-- 0018�.f
<br />i i l :n.nuh pr.nr In In due ,iaie tilt ;; 'r r,a ••_ r s i ,;: r rl i.
<br />%I tit fun, is It, na such ',CC , 6 r,.er r, Prnvuie such holder
<br />y premnun r t!.e
<br />r ter: it Housing and I.rhan Develnpmertt pursuant n, the
<br />,National Housing Act, as
<br />amended at ; alipllcahle Rego la it fins ihereunder or
<br />(lit If and so long as said note of even date and
<br />tilts Instrument are field by the Secretary lit Housing and
<br />Urban Development,
<br />monthly charge lire hi (I! c ntnrrliu c' rn.urmrrr, nremitimI which shall he in
<br />amount equal to one-Iwdw: (l 1l an
<br />on - 01 Imrha)t 11!21 per :eNTUfII of the average outstanding balance
<br />due oft the
<br />note cnmpwc,d , Ii
<br />la nlg Inc:, urauuu : ?elm(lucrriei or prepayments:
<br />(b) A suit equal to the groan•! rent i 'l
<br />ilthtnit
<br />a ' at uur. flu .hc plefuluni, Ihal wilt uex.t become duc alld payable un
<br />policies if fire and
<br />other i atard Inst car 4e c;lc nn� ill nlrg gee! eno!urry. plus, taxes and assessments
<br />next due
<br />on the mortgaged property fall as c,51011,11 ht the Sl -,
<br />;I ; 1 - heath paid Ihereloi divided by the
<br />number of months to • I Ipso het,xe „nc
<br />r.l,ltel pl•ur 1` 111` , +tai cn a ground lent:., premiums. laxes and
<br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to he held
<br />by 4lirtga„ee ;u uusl lit pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />mmnls, taxes and spcctal assessments; and
<br />ic1 All pavntents mentioned In the two preceding subsecrnon,
<br />{,;n:utrl; %h :1r1,1 all payments In he made under
<br />the• no e secwed herehv >liall he added rol,elher.',n
<br />; I 41 cv I, Ill he p.uct f he tilwtgagor
<br />each month in a ,invle payment to be applied hl 61or��•al
<br />till •• l , il;r, „
<br />Irl Ili, rder ,CI tlnttl.
<br />(l) pretiu 1 - haril-under the ao (f —t of insur ,:It: m Stir, lc•unb amt I_Il;an I�carlopnlcrl,
<br />-hargeltn
<br />ur t� I .illy licit ,1 murt.4alr i+tsun,Jm, rr•nturn ,; II
<br />1111 c c:.l) he,
<br />,Ales, JS'iC Illellt5, ;Ire alld hill,; rlai,:IJ :i,.Ji 111." I illiuUMS,
<br />1111
<br />miens ,n the note secured hcrehy, and
<br />(!V) amoru:ation nt fha pnncgrt of,aui uute
<br />+111V 'ICfiClell e'y' Ill the aTlounr a enA lurll !dl
<br />P notes+ made ,00et !n (Ile Mort-
<br />gagor prier ti tilt ine ,1a1•c II ,hr l:ll ul,h I, 1,
<br />! all a.. ! .71111 i '; ti!I If?tloe. Ilie
<br />Morigaeee rilav nl -_t a "Ime chiuee" nut I
<br />x. rd 11 nI. 11,1 I I !'' t_ 1) of caet pay ment Inure
<br />than irtleen (i 1 I,•,
<br />, u' it to covel ill(, c 111,1 cln ! s: ;:l ,.. nIli a _lucnt I,et I 'His.
<br />> Vital if 11w tl,ru 111 th,' p:ttmrnl- Itladc' b, Ihl 161
<br />r und,-r " tph p -Trod n hall <•lrcetl
<br />the amount of tvmvntw rrIrmik mach• bl Ihr Mort
<br />p''
<br />atrrr` and n r,l ui a r - mc•nl. or mu utancc• pre -
<br />mium' the t ate• Inns he, -nth elects I the I
<br />i;l I, , . r nr iI I T" ,i t .'. 1Snrct,.ie,,r, ,hall lx' cr.dited hv.
