No. 12771
<br />Doe. 14 _ page 4n
<br />hi which is a proceeding involvilly_ probate of will
<br />(Pr"u" v/ will, udiniltisir"liot, of estate, determination of heirs, determination
<br />in Which Pl-occediiiy lite following described real
<br />ildleriiallce lax, fluardia'(shill, ur rullservalurs up
<br />estate is involved, to-wit:
<br />iW4P
<br />Undivided one—half (1/2)
<br />interest in and to:
<br />Northwest Quarter (NVI/4) Of Section
<br />Twenty—six (26), Township Nine (9),
<br />J,j f
<br />Range Ten (10), Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Couillu Judge of said countu
<br />BU
<br />caum". Clerk of the County Courl
<br />Section 24,;519. "In anti proceeding in he county court involving (/)the p rubule of Ilials under the provisions of Chapter 30, article
<br />(2) the administration Of estates under the Provisions of Chapter 30, article 3, (3) the determination of heirs under the provisions of
<br />Chapter 30. -licit 17, (4) the d9iffirlinalion of inheritance lax under the provisions of Chapter 77. article 20, (5) guardianships
<br />under theplavisions of Chapter 38. article 1. 2. 3. or 4, or (6) ronservulorshilos under the provisions of Chapter 38,
<br />real estate I . 8 ang Pall Of tire assets of the estate or proceeding, the cuuntu judge before whu'll the Plumdiny is pending OrUcle 9. where
<br />certwicate which shall be /fled with flit register of deed Ill shull issue a
<br />descriptle 5 of the County in which lite re estate is located within ten dolls after the
<br />a Of the real estate is filed in the proceeding. ............,
<br />Lip
<br />1i
<br />__1
<br />F.
<br />111,11 I I IV I I IVU& 91'{ eal Latate
<br />11:):6�,14
<br />March 27, 1985
<br />Date----
<br />001514
<br />5�
<br />IN
<br />VIL.' (:UUN7,y C(jU11,1, 01,-,
<br />OU
<br />C NTY, NEBI?Asli,l
<br />R
<br />"lis is 10 ceflVill that there is pending in the Guul11U Gola., of
<br />Adams
<br />Nebras*a, a proceedijjy eillilled:
<br />In the Matter of the Estate of Clifford D. Losee, Deceased
<br />No. 12771
<br />Doe. 14 _ page 4n
<br />hi which is a proceeding involvilly_ probate of will
<br />(Pr"u" v/ will, udiniltisir"liot, of estate, determination of heirs, determination
<br />in Which Pl-occediiiy lite following described real
<br />ildleriiallce lax, fluardia'(shill, ur rullservalurs up
<br />estate is involved, to-wit:
<br />iW4P
<br />Undivided one—half (1/2)
<br />interest in and to:
<br />Northwest Quarter (NVI/4) Of Section
<br />Twenty—six (26), Township Nine (9),
<br />J,j f
<br />Range Ten (10), Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Couillu Judge of said countu
<br />BU
<br />caum". Clerk of the County Courl
<br />Section 24,;519. "In anti proceeding in he county court involving (/)the p rubule of Ilials under the provisions of Chapter 30, article
<br />(2) the administration Of estates under the Provisions of Chapter 30, article 3, (3) the determination of heirs under the provisions of
<br />Chapter 30. -licit 17, (4) the d9iffirlinalion of inheritance lax under the provisions of Chapter 77. article 20, (5) guardianships
<br />under theplavisions of Chapter 38. article 1. 2. 3. or 4, or (6) ronservulorshilos under the provisions of Chapter 38,
<br />real estate I . 8 ang Pall Of tire assets of the estate or proceeding, the cuuntu judge before whu'll the Plumdiny is pending OrUcle 9. where
<br />certwicate which shall be /fled with flit register of deed Ill shull issue a
<br />descriptle 5 of the County in which lite re estate is located within ten dolls after the
<br />a Of the real estate is filed in the proceeding. ............,
<br />Lip
<br />1i
<br />__1
<br />