />dam of said court, do hereby Give, Grant caul Convey to the mid--j'he _.F_q i"�Ic
<br />�sk:�A§je� pM�kjtpg and 11qsn. Association
<br />of,N.ebr.a.@k-&
<br />heirs and assigns, the Premises so as oforrmul sold, to w&
<br />All of Lot. fqmr, (4), C=Wlng-the
<br />an.d
<br />All
<br />-of Lot Five excepttng the FVqtqrIy 12 . Feet .0ereof in Block Sev e n
<br />( 7)
<br />in Dodd and _Marshal
<br />9 A.ddl.tlon t .0 Wo
<br />o4 Rive,
<br />S I
<br />TA TAX
<br />braska
<br />TFMF
<br />-ah the Gppwl,
<br />Association of Grand 90 *Sbe 80 to *01b 09 OaMt rmtothcmrd The Equitable . building and Loan
<br /> to land -A. , Ne , braska 1,4r, and assigns, and to them Ora their and brtkoffornw,
<br />Jn 4kofirno"? lybertot,
<br />A�pr I I I have, as such Sheriff. herewdi, -t my hond jhu, 19th day of
<br />85
<br />Eswuled and drlivered in the prtsenee of
<br />R.L. William@ Cmiat.N., Nrbraska.
<br />. . . .
<br />...
<br />8'rA'rE OF NEI PRASKA,
<br />Cawy�_ _..... 8a11 }� Onlhis.- 19th davo( April
<br />the underswned L. Willlams
<br />in W'djur mid cl'untY, 1W911"Illy -ppnvd the said
<br />Charles Fairbanks
<br />Vi $"[d Gmudy,
<br />to me personally krurtu'r, to be the adriatcal Jerson who giv,md 1h, p,m,,,,na 1,1,11,lum
<br />he aektiou kit ' ,auv unardar and
<br />$*Wvin art froth. the same 10 be his 'vi"AhvY wlmddeed. as it ?,
<br />M, w the 'me, a,,dp,;;,;;;;
<br />P-V —Immi wtd (ffir.b,l seal rGr Hrxd hn.v 'ItkW M,
<br />x in mWaA""
<br />I
<br />