<br />85.01797
<br />(tidcxxxffagca�pf�ditg xxkktitX�xax¢atcx+x�txiy,c,c�ii�
<br />aruOtUil. sew:. 1_ iarx�rva� .rv.............�.-- - - -�x 8acxar�eu� ,+..,s•:,�..,.�.._` - ---
<br />a) A sum e•• nan�txx7mc7C7t4t7C7 FIl7 t9WCQ0l CQt�N7Jb1NCC1Ci0Xi��x�j�7 - `�«•'+warit�,tacH�IFCtt
<br />qual to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums [hat will nebeccmFe� due and payable nn
<br />Policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next Joe
<br />on the mortgaged property (afl as mlierared by the M<)ggageel less all sums already pail therefor divided by the
<br />number of mouths to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessnteuts will becofne delinquent, such sutras to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre.
<br />miullrs, taxes and special assessntenls; and
<br />(b) GC* All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments ru be made under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount Ihcreuf shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to flue fallowing items in the order set loath:
<br />f:Fi!cxxx>�r�xsanmo-tr*nfcas
<br />(I) lik e�fx' #��kx�It�E�lf�xxa£xrx,�, �aDraegg�x,��ililx
<br />ground rents. taxes, assessments, fire and ether hazard alstlrallce
<br />(IIXt6E interest on the note secured herehy; and premiums:
<br />(IIIM anwrliiation of the principal of said note.
<br />Any deficiency ioto the the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall. unless made
<br />gager prior d, the duc date of the next such paynle I. cunsti[ute an event 'It default under this nu th e%)rl
<br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" not In exceed tear certls 14,1) fist each dollar(SI I tJ each payment mole
<br />than fifteen l I.,-)) ,I• :ys m arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent
<br />• (( b I Payments.
<br />i. That if the total of the payment. made by till, Mortgagor under Ids a?t paragraph Y Preceding ,hall exceed
<br />the amount of payment actually nettle by file lfortgagee for --round renis, taxes and assessments fir Insurance pre'_
<br />the lfi as the case mate be, . sch excess, if the loan Is current. .11 the option of the .Mortgagor. shall he credited by
<br />the Uorlgagee on sub :eque+nt payments to be made b fhc• Mortgagor. ur n•funded fu till• liortgagur If. however. the'
<br />monthly payments made by the Ifurtgagor under /?Fl c ):trtgraph 'preceding shall not he suffictrnt to par grewt.J
<br />rent, taxes and assessments or 'rac"em"e premitams, as the c:r.,e may b4'. when the
<br />able. then the Mortgagor o shall pay to 1114' Mortgagee ally amnunl necl,s -stn u+ male upmhe`lefie�encmeoofor lu fore
<br />the date when payment of such nand re
<br />time the Mortgator shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance a %%j i Ithurpri,ti iolt'f of the, note s4'oured herebt.
<br />! hall be due If at am
<br />full payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, the Mortgagee shall. In cumputin the annum of such
<br />indebtedness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor .d *�rapmtf
<br />`3t*in the hind, ; ���> xK, 7QRtt34x8��jKi4�6�i�7i1 ?i�c�F�Ri�ii24;iX,
<br />remaining u c'umutaled under the pruyisiuns of /ttr cr para raph 9 hereof. If there
<br />shall . a default under any of the provisions of This mortr ace re.,uU.ing in a public -ale of die• prenii-e- covered
<br />her. ^by'. or if the Murf 'Uch acquires the property other%%ise after default, the 1lurtt;agel, hall :apply. 11 the time of
<br />the commencement of cacti proceedin"' of al the time Ile• pruperty is otherwise ae•eluired. the balance [hen remain-
<br />ing in the funds accuntulated anderM e(fdaragraph 2 preceding :IS a credit again-t the amount fit principal then
<br />remaining unpaid wider -aid note, flu v
<br />t'�i'�58LtaFafilk�C �#" ��' �' f+ �it�fai "kAtiEi�t'k!3+:t%x�i�Pkxxfxos
<br />txastlarxx I
<br />paya. Than the lnlpigngur t. ft pat gn,unJ rent,. Lars. rise „of 1'. tcafer [ales. .utci her emerrunenCal fir mtnucipal
<br />th,, fine: or i that therms. (ur uh+tit prmi,iun has nut been made herernbelure..,rw uI cicf.ruh thereat thr \fanc+gec may
<br />pay the , ;one: and that fhc \lertggnr w III prun!plh delirrr the attic - +l rr;c;n, rllerefer f, the 0"tillagcc•
<br />?. the Mortgagor uilf pat all fate, which rnin he Ictled upon the Murtgagec , nnerc,f In ,.:Id Ic;,l eslafc and irnprurc
<br />ments. and which rn;,% he lit ieJ upon till, nlartgage ur the dell secured hen ht Ihut unit o, thr -s0. of that soil I, not pn,hihll-
<br />cd by law and onh III the extent thal such ulll nut nl.,ke rhos hr;ul u,uriuu,I. hilt exrludlng ant rr-111r fey. "Tare ur 1 edcral.
<br />imposed on .Mur[g : +ge'c. and tw III file tilt' ,l,0 :ci;J It"CIpt ,him filie such pat mt rat a III: Ihr 91ung :rgcr -pun , IoL :hen 111 this undrr-
<br />taking, tit d the .Mortgagor 1, prtohihued ht .lnt I;rw nut, rrr hereafter etr,urg from p.rtrng he whe,lc UI ;olt
<br />said taxes. ur upu» the rendering of ant ruurl decree• prahrhrtin fllr p
<br />uruan afthcnforc-
<br />ar decree Pt —ldes That ant amount ,I eId h g p.rt matt F, the \9urlgagar or ;in\ ,u-:h LIu',. If it,lich tau
<br />the right ld giwc nlnclt d;Ii, xrilten Ilornce A't(he rte'- al, lr thea�rinaf(g�I�flC dc, lr t�nu,ee, lichl. file risen igag c rhall
<br />paLc
<br />debt . If such notice ht'' gram. the s,uJ dcht ,hat! hetunlc duc, pan able and rrrNrc"I'l el the e' wpr,.utun c,f aid nlnclt te1,
<br />rr, l p should he hul le p,,, ;{rat ,unl uI keep ;rtlw rrrrr•n,at prrn Itdcd fur In Ill, \Lull,: :Igo. Ihrl: [ht' Milt le;lgce..rt
<br />bun. fie s pat' or perform the h,111 beirIf alt c•+cpenduurc, ,u MMIC ,it. IN he ."I'lud III file p1 a :c W'.! ,ant uw I»g un Ihr ahcrte' note.
<br />hall he secured herehy ..rnJ ,hail hear mlerr,l el rile• rrtt' 'Cl fora Ill In Ihr -ld II„tc. mill; P .nd
<br />fie herchk
<br />m 1111:90,
<br />I i�laftal deI'miltaIntlfhelprrfurm,,oc. \lrort v ifethe Icrnl[ �f,ils�rndnlnnl,t, I Ifhtl,t \I•�rlcl�n :cn� h•!,rncl alt
<br />mote all the reef,, revenue, and incearr fu he den, "J from the r•u rlgaw,i p rnu,r, Dunn
<br />nos, hall rem:un unp:+IJ and rile \fong.rgee ,hall h;nt f „ntcl t, , d
<br />t•' out I !mgr d,. Use m;,r II:.: �t rnJrhtrd
<br />repairing said prlerniscs and of renting r' llt,. ewe isle, Or agt'nh .I MIJ Jc,or f „r tilt' pul;
<br />