<br />D RARRANTS AND COY F,\AS TS: (U That except for the ec my intern grwrl•d h,rAw Debtor k or to the extent that this .'a'rmo`ttt}mat
<br />that the Collateral t to 6e acqu!red utter the date hereof, will he, the owner of the Collateral free Iran a r .olsrrse hen, ritY mterrxt r e,tc bra.a...,
<br />Debtor will deft. the Coltatenl against alt claim. and demands of alt persons at any time cUimmjt the same or :my !ntercstetherein. ( ?) That noufinanch,g statement
<br />covering the Collateral or any proceeds the—I 's file n any office :cod that at the request of Secureel Party. Debtor will in with Secured Party it executing
<br />or more financin; statements p..,'..t to the Nebraska Uniform Commercial CG,!Ie in form satisfactoq nr SecurM pony and wilt pay time cost of filing such financing
<br />statemrnt. thin srcunty agreement and any continuation or termination tatrmrut, in :QI pn6lic uflices wherever filing is dcemctI by Secured Parry «. 6c urcessary or
<br />desirable; and if the C llateml is attached to real estate finur to the th rfec Lion c f the scnrty interest grautel hereby or if the Collateral includes crops or oil, gee or
<br />aim"." to be cxtrectrel ur timber to he cut, Dchtor will, un demand of Secured Par". furnesit Secured Party 'ith a disclaimer or disclaimers or it. if.. in" a grce
<br />men' sighed by all persons having an .tercet the real c tats, disclaiming ur suhwrdinating any interest in the Collateral which is prior to the interest df Secured ('arty.
<br />(3) tint to ull, transfer or dispose el the Collateral, our take the same or attempt to take the same from nc� snooty where kept as atxn•e stated, without the priur .''loco
<br />consent of th< Secured Party. (4) Tu pay all taxes and assessments of ever�� nature hich may he l'vTwd or asussed against the Coltaletal. (5) \ t to permu or allow
<br />any adverse lien, security i tercet or neumhranen whatson• r open the Cut ."t. and u t to permit the same to be ttached ur plevined. (6) That the Collateral i
<br />in good cpmi(tion, and that rile will at his own expense, kern the same in good condition a d from time to time, forthwith, place and repair all such forts of the Collateral
<br />as
<br />may to broken, worn out or damaged t, to allowing any licit to be created upon the Collateral on account of such replacement or re pairs, and that the Secured
<br />Party may examine and inspect rife pliatenl at an timer wherever k+catrd. f7) That be will at his own expense keep the Cotlatcnl insured in a mmpuny satisfactory
<br />I. Secured Party against bss, as appropriate, by theft, collision, fire and extended curemge, with hues payable to Secure,( Party as its interest mayiappear, and u• 11 on
<br />demand deliver said policies u) insurance or fum(sh plrx)f, of such in to Secured Party. CS j At t65 option Seemed Party may procure sock usurance, discharge
<br />taxes. liens or minty interests n other encumbranctis at any time levied or laced n the Collateral -cod may pay fur the repair of any damage ur injuryp to nr for rile
<br />preservation :uul mat tenance of the Collateni. Debtor agrees to reimburse Secured P:,rty un r and file any payment + rnprnse incurred by Secured Irarty pursuant
<br />lu the foregoing auth- tratmn. ltntil vxh •imhursemcnt, the amount f any such paymaut, with interest at the ate u( 9 %r. per annum from the date of payment until
<br />reimbursement, shalt Ire added to the indebtedness uwnl by Debtor and slmll be seemed b. tit-, ayrnentent. (9) That he will not use the Collateral in ei lotion of any
<br />applicable sratute, rcgulauon or and if any of nc� Cullatc -I iv motor vehicle. the NOf not tic rented, used i+ rental service nor in any speed ur endurance
<br />cnrttest. (ld) Urba,r will pay Secured party : y and all costs and expenses incurred in n,or<nng possession of the Collateral and incurred in enforcing this security
<br />agrcemettt, nd the ante shall be secured by thris security agreement.
