<br />know 211 Oen by Zbeze :jortanto, That, Whereas, do an adion in On District Court of the
<br />Eleventh Hall
<br />............ ......Judicial District of the State of N e&durh end for the Counly of................ .....- .............. -.
<br />Universal Mortgage... Corporation of Wisconsin - plaintiB - and
<br />.... .... ..._ ................ -- °- - - --
<br />Donald G. Williamson end Cynthia D W$1 Aamson, etal., mdard-s
<br />a# aw_Jonuary_ ............. tet- ..__._Term, A. D. 19 .85, of said eourt,.Universa.l Mortgage.- Corporation- of Wi....seons
<br />..............
<br />did main a dwm finding that there is due from._.PDna,ld...G.... W.i.1.lidmsxon...and...0 . eyathilBl...Pit Willia1 eon....._...._.... -..
<br />Universal._MOrtgage._- Corporation of Wisconsin.
<br />............... .........._ ....... --- ........ ._..............- -- °------.._.. ....._............_......... the sum
<br />Forty Sight Thousand Four Hun�freri ._Ei.ghtp_.One._and._45/ 100_(_$48, 481 45) ...._.._- ...._-- .___...dotlay,,
<br />.._ ............... ............... _ __ ------ __ ................... _....- ............. -... _._......-- - - - - -- ........._.........-.........__--
<br />and costs of suit eased at.. _ ....- ...... . ............... _....._.... _. ... .... dollars, and, whereas, it uas then and there
<br />further ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of lire sum so found due by the said_ Donald G. wi 11 iastson
<br />_........ ...... that ........._..ChaII.leQ.. Fairbanks ............ .
<br />Sheriff of said County of -.. - _ ._ - ........ ball ._ ._ should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be
<br />advertised and sold according to law hr pay the same, and, whereas, defaull having been made therein, the said ............................ _......_.........._...
<br />Charles Fairbanks shrrip of said county, under and by virtue of the said deem and
<br />the ardor o sale to him dui directed, did on lhe. 12 th March ................_......_ ._.A. D. 19..85
<br />f y _ _ .. . . day
<br />the. ..lower lobby 7J(of the County Corrrl 1loose ui fie City. . _. of_... C. rr. A111�._ Z !4.1dnS�...... ............... --
<br />in said County of. Hall. 1,wing firs! given due and legal nitice of the time and place of said sale
<br />Grand Island Dail Independent
<br />ln• puWiraliun onrr m rrrrh u•rrk for,(,ur cncreccirr uvrks in Ihr-.__........-.._ .. ....... .................y...... .............. a newspaper printed and in general
<br />circulation in said County of..._ ., Hall _ sell said premises at public auction toAlniversal..._...
<br />............... ....... .
<br />Mortgage- Corporation, of Wisconsin _ _ ____. tar the to af_Forty Tao.. Thousand and One
<br />................................ . .................
<br />Hundred and 00 /100 ($42,100.00) dollars, which saleuwafter•uordalthe..Ja.. let .....Term ofsaidetwrl,
<br />A. D., 19_85.., examined and roc{ /firmed arid the said...___.... Charles Fairbanks ._....as such Sheriff, ordered
<br />to convey the said premises in fee simple to the (...Adminiatrator._ofVeterans_. Affai. re .,aseignee..of-- ..- .- _-
<br />mob) aLijeretore, !. the
<br />Universal Mortgage Corporation of Wisconsin
<br />.cued_
<br />Charles-Fe Fairbanks I . I .. ..Sheriff of the County of
<br />Hall u aforesaid, in corsideration (if Me premises and by virtue of the pcnvers rested in me by law and the
<br />deem of said tour /, do hereby Give, Gram and Courry to 11 a said._ Administrator of Veterans_Affairs,his ......
<br />s1iCCefaOrss ............ . . .. .._._. _. .. ._ _ %isY and assigns, the premises so as aforesaid sold, to wit:
<br />Th Wg1"rly Fort i44)._Fet ofLtSix,(6) -,in BlockEighty_Th_ree,(83),- F
<br />Original Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />_...
<br />. STAMP TAX
<br />APR 12 1985
<br />- //.....���� �
<br />_ 3- �Y_._G.��
<br />r ........... .......... _ with the appurtenances.
<br />go Y#abe anb to X)olb the Game nnothesaul Administrator of Veterans Affairs,
<br />his successors
<br />_ .............................. ! . and assigns. and to them and !heir use and be)hoo ffo�rr.
<br />3n Zeotimonp Iftereot, I hair. as xnch Sh"iff. Jc xurdu art my hand this...... 11 t11 _ day of
<br />April �. 11.• u+.....
<br />Executed and delivered in dir presence of HA11 .. _ ..___0,univ. Nebraska. Sh—f of R.L. Williams
<br />.STA rE Ole NEBRASKA, rs.
<br />COMO Hall } On this_. 11th dry of April
<br />o. ..........
<br />_ .- _.... .
<br />8S the e Rodger L. Williams
<br />�. 19..... . br /ore 1"" the ._........ _._. .. .. -
<br />nh and fur sail cuwdy, p,vsonaily appewrd ll,e said
<br />Charles Fairbanks Shrrhf/etf said <:owhty
<br />to orr prrsurndly knrttrn fu 1M the idenfwal person it tit, signed the fnreylom0 instrument as grantor, and
<br />tic ack,anclydgrd the same to lw his mdonfary art and Bred, as such sheriff, for the uses and purpom
<br />aaA1, therein aetfor7h_
<br />t"llog my hanto i nfficial sral the day and vrar nkme written,
<br />IDiiI1W1' ift
<br />L
<br />���iA re /
<br />