<br />in
<br />a
<br />1188 — Certificate of County Court Pi . riding t nvolvi Real Estate
<br />85-001880
<br />Dale 4 -11 -85
<br />IN Tllli CO1':VTl' CC1('19' t11' HALL __COUtV71'. ,VliBli:i 'Sh,4'
<br />1'ilis is to cerlffy that there is pending in the Cuun!,I (:ourt of__ -._ -- - EEALL
<br />:Vcbraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />P84 -148 _ -Doe.
<br />which is a proceeding irwolocng ._ .. -.- Formal Probate
<br />i prr b dr of n ill, udrnin! !radon of eslule, delerminatian of heirs, deferminaliori
<br />__- in which proceeding the following described real
<br />ul inl ri Rrnrf az, pow dutnshi; 0. or :rtrsrrrat rr :i;rp
<br />estate is inoolocd, to -ioit:
<br />Lot Forty -Four (44) and Lot Forty -Five (45), in "Belmont" Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, also known as 511 North Carey, Grand Island, Hall County, Ne.
<br />James A. Kelly .. ..
<br />County .lodge i 1 d coca
<br />1;11 _ }_.. --
<br />(:l1 r ti of [he Counly, C ouit,,, -- - `
<br />1111 �;
<br />l r ally pr `cedlnft t+i 'he iou ,l1 •l r.r trig 1 ; rte 2, f2� , . r,,,uc of ❑•il( u i.0 ns Of Chapter 70, arllcle
<br />lrl .t, 'ij the delernrrnglion of heirs under 11re prooisioliS rlt
<br />Chaplet 30, u•,rir 17, ,1) the dr1• ;, am n r !. !wt Nu and ! th, hrnctstons of Chapter 77, arliele 20, i:;) poordianships
<br />under the prn. isi ! late.r Y. ! !. or 1. or r """' ',u a'u;,c under Ihr pnu'isions of Chapter d3, witrle J. inhere
<br />real eslufe is ol, y p u r ! N;r !- _ .! r - ! r ,hn�, the , nanit! �u ;, r brl;,rr n boat !hr �rure.Juu rs
<br />cerlifiruie old, 1. r ! !r r'r r f :l ! ! l ! prnrlinp shrill issur u
<br />;;, ;: 11;01 r=al "lot, is lnrn/rd u,ithlrr let, ,lot/, uRer the
<br />devripNon q!the r. ,u rslah• r , tlr,l ra ,hr l .
<br />111111.. _ ....... ........
<br />u
<br />L J �,
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