<br />VNTiL DEP :ICI,T Dchtor cosy have pn 9set,on Of elm Collateral and use it env Lnyiui manner not inrnrua.znt .'fell this agreement and not inconsistent with
<br />any �licy of sunnce thrtrol, nd pm dt fatdt Secured Party shall h:n•r the immMiate tght n, rirc t— session of the Collateral.
<br />)!»IITOR SNALI III, IN a DE'VA I'LT 'der this agreement mlwn the happening of auy ui A+r fulluwingg vcros,r unditlons; (I) default iii the payment o'
<br />performance of any ebfigation, covenant or liability ntained or referent to hereto or in env note rvidrncing thrrsamt; (_') . ray warnnsy, represenmtipn m statement
<br />seeds or [urnishni to Secured Part, by o , t Itehnif nf�DebMr Droves to have been false in aqy material respaet whin made or furnished f3) any event which results it
<br />the acceleration ni the maturity a i the iodcbtedneax of Debtor to others under any indenture. agrccrttrnt or undertaking; (4) 1—. theft. damage, destruction sale rr
<br />encumhnncc to or of any of the Cultarei�l, or the making ,I anv levy, seiture or attachment thereof nr thercon; (5) death, dissolution; termination of existence, in-1,
<br />Y. hnsinesa failure, Dptirmrmrnt f a receiver ul any part of the pr.pr ly of, assignment for nc, :,: -rift of creditors by, nr the commencement Many proceeding under
<br />soy t+ankrufltcyy or
<br />inwirency taws by or against 1)ebox or any guanntnr ur surety for Debtor.
<br />LUp" SC -Cf1 1)f;I•'AC'L.T and at a v nme thereafter, ur if t d-In, itself nx ore. Secu—I Party may deck— all Ohligatioly seemed hereby immediatei)• due
<br />and parable and .,ba I have ncc r medirsn of a secured ya rty uudrr the Nrhraska rC ,liiorm Commercial Code. S'eo'ul Party may require Debtor to assemble the
<br />Collateral and deliver or make it av:ulab!r 1, Secured Parry al a playa• to he designated by Secured P' y which is r awnabiy cri— voiaatt to broth parties. 1'nless the
<br />Cokatcea[ perishable er threatens to decline speedily in rnlue or iv of a type custumanly w>Id on cogni ed market. Secured Party will give Debtor tea —ble
<br />nonce of the «me .cod Place u(a y public Hale Ihercof or of the time after .hich :my private sale �i m vroth, intended dim—non there.rf is to Ire made. The require.
<br />meats of re so table notice shall i,c met i• .,uch notice is maile,l, pov1age prepaid, ro the address of it sh,,.r+ at the trtginntng of this agreement at Ieam five days
<br />bciorr the time of the safe o dispsivon�
<br />N. vital er by Se.,urcd R.ny of any default shall npemtc as a w ' or of n she, deia'd, - of the .-me default on a future occasion. The taking of this security
<br />agneemmt iihzo ivotnal• se unrt;mpair any other security said Secunty pill, rn . h..— ,, ,rrr:,iter xc I,m for the paxmenr of the al-cr 3ndv redness, nor shall the taking
<br />f rnptir this s curity agreement; kilt •yid tircnn,l P—v r r r..,rt con any •r uriiy it may have in the onlee it may deem proper,
<br />and rtw ithst;mding a t rihntenit security, Secured Party shall retail, ii, ngl;ts o sc«,fi againstmDebtor. ...
<br />4h1 rights.d Seeurtd Party hereunder shall in re to urn beueiit of its su .. r.d asdgn,; :cod all promiacv :cod furies of DeLmr .halt Lind his heirs, esccuton
<br />cr ad isiratnr or his its successors ,r, signs. f( there br n , than our ryi lrl�r��.. ,.,,,r balrilinrs hereunder shad be point and sr -al.
<br />This agreement Aallrbecome e(fee,live when it is signed by Debtor.
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