<br />�lllll
<br />I ' i AROW sit mien ZOO �t�s ,�yy NN}�+ R5== 00161 �i�
<br />Eleventh a•.LDt,i�.7f That, Wherms, In an adian in the Didrid Court o the! "I
<br />I i
<br />----• ........ ...............Jadiciat District of the %der of Nsbrasha, within and or the C __
<br />Comm_ eri_cal Federal Savin s and Loart Association A Cor rat '+1��II
<br />Tewfik S. - ...... - -.....- _.Pe._--- - -- - -- -- -- - ........... ...... L..........._ -..Pa - ion......- - - -- ...._.p(aintig...and j lh
<br />( Kawa, Janet P. Kawa eta!
<br />II� _.._ ................._...._............-_...------......_......_...._.._.._...._..._.......----.._........--
<br />111 Commerical Federal Savin wand Loan Aasoc.l !ii
<br />Januar 1st defendants_ ! .
<br />d the__- ... - -- _.._.� :..... ............._......._.Term. A. D. }985... of said court,.-PP - -- --- -- --...._.._..,--- -- ....._.._...-.. .......8_.._...._.....----- ---- ... ---- -•�-
<br />1 I did obtain a dara
<br />fu+dme Hurt there is due from Tex. k.._ S. r.. iW_ 41. a.._ Ja - d.3. e. t ..x...KAtAtB.- ....- ._.......... - -
<br />Commerical Federal Savin a and Loan Association j {iII
<br />( b -- - -- - -... _ _.- ......._........-- .- ........ -g - ---- ._ - ° -- -- ... ...... ............. .._......... - . .............................. .. ............ . _
<br />- - Thousand Seven Rundred_- Ninety Ttiao._anci 85 100 - -te a . dill
<br />Fift
<br />lilt _:. _.. - - ._ .. ..... .....
<br />I
<br />and owls of suit tared at..- ............................ _
<br />....... . .............
<br />_dollars, and. whereas it was the the lj!I'
<br />!' f or'dnrd in the said aclian that in default of the payment n /the .sum "found due by the said Twef ik S. Kawa and
<br />and
<br />Janet P. Kawa
<br />- -- - -
<br />s Ilal ......._ Charles Fairbanks... ............
<br />t oneriff of :aid %ounty of -...
<br />Hall
<br />.. ...... - .. -.. !
<br />�� -- - - -- -- .should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be f�
<br />.. .
<br />advertised and sold according !o tau• to pay the same, und, whereas, defardl having been made /herein. the said. ......_._.. i
<br />h j Charles Fairbanks
<br />u
<br />... _ ;h
<br />. - enff of said mur
<br />II ¢y, under and by virtue of the said deem and
<br />Me order of Sale to him Italy duetted, did on the.. _ . 13th
<br />day of February.
<br />- . Grand Island
<br />� at the lover__ lobby
<br />i(iild(�ilrrf the f- `aunty Court Ilnrrw in lle city_
<br />o
<br />in acid County of Hall ..._ ... ..........
<br />'•aoeng first given due and legal rwlice of the time and place ajsaid rate
<br />ilia � - ... .. __.
<br />P.y Publication on" in each creek for four ucr s.rirr as•eds m lh Grand Is land Dai 1 Independent
<br />P
<br />.. -....-
<br />_ x
<br />circulation m said County of H 11 ......__...., a Beres aper pn 1
<br />'pled and in genrro q�
<br />sell said premises at public auction to. Commerical I !
<br />l FgcTeral Sa-vinga -$nd Loan As "Ociatio.n.., - !orlhesumaf.__._.. Y...... .
<br />Hundred and 00 /100 ($55,800.00) Fift Five Thousand Eight
<br />I . -.... d a .._ ' - _dollars, u:hwh sale was ale Jan. 18 t .. court,
<br />afterward al 11+r.. -.... ...... .
<br />A. D., !9 85., examined oral confirmed and A, said.. Charles ea Fa - -Term of card co ,
<br />url '
<br />... ..... Fair ........as mch Sheriff, ordered
<br />to eORveY the said premises in fee simple to the said ... .. .. Savings _ .._._ ... _. ....................
<br />harles..Fairbanks _
<br />g Commerical Federal Savin s and Loan Association
<br />Aotn 4rherefort, h, the said _ c.
<br />.. _.11ll.l... ... - ..�herrp of the County of
<br />...... -.... - is aforesaid. in cou aternlion n the
<br />-- - -- - J premiss and t virtue
<br />Y of the pnurra vested in nu 6y law �
<br />dxrce of said court do hereby Give, Grant and Convey to the Said_ Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br />'
<br />! _. ...
<br />.... a4kdiyi.sion located.....
<br />Lot Three (31, Bl2sk Txo..(2) .in.we.stzoade. Estates S-ecOJttl s.
<br />-heirs and assigns, the premises so as aforesaid sold, to wuL• i !
<br />(35 the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast carter (NW NE
<br />-.
<br />Q...) of...Section Thirty- five;k,'!j
<br />Twonshi p Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th PM, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />STAMP,
<br />TAX
<br />l ..... _..... .
<br />......... .
<br />_._ ...........
<br />... .
<br />�o babe ana to with the aPPur•Penanees-
<br />01b tht l�Ame anlolhesmd Commerical Federal._Savings and ,Loan
<br />-
<br />... ..- .........Mira and assigns, and to Plum and t.tieur use and 6rhaa
<br />n �e�timonp iltereof, 1 hoer as such .tihrn ?, herrurdo -I env hand Ou'a.... _
<br />Jfarcerr.
<br />March 14th
<br />A. n., x985.. _ day of
<br />b'muted nrwl drGsrrnt in !he• ,. � ._ ...:.._... `
<br />.... Presence rf _
<br />R.L. Williams
<br />.... .... .. _ ..... ... _. - t:aurrty. Nebraska.
<br />ATE OF /VEBRASKi 1, = =_=
<br />as. ,I
<br />Ctnahaf._ ...............Hall. I onthu 1 t, t h . dayrf ._ March
<br />t9._85 , Wow" ,w. the undere4ju i ...__ Rodger L. Williams
<br />ar unit far sold eaunly, Personally uppnved the nand
<br />Chart e F -
<br />e. Fairbanks
<br />to roe prrannally d mare to lr Ih rGntua! Perron roh o signed Me f1wrwirtl _.- ..SlurifJ of mlei (:Serra•
<br />he rekrureledpat tl a Ram' t" 1M 1, ra nude dwy rut and deed, as such shir r irulruwunt ru grant, crud
<br />aswL ( harin set Jorlh. ff, jar lire rues and purposes t°
<br />s�, e falw#1111111kilwoll and rQieral real the day and Year nbove written.
<br />