1�5 001692
<br />,r II �fs.s MORTGAGE FORM III)
<br />abig 3naentnrer Ittnde and Executed Ihl% 8th day of April A. D 1985
<br />by amt between Ruben E. Meier and Joyce A. Meier
<br />party of the first part,
<br />andi'rhe tlrnnhn National Rank party of the second part.
<br />WITNESSMI. that the said party of the first part• for still In consideration of I S 300,000.00 1 Three
<br />Hundred Thousand and no/ 100------------------------------------ - - - - -- DOLLARS, paid by said party of the
<br />second part. the receipt whereof is hereby aeknr.wlertged, has granted. bargained, field and conveyed• and by these presents,
<br />dm•% grant, bargain, sell and com ey, unto sail parl� ul the ser•.nd part the following described read property situate In the
<br />County of Hall and Stifle ref Nebianka. to-wit:
<br />South Half (SO of Northwest Quarter (NWt) 13 -12 -9 in Hall County, Nebraska and SEE ATTACHMENT
<br />b +gather tenth all the tenemruls. heredltamenls awl appurtenances to the some belonging. and all the estate, title, dower
<br />right tit homestend, cinnns anti demands whntsoecer of the said party of the first part of, In or to said premises or any part,
<br />thereof: and said party of the first part does her.•hy covenant, that said party of the first part Is lawfully seised of said prom•
<br />iota..., that "n.tl Ia eni tse:;:ur tree horn incunlbrance and thnt saldparly of the first part will warrant and defend the title to said
<br />prrinis.v ,rl;:un.,t IIa- lawrul'Ininis and demands of all persons whomsoever,
<br />PROCIVI:D ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditions:
<br />WIIEREAS, sold party of the first part has executed and delivered to the said party of the second part a
<br />pt- omisaoi,ynote dated April 8, 1985and allmodifications, renewals or extensions thereof.
<br />and whereaa. the Tinily of the first part hair agreed to keep the buildings, It any, upon said premises. utPured in some com•
<br />litany or compoinies approved by Pad party of the second part, f or the full Insurable value against Ions by fire and windstorm with
<br />extended covernge and deliver to sold party of the second part the policy or policies containing a standard mortgage clause with
<br />the lints payable to saki party of the nand part, or assigns, still has agreed to pay all taxes and assessments against said pt em.
<br />Ines before the same, by law, become delinquent, and has agreed that It said party of the first part does not provide such
<br />Insurance, or frills to pay all taxes as nforesald, then said party of the second part, or holder hereof, may pay such Insurance
<br />and taxes, or either or them, and all amounts no pall by said party of the second part shall hear Interest at the rate of nine
<br />per rent per annum from the date of payment, and this mortgage shall stand as security therefor• and snld mtin may be
<br />added to the amount of the mortgage do M, and the same recovered an a part thereof. Now. It the said party of the first part
<br />shall well and truly pay or cause to he paid the Paid sum of money In said note .....mentioned, with Interest thereon accord.
<br />Ing to the lean• and effect of natd note and shall keep said buildings insured as nforesald. sad shall keep all taxes and
<br />assessments field, sold shall (July keep, and perform all the other covenanlq and agreements herein contained, then these
<br />presents to he null and void. But It said suits of money or any part thereof, or any interest thereon. Is not paid when the same
<br />Is duc, fir If said Mtlidings shall not he keppt Insured as alorena W, or If the taxes and assessments against maid premises are
<br />not bald at or before the time the name become by law delinquent, or If Paid party of the first part shalt fall to keep and
<br />priforrn tiny covenants herein contained the hnider hereof shall have the option to declare the whole of said Indebtedness due and
<br />;ate able
<br />at any Rote after assets failure or delmilt, and may main lain an action at law or equity to recover the same, and the com•
<br />earneernent of Pilch actin nbrill be the only notice of the exercise of said option required.
<br />ANT) iT 13 "rItTIMIt PRovnirr) ANT) AGIMPT), That the sold Mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes levied upon this
<br />mortgage or the debt gecured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied under the Laws of
<br />Nebraska, against the said lifortgngee or the legal holder of the Paid principal note .on account of this Indebtedness.
<br />AND IT 1% FURTHER PROVIDED AND AGRFED, that tthe undrrn t @@tied MontRtatnr% covenant and a nee with the Mortgagee
<br />that one nl the , nndltlons the miskint flit% hose o% that the Mnntatm% do and wilt nrilieue to, .w•n and nr rupy the real relate
<br />herein des. filed aP the person I nSSlcatr cfwelllnR nr ,he mot IV rc •.n Inns as thl% montage end the said note sec fired hereby, nr
<br />any pan rhere,d, remamn .npatA. 11 ai may Ilme, whsle the mar! a e is in effect and the note Inc which this more age 1% fven as
<br />'c - ^sty ^• wry ;.,r• •hr f•r.L rcmo I ap,i . the an:A• ^ + ^•r•d nE'.�.cpc:c -r!! zr =.:r. ry •hc r-af -•etc he.cj, -, rtur .:•r auv
<br />part rhrrr of. nr the 6trrlgator% An nnf hgeP or rase to 4tove Lill to %aid real Palate or any. Pori thereof or cease to personally
<br />rupy the eprit real estate aP Iht• „ rvnle Awellsnri of the under%Itn•vl, then and in ant, ouch event%, ihP Mnrltagatae ,nay, si it%
<br />tips no. der late Ihr• unpaod nnnc opal halance. and in l error, of the note secured hereby immediotfly due end pave le.
<br />Jn Xpeotimonp Wbereotr the undcrsignPC berate dCClare thai this mortoage shall ;orve as
<br />collateral security for the indebtedness of Mei- Rub -Bill Holsteins, INC., to Omaha National Bank.
<br />IN PRESr.NCE Or
<br />ubPrier
<br />_ }flare 1P, Meier
<br />RrAT11 fir VIVIMASRA On IhIP....__...._.Sl.._1 - .._ clay of___ .•i�.,la.,.+_ -. .._..�, A. h, lA�`�..-
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<br />i•,mniy of before me, a Notary Publle In and for The said County personally amt Ihr to
<br />its tit ell ...1.. ^,..�Y. .°.®... .:.m,..._.._ .Li..g;.t.. .i...__.° _. j.,1r�...To..�'......�'�.a_... .�_.L �t�_.)<w _...__.....
<br />known to flit iF
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<br />t8a¢Attr soltsy Stair ql tPaR+flrlai a.. grunt, +r and Arknowleriged sgld Ins nentttul to hr. .l I
<br />t t na i.. U+'16t art and deed .
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