<br />the Vorl sill e•r in - ub- t'(1tw1u Im
<br />[,:(t lilvill- :u nla,h Ft ;hr ll,rt _ l lr. , I I, lu ;uc liurtylagur I1• hr,wet+ r. the
<br />- ionihh pacmrnt- nta,ic to illy Mirleator
<br />.miler f i,,ir,trr.l', I
<br />tI c ,h,lil :.;,I I,r •.uffiiler.t tuna% (;round
<br />rent. to e- and
<br />a- rc•—rnl-nt- air In -uram r premlum -, a- Ihe ca„• I• % 11,....,
<br />;Ible. then the }lorigazor shall a� lu rhr 1 oriv n rh,• ;uur -hall become cur :Ind Flat -
<br />-1111V I
<br />e ee ant amiunl nr'ro -.ar to l"it" up Ill" ik' icu+nec. on or before
<br />the d :ur when payment of -ueh
<br />gmund rent -. a.,,,_-
<br />time the 11oM�,afnr hall lender to the Morn �I1 Irltur:mel•I pn mntm, -IutH be cut• If at ant,
<br />+actrr. m :II 11lydan .tith
<br />fall pacment of the t•mlrr indeluedn+ -. p nn - ..f Ihe note (,cured hereby.
<br />rpre- r•nu•d therehN. Ihr `Inrtga ;n•r -hall. in c"omputin�r the amount of 'such
<br />credit to dt.t
<br />hof
<br />acrrunt if the Morigagm .JI pa,incui, 111 ctoc under ti:c 140tI1NlrLU of -,:; ref paragraph '
<br />vr, %Ili(If
<br />hrrruf which lhr lfnrmininp ha- bt-
<br />nil ubll. utc•,t lu Ili% lit lhl - r,- retari, nI Hnu-ule �nd t rban Df- lopment
<br />Ind am b:danre
<br />I_.
<br />n•moinnie in III,, fund- .Il , umul,,l, ,i under Ill+. pru,.1 1'.11- 1,f
<br />III Irai.wr:Iph _I hrrrnf. If there
<br />-hall he a def:wll under :nit it Ihr prutl- flu_
<br />•! marl:,. ult;n¢
<br />=, nihllf !II ul the pmml -e•- cmrred
<br />hereby. or if Ihe 11ortpaRee arquin•=
<br />ihr prnpoln I•Ihl•n,. -,� ,If;,�r ,i,'faull. Ihl� ;11,rt,•,crr,� -hall applt. at Ihr time of
<br />Ihr rnmmencemorii of -uch prnrl rdnu_ ^• Lr
<br />a Ihl• loot' lilt pnrprrt .. •! ,... „ yu,rou. Ili,• hal.lnee Itmn r•main-
<br />inv In the fund- :u'rumulated
<br />under of p�u- ICra;u _' Ilrr- I Ihe:• I �•hl ,I I -I rhl� :nnuuni 111 prnl+ -I pal Ihen
<br />rerlIDnlnt! unp.ud under -sod nut,•. -h nil !
<br />.Ind - IIIp, .I�u -I tl, ;, ,�.1 ,u
<br />of p:ftut!raph '. -hali hall Lrhm m:lde under ,..
<br />filial th, M it u: till, unci
<br />'
<br />'ll. ,I 'r .•Ihtr t, ,tr•I rqe nl;d nr nunl 'q +ai
<br />.Inn -, , if 1 {. u: n ,. h! h { I II, r I r •. I, r. r � . r I.
<br />-Lli. dell I
<br />., the Ihdr,+i titc Alorfrl�.ct Iva:
<br />,lid lit ft 1'.0 It i >, rgrl ull1;`I I•Ill (.If. IlCill( .h, I (!Lit , .' -c'I'r I i,,.'r fnc 'il"Ilgillice
<br />I llc \1„rl
<br />1
<br />t \S. ,• •. 1 'I •.I Ill
<br />rneni. Ind I,h,,1 I I t ,ald re"! a v ;1111!
<br />l 1 IIII t i1, I -` .. . t 1!1' II. .'ill th
<br />1,t
<br />ell ! lu ,l,d !\ I fit, t Vcfll Ili It ' I Ili,' r Ilwt Il
<br />, 1 a I
<br />iln r,,,cd ,In 1S„rI -. 't : "l% :nei'lle I.II 1! Ile III I'
<br />gakce ndu I IL1 rllt V(h, 1.1. it,tll`f ,II t11� •,�f
<br />-•lent h,'ac' 11 II lree 1ll.lo lllml,,
<br />taAmp. o• n r'u' 1f al Ic1 I e• ti I I'1 I IhI n ct
<br />I, rnlhihri i ht . nt Itt Ilnt , ! III
<br />, nl� h I 1 r:IC In nu' „ho4 II ,:nt r.n nor„
<br />-ud Inlc,. q u the lendcnn • n F - t tile, f,•rc
<br />r S, I . I. _Hurl d Tle 1'll hl' 1 -I:
<br />,. •IC n•I1I
<br />t It h nt n IIn r Iii fit h + ,I 1 .n.11 'I
<br />_ II, h1 t,y t•
<br />^lt' !.ea ice :Micii, till ••err I ace II Iht tt n,. hr r Fr dct t lilt f I r- r .
