- -- - - - —
<br />i rr ,
<br />1 11 Am by 9bot Vtotan K, That whereas, on the ............ sh-- _-- _--- -- ---%!d -daY o
<br />f September 1984 + In -_ an- aeLLon- in_,the.- aietrict.- Court -• of• -- the• - Eleyenth•-
<br />Ju ci41_ D atri4F.. of - tha;.. s4�!'ti . 9 _ eln�sk!1 .................. - •- ---- -- •-- ..__ ......- ------
<br />within and for ....... .... ..... _ •. ........... HALL.... . .................... ...........- °................ -.. .....County, in the State of Nebraska, 1
<br />Thug Overland National Sank of Grand Islard,Nebraska pjainlitf_..., recovered a judgment against
<br />• h .. .. .. ......._...- •- -._.....B --_... f- --- •--°- ----..._. __-.-......_-.._..- -- •--- ......
<br />Consultants, Inc. , etal •.. .... defendant...".., for the sum of -Sixty -four
<br />(, Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Four and 26/100( $64,894.26) Dollars and casts of suit, taxed at
<br />I
<br />I-.. - -- -- .... ... _.. -- -- _... . - .... _- Dollars.
<br />... ........_.. -- -- ..- - • .... .................... .. .__......
<br />--------------------------------------------- . - - - - -- --- .- .--- •- •------- - - - - -- - -- --- ----------- ......- ..------------ •-- - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- : • - -._ ! j�
<br />{!, i 21nb IftereA0, afterward, an execution was issued by the Clerk of said District Court under the seal thereof, I i!
<br />its j
<br />bearing date ......._..__1 -st_ -- .......day of. .__...._- F- a -bFua ;Y ................ .. ...........
<br />..... 99.x.5.... i
<br />directed to the Sheriff qf. -...... Hall ... ....County, A'cbraska, commanding him to
<br />levy the same upon the goods and chattels and for want thereof, uport the lands and tenements of said C u 1 tams,
<br />Inc.,, -A Nebraska Corporation, etal
<br />. . ..
<br />Defendant-.1- sti icient to satisfy the amount found due the piaint((f.. _. upon said judgment and costs as rjorrsaad
<br />with interest thereon and accrued costs, the Sheriff as aforesaid, did vin the...___ .._. - -.... 11 [h ... ...___ _... ... ..
<br />I
<br />I"
<br />March J35
<br />day of ... ---...__. -...__ for want of goods and chattels. lery upon and sez-e
<br />ui
<br />the lands and tenements of the said ._Consultants, Inc.
<br />__... _ - .. -- _._ .. -_ .. .
<br />Defendant... _, hereinafter described.
<br />!Rnb `ftereag said Sheriff, under and by virtue of said execution, having•ftrst given due and legal notice of fire
<br />time and place of sale for more than Ill irty days prior thereto by publishing a notice of the same in. The Grand Island
<br />. .........
<br />Dai- ly_,Itufepeneien -t_ ... _ _, a newsImper printed and'of general circulation in said.. .G.iLy_of..Cranrl. Island
<br />W.
<br />.......... .. .. ......._..._ Courdy qr, . _... .. . Ha(.1. ._ . ..... did sell said lands and tenements at public auction to
<br />The Overland National Bank of Grand Islanri Grand Island Nebraska
<br />...................
<br />the a� otze ITar d0
<br />��� 7ec to I .liens at ranee ;
<br />, n fore . o a l lst��[ 814eb as 9. a�snd ..210 er in_the. Dist..v�d�erx ..
<br />f recorU i in at'i� r ee n hems e Lb t
<br />tming file highest bidder therefor, which sate was afterwards, at the_ January. 1st
<br />term of said District Court, A. 1). 19 85.. examined and confirmed, and the said Sheri•ji' teas ordered Io ronrey the said
<br />i
<br />t The Overland National;iank of•Qrand Island
<br />premises rn,(ee srmp,r to surd_ __.. _._.. .
<br />Charles F._ Fairbanks
<br />_..._..s�RfQen /•.._- ...:. -, ti'hrri(f of said
<br />- - Hall
<br />Counly as aforesaid• in consideration of lite premiss and i,y rirtue
<br />of the 1ouwrs vested in lire by lau, and the decree of said court, tto hereby give. grant and corary to the surd The Overland
<br />National Bank of Grand Island
<br />. _ ........ .. .... ... _ - ... __... heirs and assigns, the, premises .w as aforesaid
<br />old. lo- vadt: y
<br />The East Thirty (30) Feet of Lot Eleven (11) and all of Lot Twelve (12),
<br />a s. ..__.._... .. .. ....
<br />in Block Two (2) of Boggs and Hill's Addition to the City of Grand Island,Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />.. ........... _.. .. -.. ...
<br />( !
<br />trifle the- apprvtenunces.
<br />TO *abe anb to fpofb the bame arrjo llie soot The Overland National Bank of
<br />Grand Island
<br />lt,irs amt ossign.s. and Iu th,in and 01, 41, use rind behool •forrtrr
<br />stn Mestimonp Whereof, l have as ma -sheriff hereunto srl nvy hand this l st
<br />April
<br />day of A. jr), L7 85
<br />_a
<br />l:'rreulr<ri and rtrlitwrrd ut prrernee „f - �
<br />tie r, a Ha 1 I
<br />R.L. Williams ),
<br />a
<br />