<br />Itl I1,. {1 lllllg hC ( 11-"lrl lc 'fl'I C
<br />,Icr,r iI h It "ll " e encn The . o,lefil ,hall hctonlc• p,vahl p
<br />.'uc nd unit ,,: lh< , t nr.lnon 1,
<br />r f said nmc i t till,
<br />r I`. Ill .urn II, f cc r 111`.
<br />,1 „ i 1 1 I! R \i
<br />n,lr -1 - I I ter Ihrn Ihr +•1
<br />.I rril the ,ante', .nil ;IN
<br />!•ire" Ithlllre• r 1 tt' ,h., 1 tic ::lit, 1 ` Ilw 1 ilriti 1p.:l ,Hilt l'141n1, Ill Ills'
<br />II,t (eh. 1114 ,iI I.I ill's!! 1'l l e I, - ,I I till' ! I lo, Ill r:1 lilt'
<br />t.
<br />�, 1;11 r c:rt
<br />I I- it .I ,.11!si, I7,II'•, nd i
<br />. 011. I
<br />�
<br />: II 1 I ill
<br />I t• 117, tit r I t I 1 .. .l,•ia"ll it ill { C Ili t Tilt I
<br />r Ire• I Il 1.IIr .'.II till : 1• S II \j t4
<br />I�
<br />.,Llllit' 11m 1 "ine it, f,l•dt ll .Ile: It 'till ll l I , I u 1 tern,
<br />r h.' 1 t I�t Id1 4•,•
<br />nest •.h ell rtim,on unpeld nd the 111 rl
<br />.I - u,• i lit • i,I I p1 ,c , I
<br />Epalhrif .ud rf.mi c., .inn 1 f fe0llnf Iht 'lc I'd 'Id h'l inn •he •t
<br />a 10 I •,r ,,II,i In
<br />_imN, Ill t llq'Iht -t rt'p.l -elf, ,;tld {.rc'nil .C, i d it
<br />,'„ r.I i m ana•d m I, nUnr lid rn;I n.IEml: Ilia•
<br />ame old 1•I ulllccnreg reel ll Ihe,e`fmrn, the h;llant< nlll{Iren'II ?I�I,k
<br />re nl ,I,
<br />I rcie lNltlnr•,, II, r�lcd 1 n +.ud Iht it ih. +rlr_ .,I •.ud nil nrlenHc
<br />a Ihe he wul ht p tilt m,n,vcmulI ill rti,lulp if hcicefn•I rrc:l,•1i Ir ti,
<br />.n . it'tI _ •
<br />n't h.� i•. u . -
<br />I 1112lc'!I
<br />'`.1'.c1 lh
<br />Ow
<br />11 r;•
<br />lii r J: ILl.n , r,
<br />n I fri, I I Is pl., he re,lon"'I V h,' . ,nt,h
<br />..I� .I �,• 111'1 I, II ,.I, II
<br />(..r.ul rr, ,r.lcr I r ,:n -nl, Ili ,f . +hlc 1. ha, I , .. llh lentil v.•I 111
<br />,f Il '-'I l l ,In d file p1dr, Ir. ,Iml m n+
<br />l I c L I I l A1,.
<br />; t .... l i II _ I 1w;
<br />11 I In .•I it II,II
<br />sill I >nce b1 Icy ub, tit saA, I r
<br />r ,: I .coin ,., II ill•. I•, O rte 1
<br />1144 {!
<br />I -Ie nut rh In.l u',Irt, n•,ant .nn
<br />1', I I r let 11 l 6f, .' I I
<br />I '11 III :. II I I{ 1 i
<br />1 t 1 „i r 1. tit, I- rt.'w.„i In, .ta• r Ir I r I < , I:•( un � b t '" I`In iF r
<br />•( till ,/; j, 11 I ,il. 11 ': 11 [I l'I rl f
<br />—1, I.1 Iet11•
<br />i If1 III I ,11
<br />:,:I I
<br />,
<br />it 11, .••t� A� J,` .,
<br />II I
<br />v.f°
<br />